Richmond is taking down Confederate statues: Is this the end for other Confederate memorials?

Is suspending habeas corpus an American idea? How about threatening to jail SCOTUS judges if they do not rule your way, is that an American ideal?

The southern states legally seceded from the US, there is no provision in the constitution preventing secession and at that time no SCOTUS ruling on the subject. What Lincoln did after SC seceded is go against the American ideals of self determination and governance.

Haha yeah keep twisting this to support some romantic idea the south just wanted to go their own way and the big bad Yankees attacked them.

There is no provision allowing succession.

So the South couldn’t wait on a Supreme Court decision?

Succession violates the simple social contract.

But but but Lincoln...
Haha yeah keep twisting this to support some romantic idea the south just wanted to go their own way and the big bad Yankees attacked them.

There is no provision allowing succession.

So the South couldn’t wait on a Supreme Court decision?

Succession violates the simple social contract.

But but but Lincoln...

If there was no provision baring secession that means it was allowed. There wasn't a case before the Supreme Court until 1869, Lincoln couldn't have waited to start his war until there was a ruling? There is no such thing as a "social contract", that is the dumbest argument I have seen used to justify the war.

You are barking up the wrong tree thinking I have some romantic notions about the confederacy. We are much better off together than 2 separate nations, it is you that has a false romantic idea that Lincoln and the Union fought a noble and just war.
Happy Birthday To General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Born July 13, 1821 in Chapel Hill, Tennessee
Died October 29, 1877 in Memphis, Tennessee

3rd Tennessee Calvary
Forrest's Calvary Brigade
Forrest's Calvary Division
Forrest's Calvary Corps

"That devil Forrest...must be hunted down and killed if it takes ten thousand lives and bankrupts the federal treasury." Yankee general William T. Sherman

"After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our civil war produced on either side." Yankee general William T. Sherman

"That Forrest dude was an uneducated nobody." Historian Horton Foote
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2nd South Carolina string band! I've got a couple of their cds.

Their version of Dixie gives me chills!

They are great. I only came across them a couple of months ago. DIXIE is great, but I'm partial to SOUTHERN SOLDIER.

My great, great, grandpappy fought in the war. Was captured in Virginia in July 1864, transported to the Yankee prison at Point Lookout, Maryland, then transported to the Yankee prison in Elmira, New York.
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If there was no provision baring secession that means it was allowed. There wasn't a case before the Supreme Court until 1869, Lincoln couldn't have waited to start his war until there was a ruling? There is no such thing as a "social contract", that is the dumbest argument I have seen used to justify the war.

You are barking up the wrong tree thinking I have some romantic notions about the confederacy. We are much better off together than 2 separate nations, it is you that has a false romantic idea that Lincoln and the Union fought a noble and just war.

I get it, any argument that doesn't support this "great and noble southern cause to defy the Constitution" is "dumb. Because only the smart and righteous can decide to take up arms against the U.S. and lose.

"We are much better off together than 2 separate nations"You can go to D.C. and thank him at the Lincoln memorial. He did what he had to do to keep the U.S. whole.

Or don't and go celebrate defeat with them fellas in loser uniforms singing anti-Ameican songs.

It's okay to be Southern and not celebrate and try to justify succession.
I get it, any argument that doesn't support this "great and noble southern cause to defy the Constitution" is "dumb. Because only the smart and righteous can decide to take up arms against the U.S. and lose.

"We are much better off together than 2 separate nations"You can go to D.C. and thank him at the Lincoln memorial. He did what he had to do to keep the U.S. whole.

Or don't and go celebrate defeat with them fellas in loser uniforms singing anti-Ameican songs.

It's okay to be Southern and not celebrate and try to justify succession.

It’s also okay to actually learn about Lincoln’s actions and admit he was basically a tyrant and shouldn’t be celebrated.
I get it, any argument that doesn't support this "great and noble southern cause to defy the Constitution" is "dumb. Because only the smart and righteous can decide to take up arms against the U.S. and lose.

"We are much better off together than 2 separate nations"You can go to D.C. and thank him at the Lincoln memorial. He did what he had to do to keep the U.S. whole.

Or don't and go celebrate defeat with them fellas in loser uniforms singing anti-Ameican songs.

It's okay to be Southern and not celebrate and try to justify succession.

You didn't address me, but you continue to use the word SUCCESSION instead of SECESSION. Just pointing out your error.
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What is was and what it is now?? Haha

CSA and their sympathizers, hating America since 1861.
We're all entitled to our views but you seem to base yours on emotion instead of truth and you belittle opposing views with childish taunts instead of responding with facts. It's difficult to take such people seriously.
I get it, any argument that doesn't support this "great and noble southern cause to defy the Constitution" is "dumb. Because only the smart and righteous can decide to take up arms against the U.S. and lose.

"We are much better off together than 2 separate nations"You can go to D.C. and thank him at the Lincoln memorial. He did what he had to do to keep the U.S. whole.

Or don't and go celebrate defeat with them fellas in loser uniforms singing anti-Ameican songs.

It's okay to be Southern and not celebrate and try to justify succession.
Trying to justify secession over slavery isn’t the same thing as the very real discussion of if the Southern states had a right to secede
I get it, any argument that doesn't support this "great and noble southern cause to defy the Constitution" is "dumb. Because only the smart and righteous can decide to take up arms against the U.S. and lose.

"We are much better off together than 2 separate nations"You can go to D.C. and thank him at the Lincoln memorial. He did what he had to do to keep the U.S. whole.

Or don't and go celebrate defeat with them fellas in loser uniforms singing anti-Ameican songs.

It's okay to be Southern and not celebrate and try to justify succession.
You talking about the Indian tribes?
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I usually shy away from the PF forum …. hell the BBF(basket) is fractious enough but I would like to propose a question . Can anybody really argue that corn pop was a bad dude that ran with some bad boys ?
Happy Birthday To General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Born July 13, 1821 in Chapel Hill, Tennessee
Died October 29, 1877 in Memphis, Tennessee

3rd Tennessee Calvary
Forrest's Calvary Brigade
Forrest's Calvary Division
Forrest's Calvary Corps

"That devil Forrest...must be hunted down and killed if it takes ten thousand lives and bankrupts the federal treasury." Yankee general William T. Sherman

"After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our civil war produced on either side." Yankee general William T. Sherman

"That Forrest dude was an uneducated nobody." Historian Horton Foote
it’s a shame that half wit Shelby got all the notoriety. Sounds like Ol’ cousin Horton missed his calling and was the real historian in the Foote clan.

it’s a shame that half wit Shelby got all the notoriety. Sounds like Ol’ cousin Horton missed his calling and was the real historian in the Foote clan.

View attachment 472930

I will give "historian" Horton Foote a little credit, though, for being the voice of President Jefferson Davis in the PBS CIVIL WAR series.
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It’s also okay to actually learn about Lincoln’s actions and admit he was basically a tyrant and shouldn’t be celebrated.

Keep learning because if you honestly believe Lincoln was a tyrant then seek help. Your Google, social media and world of information is completely warped.

Speaking of tyrants, Davis was sworn in as a permanent president. CSA designed for much democracy.
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Trying to justify secession over slavery isn’t the same thing as the very real discussion of if the Southern states had a right to secede

Okay? Not sure where you saw slavey in my post.

The best I can justify is the south wanted enough state sovereignty to choose slavery.

So was succession about states rights, yes.
Was it about slavery, yes.
Might want to read up on your history a bit more. Also the Founding Fathers were pretty clear about their views on secession as well

Please show me on the Constitution where the Indian tribes signed.

Which founding fathers? Washington would not and did not support succession.

You need more information.
We're all entitled to our views but you seem to base yours on emotion instead of truth and you belittle opposing views with childish taunts instead of responding with facts. It's difficult to take such people seriously.

Here are some facts for you and I apologize if I am being to harsh for your liking.

The CSA formed and then left the United States of America.

The CSA failed to protect itself from the USA. Losing rhe war caused them to lose the CSA.

We have people that want to support the CSA and their ideals. Which are in opposition to American ideals.
You didn't address me, but you continue to use the word SUCCESSION instead of SECESSION. Just pointing out your error.

For years, I thought that you were a bot. Just posting click bait articles from trash websites.

I have addressed you but you can’t or don't want to see it.

Are you an American?
Here are some facts for you and I apologize if I am being to harsh for your liking.

The CSA formed and then left the United States of America.

The CSA failed to protect itself from the USA. Losing rhe war caused them to lose the CSA.

We have people that want to support the CSA and their ideals. Which are in opposition to American ideals.
No that's not harsh but thank you for your concern. I agree on points one and two. What CSA ideals which are in opposition to American ideals do some people support?
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Here are some facts for you and I apologize if I am being to harsh for your liking.

The CSA formed and then left the United States of America.

The CSA failed to protect itself from the USA. Losing rhe war caused them to lose the CSA.

We have people that want to support the CSA and their ideals. Which are in opposition to American ideals.

The CSA was formed AFTER states seceded from the US.


The constitution of the CSA was weighted more heavily in favor of the states than the US constitution but there were few differences between them in regards to citizen rights. The CSA constitution basically adopted the US BORs, so how can that be considered "in opposition to American ideals"?

Plus to your earlier post about Davis being "sworn in as a permanent president", that is 100% incorrect. The CSA presidents term was 6 years, you are confusing the "permanent president" with the fact he was elected president of the permanent CSA government after ratification of the constitution.

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