Rest In Peace

Orlando Cepeda 😔😔

Tough week for the other side of the Bay
That is crazy bc norcal mentioned that book on 1964 and i knew it was st louis and nyy.

I was curious when cepeda became a cardinal bc i rem from ballcards he was with the giants first.

I was on his wiki page less than 2 hrs ago, and story on his death says 50 mins on the timestamp.
Orlando Cepeda 😔😔

Tough week for the other side of the Bay
Wow, a flashback to one of my most odd sports live events. The triple play by the Braves in 69’ vs the Cubs. Too long ago to accurately recall all the names and sequence, but it started with him feilding a screaming one hopper at first with runners in 2nd and 3rd. He stepped on the bag, threw behind the runner at 3rd and play went SOMETHING like 3,5,2,6,1,4, 7 as 2nd baseman tagged runner out going back to 3rd and then threw to LF Rico Carty who alertly ran in to cover 2nd and get that retreating runner. 7 men handled the ball on a triple play. Guessing that is a record, especially for a ball that never left the infield. May have sequence wrong.

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