Rhode Island 21 - Duke 12

i've explained it many times, but I hate father/son coaching combos and it all started at the same time UT had Wade and Allan.

OK, I see how someone who was in the process of developing his fandom would have been turned off of UT during the Wade era.

But, I don't understand the hate in the present. We're winning, and we're entertaining. Volwindy annoyingly prefers Duke basketball too, but (s)he isn't dumping on the Vols.

It's your right. It just seems kinda silly.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
OK, I see how someone who was in the process of developing his fandom would have been turned off of UT during the Wade era.

But, I don't understand the hate in the present. We're winning, and we're entertaining. Volwindy annoyingly prefers Duke basketball too, but (s)he isn't dumping on the Vols.

It's your right. It just seems kinda silly.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

i actually think it would be worse if i quit "dumping" on the vols just because of Pearl and their recent success. I've never liked them and I"m not about to change that now. Outside of adding my two colleges to my list of teams I cheer for, I am a complete monogamist when it comes to cheering. One team and one team only for each sport.
OK, I see how someone who was in the process of developing his fandom would have been turned off of UT during the Wade era.

But, I don't understand the hate in the present. We're winning, and we're entertaining. Volwindy annoyingly prefers Duke basketball too, but (s)he isn't dumping on the Vols.

It's your right. It just seems kinda silly.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Nice assumption, but you would be wrong. My allegiance is to Tenn first. I've gone and paid for more Tenn basketball games than I have Duke which is up to a total of $0.00 for Duke. I am a big Duke basketball fan yes, but don't try and dismiss my preference for the vols just because you think otherwise.
Nice assumption, but you would be wrong. My allegiance is to Tenn first. I've gone and paid for more Tenn basketball games than I have Duke which is up to a total of $0.00 for Duke. I am a big Duke basketball fan yes, but don't try and dismiss my preference for the vols just because you think otherwise.

Posted via VolNation Mobile
Nice assumption, but you would be wrong. My allegiance is to Tenn first. I've gone and paid for more Tenn basketball games than I have Duke which is up to a total of $0.00 for Duke. I am a big Duke basketball fan yes, but don't try and dismiss my preference for the vols just because you think otherwise.

It wasn't an assumption. It was a mistake. It's been several months. I forgot.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

There's more than one way to interpret that. I think it's better to support the same school(s) for all sports. The polygamist is he who cherry-picks the best of each school and sport. But, I do admire your loyalty.
There's more than one way to interpret that. I think it's better to support the same school(s) for all sports. The polygamist is he who cherry-picks the best of each school and sport. But, I do admire your loyalty.

well, tennessee has been the best once, and duke hasn't been the best in quite a while so I don't how to take that.
Nice assumption, but you would be wrong. My allegiance is to Tenn first. I've gone and paid for more Tenn basketball games than I have Duke which is up to a total of $0.00 for Duke. I am a big Duke basketball fan yes, but don't try and dismiss my preference for the vols just because you think otherwise.

We think exactly alike. Its hard being a Dukie and a Vol at the same time. Head to head, I would pull for the Vols anyday. I lived in Durham for several years and the passion for the team in that area captivated me years ago. Go Duke!...and GO VOLS!
We think exactly alike. Its hard being a Dukie and a Vol at the same time. Head to head, I would pull for the Vols anyday. I lived in Durham for several years and the passion for the team in that area captivated me years ago. Go Duke!...and GO VOLS!

I'm sorry dude, but that's wrong on so many levels.
I'm sorry dude, but that's wrong on so many levels.

Why come? Who says you can only like one school? I could see if I like UT and Bama, or UT and Florida, but I dont. These teams rarely play, and when they do I would pull for UT any day of the week. Like volwindy, I have gone to so many UT events (basketball, baseball, football, even a track meet once) and I have never spent a dime on Duke. I would like to go to a game, but never have of any of their sports.
I've been in ACC land for 8 years, and I'll watch some games (if its the only football I got). Unless you were a Tennessee fan and you went to college at duke, I could understand that. To me that's like being a yankees fan just because they win
I've been in ACC land for 8 years, and I'll watch some games (if its the only football I got). Unless you were a Tennessee fan and you went to college at duke, I could understand that. To me that's like being a yankees fan just because they win

I can understand that logic. I am most certainly not a bandwagon fan. Hell I got a UT-Football shirt on today and they blow hard. I am also a Phins fan in NFL, and prior to this season I have had to weather some tough s***.
I can understand that logic. I am most certainly not a bandwagon fan. Hell I got a UT-Football shirt on today and they blow hard. I am also a Phins fan in NFL, and prior to this season I have had to weather some tough s***.

Yeah I bet. I know people that are fans of mulitiple schools. And 95% of the time its always the teams that always win, bandwagon fans for sure.
Yeah I bet. I know people that are fans of mulitiple schools. And 95% of the time its always the teams that always win, bandwagon fans for sure.

if I was in that boat I definitely wouldn't be a UT fan in football and a Duke bball fan of late. I chose my teams when I was 7 or younger and can't change them now.
Yeah I bet. I know people that are fans of mulitiple schools. And 95% of the time its always the teams that always win, bandwagon fans for sure.

Example...Yanks, RSox, etc

Here in Chattanooga, 5-6 years ago you could drive around all day and not see one Florida fan. All of a sudden since they started winning, I see their crap everywhere. I am not saying everyone should become fans of sucky schools, but its just funny how fickle people's loyalty to school's really are. I hate Bama more than any other school in America, but one thing I will give them is their fan loyalty for the most part. Although its mainly ignorance, they would root for their team in a battle with God.
Example...Yanks, RSox, etc

Here in Chattanooga, 5-6 years ago you could drive around all day and not see one Florida fan. All of a sudden since they started winning, I see their crap everywhere. I am not saying everyone should become fans of sucky schools, but its just funny how fickle people's loyalty to school's really are. I hate Bama more than any other school in America, but one thing I will give them is their fan loyalty for the most part. Although its mainly ignorance, they would root for their team in a battle with God.

The mentality of true fans
if I was in that boat I definitely wouldn't be a UT fan in football and a Duke bball fan of late. I chose my teams when I was 7 or younger and can't change them now.

Same here....all my sports preferances (UT, Duke, Dolphins, Rusty Wallace, Magic) were all picked at a young age.
We think exactly alike. Its hard being a Dukie and a Vol at the same time. Head to head, I would pull for the Vols anyday. I lived in Durham for several years and the passion for the team in that area captivated me years ago. Go Duke!...and GO VOLS!


Why come? Who says you can only like one school? I could see if I like UT and Bama, or UT and Florida, but I dont. These teams rarely play, and when they do I would pull for UT any day of the week. Like volwindy, I have gone to so many UT events (basketball, baseball, football, even a track meet once) and I have never spent a dime on Duke. I would like to go to a game, but never have of any of their sports.
Exactly again!

I've been in ACC land for 8 years, and I'll watch some games (if its the only football I got). Unless you were a Tennessee fan and you went to college at duke, I could understand that. To me that's like being a yankees fan just because they win

What exactly has Duke been winning to be a bandwagon fan? I have my reasons for liking Duke, but it certaintly isn't because they are winning, if that were the case I should be cheering on UNC in the ACC, not Duke.
Who is you driver now that Rusty's retired?

I dunno. The sport has changed so much, and it has became all about who has more money. I honestly didn't watch more than 3 races all year. I really like Kahne and Newman though.

BTW, I know u asked Volwindy but I do support Duke football. I actually remember the good year with Spurrier back in the day.

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