The left doesn't like her because she owns guns, her husband is in the oil industry and she likes to talk about "freedoms"
Instead of trying to put words in the mouths of some amorphous group, why don't you just list the reasons why you either like Palin or do not like her?
For example, I do not like Palin's following policy stances:
1. She is anti-immigration and anti-amnesty. I think that as a country that holds itself up as a bastion of freedom and liberty it is a bit inconsistent and hypocritical to put so many barriers in the way of coming to this country to work.
2. She has a military-interventionist foreign policy stance and she has no foreign policy experience. I would be fine with a POTUS who had no foreign policy experience if said POTUS was an isolationist; however, wanting to get involved in something one knows nothing about is a disaster waiting to happen.
3. She throws around the word 'socialism' almost every time she speaks regarding the DNC; yet, GWB and the GOP Congress were plenty socialist and anti-capitalist, themselves (as is McCain, e.g. the McCain-Feingold Act).
4. She is anti-abortion in each and every situation, to include rape.
5. She supported Bush's bailout plan; then railed against Obama's (yet, took the money for Alaska), i.e. she is a hypocrite.
6. She is against provided marriage benefits to same-sex couples, i.e. she is against what even a Civil Union would provide.
7. She is pro-death penalty.