Rest In Peace

Heard it on the radio on the way to see Star Wars. Mom pulled the car over on the side of the interstate crying. Me and my brother didn't get it.
I penciled it on the kitchen door jamb when it flashed across the news. 3:45pm 16 August, 1977 if my memory is correct.
Heard it on the radio on the way to see Star Wars. Mom pulled the car over on the side of the interstate crying. Me and my brother didn't get it.
My mom and I had pulled into the parking lot of the drugstore. I remember her turning the car and stopping on the side of the building. I couldn't figure out why we didn't go park. At the time I didn't understand why she was so immediately emotional.
Still do. Highly recommend the candlelight vigil for the entertainment value.
Oh yeah, I've been at least a couple of times, it is highly entertaining. I went to that a couple of weeks before I moved away from Memphis long ago, we were sitting in the middle of Elvis Presley Blvd drinking quarts of beer. I know this is terrible, we used doughnuts as candle holders.
Oh yeah, I've been at least a couple of times, it is highly entertaining. I went to that a couple of weeks before I moved away from Memphis long ago, we were sitting in the middle of Elvis Presley Blvd drinking quarts of beer. I know this is terrible, we used doughnuts as candle holders.

We had checklists for different Elvis impersonators. Tall, little, kid, black, woman, etc.
This is something I just posted crazy stuff man.. lulz

There’s a more graphic video on YouTube showing the people stuck in the exit door about a minute before the whole building went up in flames. It’s really disturbing knowing that most of them are about to die.
Dirt track racing legend Scott Bloomquist is believed to be the sole fatality in the crash of a single-engine, vintage plane on the Bloomquist family farm in Tennessee on Friday morning.
Dirt track racing legend Scott Bloomquist is believed to be the sole fatality in the crash of a single-engine, vintage plane on the Bloomquist family farm in Tennessee on Friday morning.
Aw, man… I understand his love for the old J3 aircraft. So sorry he couldn’t avoid the building and bring it down safely.
Dirt track racing legend Scott Bloomquist is believed to be the sole fatality in the crash of a single-engine, vintage plane on the Bloomquist family farm in Tennessee on Friday morning.
Dang, that’s sad. RIP. I had a lot of hours in a Cub; sweet little plane. Broke my hand propping one (wooden prop.)
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