Richmond is taking down Confederate statues: Is this the end for other Confederate memorials?

Stop there

Backdate it 20yrs

Still valid

Trump had a shot and did nothing. Biden at least got us out. Could have been done better but it was always going to be ugly

Biden ****ed this thing 7 ways from Sunday. There’s no at least we’re out. Cause we’re not out. We’re still bombing the wrong people from “over the horizon “ earning the hate that will result in an eventual mass casualty attack.
Did you look at that map? Dozens of "Confederate Symbols" in west TX with no lynchings, One monument in central FL with 21-25 lynchings. That map shows nothing.... Did you post this just to get 100 replies of how foolish this report is.... if so I'm sure Freak thanks you...

So you're disputing that they found correlation because of your ability to determine the relationship from the graphic? Are you rain man? Calling out outliers? Do you not know how data works?

But there are spots in the yellow part, too!
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So you're disputing that they found correlation because of your ability to determine the relationship from the graphic? Are you rain man? Calling out outliers? Do you not know how data works?

But there are spots in the yellow part, too!
No what I see are "Confederate Symbols" randomly dispersed across a geographical area where confederate battles were fought. I see these random markings covering a map that depicts lynching density. I also see that the spots with the highest lynching density appears to have some of the lowest symbol density. I can pick only one or possibly 3 areas of 11 or more lynchings that have more than one symbol. I guess if you look at this map on your phone it might correlate, but blow it up on a 24" monitor and things don't look so clear.
What I do find surprising is how few lynchings there were in TN and FL.....and for that matter how few counties have more than 5 lynchings. From the current media you'd have guessed there would have been 10's of thousands, with hundreds of counties having more than 25 each.
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No what I see are "Confederate Symbols" randomly dispersed across a geographical area where confederate battles were fought. I see these random markings covering a map that depicts lynching density. I also see that the spots with the highest lynching density appears to have some of the lowest symbol density. I can pick only one or possibly 3 areas of 11 or more lynchings that have more than one symbol. I guess if you look at this map on your phone it might correlate, but blow it up on a 24" monitor and things don't look so clear.
What I do find surprising is how few lynchings there were in TN and FL.....and for that matter how few counties have more than 5 lynchings. From the current media you'd have guessed there would have been 10's of thousands, with hundreds of counties having more than 25 each.

What in the actual ****
Biden ****ed this thing 7 ways from Sunday. There’s no at least we’re out. Cause we’re not out. We’re still bombing the wrong people from “over the horizon “ earning the hate that will result in an eventual mass casualty attack.

What do you know about it. All Biden did was comply with the agreement Trump and Pompeo negotiated.
I don't know of many countries where the war losers from other nations have statues erected and people demand they stay up.

Is there a statue of Napoleon in Russia?
Now do Yankee states with Union Memorials.

How dare we Southerners recognize and remember the men who went off to war.

You think there is going to be a correlation with Union memorials and lynching?

FTR, I don't think most southerners who want to preserve CW memorials are racist or bad or whatever. The problem isn't what the confederacy/confederates was/were, it's about what they've come to represent. Like it or not, the KKK and racist white supremacists co-opted the confederacy and distorted what it symbolizes. That's the reality. My belief is that there is a ton of misunderstanding about the Civil War, but we're likely never going clear that up (history has already been written by the winners, in this case), and if confederate monuments scare minorities and embolden racists, I figure it's not worth the fight.
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You think there is going to be a correlation with Union memorials and lynching?

FTR, I don't think most southerners who want to preserve CW memorials are racist or bad or whatever. The problem isn't what the confederacy/confederates was/were, it's about what they've come to represent. Like it or not, the KKK and racist white supremacists co-opted the confederacy and distorted what it symbolizes. That's the reality. My belief is that there is a ton of misunderstanding about the Civil War, but we're likely never going clear that up (history has already been written by the winners, in this case), and if confederate monuments scare minorities and embolden racists, I figure it's not worth the fight.

This will be the only time I ever willfully mention this group, but PragerU's breakdown of the Civil War is crystal clear, includes significant evidence for their claims, and spells out the timeline without mincing words.

The Articles of Secession for the Confederate States are also clear as a bell, each one mentioning slavery as the primary reason for leaving the union.

I may have my signals crossed and totally be missing what you're saying here, though.
This will be the only time I ever willfully mention this group, but PragerU's breakdown of the Civil War is crystal clear, includes significant evidence for their claims, and spells out the timeline without mincing words.

The Articles of Secession for the Confederate States are also clear as a bell, each one mentioning slavery as the primary reason for leaving the union.

I may have my signals crossed and totally be missing what you're saying here, though.

Most states seceded when they were ordered to invade South Carolina. You can fault the entire confederacy as an institution for its stance on slavery, but let's get more granular than that. Robert E Lee was for freeing the slaves in word and in deed. He fought for the confederacy but expressly not for the purposes of maintaining slavery. There is no good reason to oppose a Robert E Lee memorial, unless you wanna put guys like Jefferson and Washington in the crosshairs, too. Lee's monument is gone because he's not understood.
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