Republican draft legislation to replace Obamacare leaked.



Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011

It's only the first draft but here are the basic bullet points of it. More could be added to the bill and it could be changed altogether depending on what proposed during the state of the union.

The some of the things I didn't see that will concern people is that there is nothing in the bill that requires insurance companies to cover and continue covering people with preexisting conditions. Also expect birth control to become an issue. I was an opponent of Obamacare but it did make other forms of birth control besides the pill more affordable. Also there is no provision in the bill for people between the ages of 18-26 to stay on their parents insurance. That will also be an issue.

  • The bill would eliminate subsidies for people to obtain coverage, and federal funds for states to expand Medicaid would be phased out in 2020.
  • The mandate for people to buy insurance would also be killed.
  • The plan calls for a tax credit, which would increase based on a person’s age, to help recipients afford insurance. The credit would be between $2,000 and $4,000. The lowest amount would be for people under 30, who would receive $2,000 annually.
  • The plan also includes $10 billion per year in “state innovation grants,” which are a version of high-risk pools but appear to allow for a broader array of uses for the money by states. The money could be used by states to help sick people get coverage and stabilize premiums.
  • The alternative to ObamaCare’s individual mandate, the plan would allow insurers to charge people 30 percent more on their premiums if they had a gap in coverage and then signed up again.
  • The plan also includes a “per capita cap” for Medicaid, which imposes a per-person cap on federal spending on Medicaid.
  • The plan would immediately eliminate tax penalties for people who do not have insurance and employers that do not offer it.
  • The plan is paid for in part through a proposal to start taxing more generous employer-sponsored health insurance plans. The proposal would start taxing plans above the 90th percentile of premiums.
  • prohibit federal funding to Planned Parenthood and abortion providers: Under the bill, no funding from the federal government to the states could be provided to any organization that "provides abortions" except in the cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Planned Parenthood would appear to fall under this category. House Republicans have moved to defund the organization previously.
  • Allow those on an individual insurance plan from before the ACA to continue their coverage: Previously, those in individual health plans before Obamacare would eventually have to switch from their old plans onto a new exchange plan. The replacement bill would allow insurers to continue to offer these grandfathered plans and for people to stay on them in perpetuity.
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Is this from the WH or is this the House of Rep. wish list? Because Trump is on record saying pre existing conditions and no lifetime cap on coverage would remain part of his healthcare plan.
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The insurance companies are going to love this. They get go back to only insuring only healthy people, booting people who get sick and limiting lifetime coverage. Now that's populism in action.
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The insurance companies are going to love this. They get go back to only insuring only healthy people, booting people who get sick and limiting lifetime coverage. Now that's populism in action.

I wish they could do something where I pay for my own insurance and not help pay everyone elses
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Insurance is only part of the problem. Need to do something to address the cost of healthcare
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I wish they could do something where I pay for my own insurance and not help pay everyone elses

You'll be old some day. The basic premise behind health insurance is that there is a balance of the insured. Some healthy, some sick, but there is a balance between the two.
That is how most company plans work. New employees are healthy and they offset older sicker employees. In the end the costs balance out.
The ACA tried to achieve that, but the number of people without insurance that were sick overpowered the enrolled healthy ones. This was a result of years of insurance companies refusing or penalizing people with "pre existing" conditions.
How the republicans can fix this is beyond me. What they need to do is provide a government insurance option for the sick. I'll see what they do, but I don't think people are going to be happy with it.
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Is this from the WH or is this the House of Rep. wish list? Because Trump is on record saying pre existing conditions and no lifetime cap on coverage would remain part of his healthcare plan.

The House of Representatives and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Lamar Alexander is the Chairman.
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Some interesting ideas here. It's at least a platform to start earnest discussion. It's important to know the fiscal impact, of course.

Oh wait.

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I like Dr Rand Paul's plan better

Rand Paul's plan eliminates permanent protections for people with pre-existing conditions. His plan also proposes a $5000 health savings account. But the average ER visit costs $1,233. It's ok for a single person with no pre-existing conditions. Paul's bill would be dead in the House because it doesn't fully repeal Obamacare (which I have no problems with because Obamacare needs to have the bad aspects gutted from it and replace with legislation that works). Also the tax credit in his plan is nonrefundable. Paul's bill would ensure that credits only apply to individuals with payroll and income tax obligations. Neither of the 2 plans address the how to bring down the cost of healthcare either.
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They should repeal and replace it now. I work in construction and my wife is an independent insurance agent and neither of us are provided insurance through our employer. We bust our a$$ to be able to afford our 1800 sq ft house. We have one car, two kids and one is severely handicapped who gets nothing as far as government help. We are broke every month. We receive no subsidy because our combined income is too much. Roughly 90k a year. This $hit is a yoke that my family can't bear. Our premium went from $700 to $1200 in one year which is more than our mortgage. It makes me sick to see these jokes get free insurance or heavily subsidized because they are too lazy and sorry to get it on their own. I don't f'n get it. How would the people who support this feel if their car insurance sky rocketed so we could share the load of the traffic violator's and DUIers because it's "unfair" that they should have to pay for their lifestyle choices. How cAn you provide insurance to people without underwriting it. The democrats are killing the working man to play to their weak and unwilling base. Liberals truly are killing America.
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The insurance companies are going to love this. They get go back to only insuring only healthy people, booting people who get sick and limiting lifetime coverage. Now that's populism in action.

Yeah lets keep the health insurance tax right? The ACA was a monumental failure. Sorry your golden boy and worthless party couldnt come up with anything better than forcing a tax on all Americans.
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Insurance is only part of the problem. Need to do something to address the cost of healthcare

Its an extremely difficult problem with no easy solution. Everyone deserves access to affordable, top notch medical care. But how is that possible in todays society? The pharmaceutical industry is to boame yes. But its only part of the problem as well. It takes huge amounts of research, development and money to come up with the most state of the art machines, drugs and treatments. How do you offset those costs?
^ This.

One of the reasons I like Trump..since he got with big Pharma and told them they need to cut prices.

Maybe it works and the sick can get better on the cheap..who knows.

I feel like making medications affordable will be something that comes down the line maybe next year (Scratch that. Next year is midterms and there is no way they would pass a bill like that before the midterms.) I wouldn't expect a vote on an Obamacare repeal and replace bill until April, May. Then the Senate and House Bills have to go through reconciliation. Then the House and Senate must vote on bills that they have each agreed on. A bill won't hit Trump's desk until July/August at the earliest. September/October if there is heavy Democrat resistance.
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The Repussicans aren't going to follow through on repealing Obamacare. They may not have voted it into law, but they're not innocent either.
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You'll be old some day. The basic premise behind health insurance is that there is a balance of the insured. Some healthy, some sick, but there is a balance between the two.
That is how most company plans work. New employees are healthy and they offset older sicker employees. In the end the costs balance out.
The ACA tried to achieve that, but the number of people without insurance that were sick overpowered the enrolled healthy ones. This was a result of years of insurance companies refusing or penalizing people with "pre existing" conditions.
How the republicans can fix this is beyond me. What they need to do is provide a government insurance option for the sick. I'll see what they do, but I don't think people are going to be happy with it.

All I know is my insurance went from free to 100 dollars a month to close to 400 to now 800.... don't care how it got to that point but it pisses me off when I see illegals, people that don't want to work, or messed theirselves up with drugs getting free healthcare.
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The House of Representatives and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Lamar Alexander is the Chairman.

Ok. We'll see how much of this remains in tact when it hits Trump's desk. These two items I mentioned are about the only things I thought the ACA got right.
.until free for service returns.. the system will remain a mess. Cost and reinbursements are never aligned. You pay into a system and your responibity is never know until months later..
This is one reason I believe Obamacare will not be fully repealed in the end.

"Watson also voted for Donald Trump, believing the businessman would bring change. She dismissed his campaign pledges to scrap the Affordable Care Act as bluster. Now, as she watches the new president push to kill the law that provided her with a critical lifeline, Watson finds herself among many Trump supporters who must reconcile their votes with worries about the future of their healthcare."

This Trump voter is torn between support for the president and an Obamacare plan that saved her life - Chicago Tribune
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