Richmond is taking down Confederate statues: Is this the end for other Confederate memorials?

You can do that, but if you kill the tree you could probably be responsible for paying for it.

I’m just playing devils advocate. If I remember my tort law classes, that might fall under nuisance but it would have to interrupt his use and enjoyment of the property. Something like that. It was a long time ago.
$1000 for fuel for a week sounds pretty reasonable to me. So are you sold on the climate change killer vs the sail version?

Nothing beats the Moorings as far as sailing but the water maker on board is the game changer. If you're looking to sail, then it's a no brainer but we were looking to get from point a to point b, drink heavily and scuba (not in that order).

I may try the Moorings power cat next time but there's a new MarineMax 54 that is pretty nice.

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I’m just playing devils advocate. If I remember my tort law classes, that might fall under nuisance but it would have to interrupt his use and enjoyment of the property. Something like that. It was a long time ago.

I want to put a fence up in my back yard (on my property line) but cant because the trees on the property line either belong to (or mostly belong to my neighbor) who could afford to bury me in legal costs. He's a duke grad so I'm thinking that I will erect a 15 foot fence and paint it carolina blue on his side and illuminate it at night.
I want to put a fence up in my back yard (on my property line) but cant because the trees on the property line either belong to (or mostly belong to my neighbor) who could afford to bury me in legal costs. He's a duke grad so I'm thinking that I will erect a 15 foot fence and paint it carolina blue on his side and illuminate it at night.

Lol. My wife, a UNC alum, would love that solution.
I want to put a fence up in my back yard (on my property line) but cant because the trees on the property line either belong to (or mostly belong to my neighbor) who could afford to bury me in legal costs. He's a duke grad so I'm thinking that I will erect a 15 foot fence and paint it carolina blue on his side and illuminate it at night.

What about bringing the fence back off the property line a bit? Or is that no go? Ours has to be either six or twelve (?) inches off the property line if we put one in.
I want to put a fence up in my back yard (on my property line) but cant because the trees on the property line either belong to (or mostly belong to my neighbor) who could afford to bury me in legal costs. He's a duke grad so I'm thinking that I will erect a 15 foot fence and paint it carolina blue on his side and illuminate it at night.
I never worked with any Duke grads, plenty of vandy, ga tech and purdue morons though. It's amazing how many school graduates think they are superior to another when they all suck at preparing someone for the real world.
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Yes I did. Just because some people think something "offends" them doesn't mean it should be torn down. We have developed a nation of pussies and at some point our kids or grandkids are going to reap what we have sown. I'm just glad I won't be around to see it.

For the statues being removed that were erected to send a negative message to a particular group of people, bringing them down is the right thing to do.

We'll still have plenty of monuments to an age where some Americans were such pusilanimous individuals that they had to enshrine their hatred and turn others away from equality.
Am I just gonna get some Simon and Garfunkel from you @Weezer

As I previously stated, it's pointless, because you choose not to understand.

If the people of Charlottesville as a whole decided to remove the statues, fine. If it was purely a local government decision, then it's censorship.
The government is the one doing the speaking though. They can decide if they wanna change the message they're conveying. That's no more censorship than you deciding to remove a "back the blue" bumper sticker from your car after participating in the Capital riot.
Government speaks for the people. At least that's how it's supposed to be in this country.

The words of Abraham Lincoln (ironically since he didn't actually respect the concept)

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For the statues being removed that were erected to send a negative message to a particular group of people, bringing them down is the right thing to do.

We'll still have plenty of monuments to an age where some Americans were such pusilanimous individuals that they had to enshrine their hatred and turn others away from equality.
What part of your ass did you find this word? You must have a thesaurus in your lap so you can conjour up words that most people don't hear on a regular day.
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What part of your ass did you find this word? You must have a thesaurus in your lap so you can conjour up words that most people don't hear on a regular day.

It's actually the root of the word "pussy" in the manner you used it. The other general usage of the word "pussy" as an epithet for female anatomy comes from the old Saxon word for "pocket."

I have no life. Never have, never will. Pusilanimous is actually in my phone's autocorrect bank.
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Government speaks for the people. At least that's how it's supposed to be in this country.

The words of Abraham Lincoln (ironically since he didn't actually respect the concept)


Pretty obvious he didn’t believe his own ********.
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It's actually the root of the word "pussy" in the manner you used it. The other general usage of the word "pussy" as an epithet for female anatomy comes from the old Saxon word for "pocket."

I have no life. Never have, never will. Pusilanimous is actually in my phone's autocorrect bank.
You have a pussy stored in your phone. That is awesome dude!
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After a week, $904.60 was my fuel bill. Would recommend the MarineMax 484
That’s a power cat only. No sails at all right? And did you rent from the Moorings?

Edit: I looked it up. Apparently MarineMax is another rental company. Didn’t see who designed their boats but that is a really nice layout on that cat.
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I am not knowledgeable about the statues but if this is true, it seems like a valid reason.

“According to the AHA, memorials to the Confederacy erected during this period "were intended, in part, to obscure the terrorism required to overthrow Reconstruction, and to intimidate African Americans politically and isolate them from the mainstream of public life."

Among normal people, the discussion pretty much ends there. But here...
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For the statues being removed that were erected to send a negative message to a particular group of people, bringing them down is the right thing to do.

We'll still have plenty of monuments to an age where some Americans were such pusilanimous individuals that they had to enshrine their hatred and turn others away from equality.

Need a hanky to cry in?
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Walt Whitman Statue, a Target of Protests, to Be Removed From Center of Rutgers–Camden Campus


Rutgers University-Camden will remove a statue of the famous poet Walt Whitman from the center of campus as a result of activists’ petitions and a recommendation from a committee of scholars.

The statue of Whitman, featured prominently in the front courtyard of Camden’s Campus Center, will be “relocated to a historically relevant site on campus and contextualized,” Interim Chancellor Margaret Marsh recently announced in an email to students and employees.

A petition circulated last year stated that “the statue of Walt Whitman glorifies a man who we should not hold such a place of honor on our campus. … He instead stood for white supremacy and racism against Black and Indigenous Americans.”

Walt Whitman Statue, a Target of Protests, to Be Removed From Center of Rutgers–Camden Campus - Tennessee Star

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