Rest In Peace

RIP Robert Dale Broadrick.

My cousins 17 year son. The grandson of my uncle that lost his daughter last year to a heart attack.

He was mowing around a pond on a cab tractor and it slid in the water and over on the side with the door. He drowned. This was about an hour ago.

Me and my cousin were really close when I lived in Tennessee. I was just with my uncle fishing last month. I'd never met Robert. I hate this for my uncle and cousin.

Just never know when or how.
That is so terrible and sad, prayers for all of the family......
Been a loooooooong time since I've heard that name. RIP
old Southeastern Championship out of Knoxville with Les Thatcher, remember him well, then on Georgia Wrestling I can still hear Gordon Solie calling him "The Boston Battler"
then the big change with all the gimmicks
his shoot interviews are great
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RIP to all the people that burned to death at one of their concerts

That video of all those people stuck in the exit as the building turned into an inferno is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen on the internet. Taught me to always know where the exits are when I’m in a music venue or packed bar.
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