Rex Ryan: "Zach Rogers Really Stood Out"

I have said this before on VN. If Hunter had not gone down at the start of the 2011 Florida game, we might have won that game, and it may have been a springboard to an 8 or 9 win season. Also, Bray getting his thumb broken later that year was big.

Just look at the Cincinnati game in 2011. It was the ONLY game that Dooley had all of his players healthy, and the previous Wilcox defensive staff. Tennessee was a pretty good football team that day. If we had won 8 or 9 games in 2011, maybe the defensive staff would have stayed( I am certainly not sure of that). If that staff had stayed, then 2012 might have been a 9-10 win season. Dooley was a lot closer than some realize. The change on the defensive side was his downfall.

I am not wishing for Dooley to come back, but I really think that he hardly ever had a full deck to deal from. He tried to emulate Saban without Saban's roster.

I agree. I think Dooley was an above average recruiter, an average coach (with a few strokes of brilliance on special teams like at Bama or the fake field goal against missouri even), and probably good or great with the admin stuff. But he was without question the unluckiest coach I've ever seen. The Dooley Rule, 13 men on the field, Hunter's ACL, Bray's thumb, all of it was just one uncontrollable thing after the next (you can argue 13 men on the field, but we know damn well that that could've happened to any coach, it just happened to him).

I don't want him back, but even if he WERE as good as saban, with the luck he had he never would've made it.
I agree. I think Dooley was an above average recruiter, an average coach (with a few strokes of brilliance on special teams like at Bama or the fake field goal against missouri even), and probably good or great with the admin stuff. But he was without question the unluckiest coach I've ever seen. The Dooley Rule, 13 men on the field, Hunter's ACL, Bray's thumb, all of it was just one uncontrollable thing after the next (you can argue 13 men on the field, but we know damn well that that could've happened to any coach, it just happened to him).

I don't want him back, but even if he WERE as good as saban, with the luck he had he never would've made it.
I agree with every thing that you said, and I will tell you who I think was the luckiest coach, and that is Phil Fulmer. I made the statement back in about 2002 or so that U.T. was just a few bad breaks away from being a 6-6 team, because we were barely pulling games out of the fire at the end, and not playing to our potential. Whatever year it was that Adrian Foster fumbled into or near the endzone against Alabama was the year that the ball bounced the wrong way for Fulmer, and it went down hill from there.
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I agree. I think Dooley was an above average recruiter, an average coach (with a few strokes of brilliance on special teams like at Bama or the fake field goal against missouri even), and probably good or great with the admin stuff. But he was without question the unluckiest coach I've ever seen. The Dooley Rule, 13 men on the field, Hunter's ACL, Bray's thumb, all of it was just one uncontrollable thing after the next (you can argue 13 men on the field, but we know damn well that that could've happened to any coach, it just happened to him).

I don't want him back, but even if he WERE as good as saban, with the luck he had he never would've made it.

He had no control of his team and his players didn't want to play hard for him. They said as much when they finally played hard and beat UK after he was fired. Not to mention his teams routinely got annihilated in the second half of games, year after year. His players would quit on him.

If you think these are signs of him just being "unlucky," I'll just have to shake my head.
You don't go 17-20 in the WAC and then 15-21 at UT because of luck. Maybe luck loses you one game or maybe you have one bad year, but no, sorry, you don't have a three year run that makes you the worst coach in UT's 100+ year history simply because of bad luck. That's utter stupidity.
I know we had CP and Hunter who were our home run hitters, but IMO Zach was a better hands guy than either of them. He caught everything thrown his way and made some amazing catches doing it. Over the middle, down the field, tip toe sidelines...He could be the next Wayne Chrebet for the Jets if they can just get a decent QB to throw him the ball.
I agree with every thing that you said, and I will tell you who I think was the luckiest coach, and that is Phil Fulmer. I made the statement back in about 2002 or so that U.T. was just a few bad breaks away from being a 6-6 team, because we were barely pulling games out of the fire at the end, and not playing to our potential. Whatever year it was that Adrian Foster fumbled into or near the endzone against Alabama was the year that the ball bounced the wrong way for Fulmer, and it went down hill from there.

Arian didn't have the fumble against Bama.
I know we had CP and Hunter who were our home run hitters, but IMO Zach was a better hands guy than either of them. He caught everything thrown his way and made some amazing catches doing it. Over the middle, down the field, tip toe sidelines...He could be the next Wayne Chrebet for the Jets if they can just get a decent QB to throw him the ball.

Zach really turned his game around his senior year and made tons of great plays and amazing catches. I really hope he can keep that momentum up in the NFL and make it on a roster. I think he has the quicks to make some plays if he can stay healthy and keep his play consistent.
I know we had CP and Hunter who were our home run hitters, but IMO Zach was a better hands guy than either of them. He caught everything thrown his way and made some amazing catches doing it. Over the middle, down the field, tip toe sidelines...He could be the next Wayne Chrebet for the Jets if they can just get a decent QB to throw him the ball.

I've said this about a million times, but ZR really reminds me of Randall Cobb. He's a shorter, very fast receiver with great hands. I think his height is going to keep him from ever being a #1 guy and he is going to need to put on about 20 pounds, but if he can gain some weight and maintain his speed/agility, he's going to be a solid NFL player.
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You don't go 17-20 in the WAC and then 15-21 at UT because of luck. Maybe luck loses you one game or maybe you have one bad year, but no, sorry, you don't have a three year run that makes you the worst coach in UT's 100+ year history simply because of bad luck. That's utter stupidity.
I don't believe that anybody said that his record was due simply to his bad luck. The poster said that Dooley had horrible luck, to which I agreed. Utter stupidity to me is someone thinking that any coach going into Louisiana Tech and Tennessee when Dooley did should have a sparkling record.
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I've said this about a million times, but ZR really reminds me of Randall Cobb. He's a shorter, very fast receiver with great hands. I think his height is going to keep him from ever being a #1 guy and he is going to need to put on about 20 pounds, but if he can gain some weight and maintain his speed/agility, he's going to be a solid NFL player.

I agree that he could probably use a little more weight, but there are plenty of receivers out there in the NFL that have been successful that aren't that big... Wayne Chrebet was a very popular and successful Jet at 5'10" 190 lbs. Zach's hands are phenomenal. And he's incredibly smart. I believe he will be just fine in the NFL. Here is a little feature UT did on their one lone senior receiver.

Zach Rogers Feature - YouTube
Who was academically ineligible?

Some of the possible reasons that we lost to Kentucky were that we had 3 turnovers in the second half. 2 Bray int's and one fumble by Neal from the Wildcat formation on Kentucky's 8 yard line on first down. Also, we never made more than one first down on our last 3 possessions.

I saw somewhere that at least Da'Rick was academically ineligible for the bowl. This was a big discussion right after I got on VN last year (if you remember that was a concern last spring). It seems like nearly the entire upcoming Jr class (i.e. Bray's class) was ineligible for post season or in some sort of trouble. I know why we lost to KY, Bray and Da'Rick mailed it in. That was obvious from play 1. The two "offensive leaders" were just that, offensive.
Plays hard.
Smart player.
Has a nose for the ball.
Elusive speed.
High motor.
Always in the right time at the same place.

AKA White Lightning.
Dooley did a lot of the behind the scenes work that we are able to take advantage of now. He reorganized and set the ground work. He also brought in some world class athletes. When he broke his hip, you guys ran him off like a limp coonhound. He did a lot for Tennessee and continually bashing him is childish to say the least. That said...I was a very happy man when Butch chose us over Colorado. I'm an Ohio guy and a Butch guy all the way.

The Last Doohican.
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I agree that he could probably use a little more weight, but there are plenty of receivers out there in the NFL that have been successful that aren't that big... Wayne Chrebet was a very popular and successful Jet at 5'10" 190 lbs. Zach's hands are phenomenal. And he's incredibly smart. I believe he will be just fine in the NFL. Here is a little feature UT did on their one lone senior receiver.

Zach Rogers Feature - YouTube

I wouldn't say his hands are phenomenal. He put together a good senior year, but before that, he was not consistent.

I'm glad he's doing well and look to see him play on Sundays.
He had no control of his team and his players didn't want to play hard for him. They said as much when they finally played hard and beat UK after he was fired. Not to mention his teams routinely got annihilated in the second half of games, year after year. His players would quit on him.

If you think these are signs of him just being "unlucky," I'll just have to shake my head.

There is no such thing as "the team didnt want to win."

And anyone who says this has never competed at a medium to high level at any sport. I would say a High school level too, but they basically let you on the team no matter what nowadays. Doesn't matter if you good or not.

And we beat Kentucky bc they suck......
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I posted this before with no one agreeing but I seriously think think Zack will be a very good NFL receiver with a better career than Hunter or DR.

CP will be an elite player in the NFL.

No disrespect to Hunter and C.P ....but Zach Rodgers was ten times more reliable with catching the ball than Hunter,and ten times more capable to getting routes run than C.P. He would be there,catching the ball...period.yeah,he got it done for us. Ole reliable......for when the flash boys cant get it done!.gif

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