Richmond is taking down Confederate statues: Is this the end for other Confederate memorials?

It's actually the root of the word "pussy" in the manner you used it. The other general usage of the word "pussy" as an epithet for female anatomy comes from the old Saxon word for "pocket."

I have no life. Never have, never will. Pusilanimous is actually in my phone's autocorrect bank.
Well I’ve learned something new today….
It's actually the root of the word "pussy" in the manner you used it. The other general usage of the word "pussy" as an epithet for female anatomy comes from the old Saxon word for "pocket."

I have no life. Never have, never will. Pusilanimous is actually in my phone's autocorrect bank.

One of my favorite lesser known facts
Said it a millions a million and one............

Take down every statue of anyone why owned slaves....or was simply racist.
Bye, bye, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Franklin..................among MANY others
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Do you realize it's dumb to argue against bias while displaying bias? I'm just curious what you think that accomplishes? It's okay to have an opinion that you don't like the statues and you want to see them removed, but you don't get to say who is and is not a "real American". This isn't a nation of "everyone must think like me or else".

Oh please! He doesn't even realize he can't meme.
Said it a millions a million and one............

Take down every statue of anyone why owned slaves....or was simply racist.
Bye, bye, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Franklin..................among MANY others
Why stop there? Take down any statue, monument, whatever that anyone finds offensive for any reason. One complaint and it's gone. No exceptions.
Why stop there? Take down any statue, monument, whatever that anyone finds offensive for any reason. One complaint and it's gone. No exceptions.
It is utterly absurd and ignorant that some people don't know anything about history. Who said and did what?

It would shock people, if they would only open a book and read.
Why stop there? Take down any statue, monument, whatever that anyone finds offensive for any reason. One complaint and it's gone. No exceptions.

Looks like Cap'n Moral Equivalence has entered the room.

You see no difference between (1) erecting a statue for a man who's claim to fame-and the reason he is being honored--was fighting specifically to preserve the institution of slavery, and (2) erecting a statue to a person who is famous for doing X, but who also happened to own slaves?

For the record, I'm not in favor of removing statues of Jefferson and Washington, because we're not honoring them for their views on slavery/civil rights, but as founders of the US.

The idea that there's some slippery slope if you remove confederate monuments is silly and intellectually dishonest.
Looks like Cap'n Moral Equivalence has entered the room.

You see no difference between (1) erecting a statue for a man who's claim to fame-and the reason he is being honored--was fighting specifically to preserve the institution of slavery, and (2) erecting a statue to a person who is famous for doing X, but who also happened to own slaves?

For the record, I'm not in favor of removing statues of Jefferson and Washington, because we're not honoring them for their views on slavery/civil rights, but as founders of the US.

The idea that there's some slippery slope if you remove confederate monuments is silly and intellectually dishonest.
Lee wasn't fighting for the preservation of slavery. He fought for Virginia. As was customary at the time, he identified more as a Virginian than an American. As time has progressed, we've drifted away from states' rights as the federal government has become bloated with powers it was never meant to hold. There were many reasons the Civil War was fought. Yes, slavery was a key issue, but it was not the only issue. To break it all down to just slavery is to ignore history.
We should remove statues and monuments of all traitors who fought against the US. Including Indians, John brown, Che, George Floyd. Bunch of losers
America's largest Confederate statue is removed: Richmond's Robert E. Lee monument comes down in VICTORY for BLM and will now be sent to Goochland Women's Correctional Center

  • Last year, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced it would be brought down in light of the BLM movement
  • The new capsule contains 39 'artifacts' including a BLM sticker, a 'Virginia is for lovers' Pride sticker, an expired COVID vaccine and pictures from a Stop Asian Hate Protest
The crowds of spectators cheered, whooped then broke into song, chanting 'Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye' as it was lowered to the ground. They also chanted 'Black Lives Matter'.





Virginia Governor Ralph Northam watches the Robert E. Lee statue being removed on Wednesday morning. He ordered the statue's removal last summer after George Floyd's death

Virginia's enormous General Robert E. Lee statue is removed in huge victory for BLM | Daily Mail Online
America's largest Confederate statue is removed: Richmond's Robert E. Lee monument comes down in VICTORY for BLM and will now be sent to Goochland Women's Correctional Center

  • Last year, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced it would be brought down in light of the BLM movement
  • The new capsule contains 39 'artifacts' including a BLM sticker, a 'Virginia is for lovers' Pride sticker, an expired COVID vaccine and pictures from a Stop Asian Hate Protest
The crowds of spectators cheered, whooped then broke into song, chanting 'Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye' as it was lowered to the ground. They also chanted 'Black Lives Matter'.





Virginia Governor Ralph Northam watches the Robert E. Lee statue being removed on Wednesday morning. He ordered the statue's removal last summer after George Floyd's death

Virginia's enormous General Robert E. Lee statue is removed in huge victory for BLM | Daily Mail Online

Atta boy RALPH!!!!


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