Republicans Opposing Legal Immigration

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And for fact-checking purposes

View attachment 495374

So most "immigrants" these days just don't bother to apply for asylum or other legal entry, they just bypass ports of entry and head inland; that way they never have to worry about 10% or 20% approval rates. Theoretically the correct process is to apply for asylum once removed from danger ... which for most would be in Mexico. Theoretically, if a person tries to enter the country without proper credentials like a passport (and sometimes a visa), that person should be turned back and not allowed to cross the border - that's not happening either since most illegals don't bother with legal ports of entry. The worst offender is our own government that collects illegal border crossers and turns them loose rather than turning them back - at least the small percentage they manage to collect in the first place.
IDK where the line is, but if we shot people on sight for illegally immigrating or hiring or helping immigrants, that would probably take care of the problem, but that's not palatable. There are less extreme measures that might work but also wouldn't be palatable. I mean, can we go harsher than where we already are? However you feel about the current system, I don't think it's politically possible to go much harsher. It's not popular enough.

I'm not interested in harsh solutions. It's supposed to be a free country.

Sentry guns at the border. Sounds good.
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We have anti-immigration deniers all over VN (and the Republican party). I've heard it many, many times. "All Republicans support immigration. They only oppose illegal immigration." Which is demonstrably false. This thread is all about proving that. I don't care to debate the merits of immigration here, tho I'm sure that will happen. I'm just gonna have this thread as a reference guide for the deniers. Example:

View attachment 495294

So whenever somebody says something like:

I'm going to point them to this thread.
Well if that one guy tweeted it….
Unless you are willing to take in 3B of the worlds poor and say another 1B CCP political refugees...lets call it 4B people..then you are against "legal" immigration.
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I might be incorrect, but I seem to remember Trump reducing legal immigration to those that were coming to this country to get free handouts instead of contributing positively to society. We absolutely should be more strict in who we allow in, not allowing places like Cuba to flush their toilets into the streets of America.

The Mariana Boat lift? Catsro dumped his prisons on our shores and you can bet it is happening again.
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Let's wait and see what happens this Halloween with the Fentanyl crap. We let a bunch of unvetted people roll into our country, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they don't try and kill thousands of our kids with Fentanyl this year during Halloween. Much easier to kill our kids and strike fear in the minds of the people than blow anything up.
OP is dead on correct. The GOP stance on immigration -- pretending it it only illegal immigration they oppose -- has always been false. A lie to cover their appeal to white birthright resentments.
OP is dead on correct. The GOP stance on immigration -- pretending it it only illegal immigration they oppose -- has always been false. A lie to cover their appeal to white birthright resentments.

It’s mighty racist of you to suggest that AAs and other minorities aren’t allowed to be Republicans.
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OP is dead on correct. The GOP stance on immigration -- pretending it it only illegal immigration they oppose -- has always been false. A lie to cover their appeal to white birthright resentments.

Really? The entire GOP’s stance is to end all immigration? I mean dang, it truly is amazing how dumb some come across.

The democrat’s stance is to have all children mutilated without the child’s parents knowing.

I love when we just throw out stupid blanket coverage statements on a group. Love it.
Really? The entire GOP’s stance is to end all immigration? I mean dang, it truly is amazing how dumb some come across.

The democrat’s stance is to have all children mutilated without the child’s parents knowing.

I love when we just throw out stupid blanket coverage statements on a group. Love it.

Not all. But it's a major tenet of their campaigns for decades. That ought to give you a hint who they are appealing to.
I spoke to one of my resellers today..a very good client especially this year, in the Industrial Wastewater Industry. 30 years in the industry.
$25 starting wages plus benefits at a small poultry facility near here.

I am sure an immigrant would salivate. But do they pay taxes? I dont believe any links..because that would entail SS fraud.

Complex issue leading to cost/benefit ratio, how many..etc. But the flood is unsustainable and the drugs..oh my.

I gotta say that some poor dumbass liberal art self entitled 22 year old with $100,000 debt (was) better get off his ass just got passed by a worker. My Father shoveled ice on chickens in college. I was a janitor at Sears in college (pre forklift operator)..Get to work and being coddled is ruining your life.
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Any interest on weighing in here?

Sure. But it ought to balance a lot of things, a lot of ideals:

1) economic needs of the State
2) expense
3) ability of the State to absorb it
4) human compassion
5) alternatives which give weight to the above

To name a few. I just don't think the GOP candidates do much other than lip service to # 2 and use it as a guuse to shield the less noble of their interests.

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