Another issue to point out with the Tea Partiers is the enormous contradiction some of them are living. Remember the NYT poll of a week ago? There's a story about a lady who was there wearing a shirt that said she was against taxation. But, she was holding a sign that says "don't touch my Medicare."
As she was being polled, she started to reason it out and literally changed her mind on the spot and quit the TP. The vast majority of TPers do not want Medicare or social security cut. Yet they complain that social spending is ruining us.
Another case in point: the fellow behind brick throwing into Democratic congresspeople's windows to protest excessive government spending? He lives on social security disability!!
At last year's 9/12 protest in DC, the organizers and protestors complained that the public transportation system they used to get there wasn't up to snuff.
These people do not comprehend their own theory.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Kerry was a POS long before the SBV silliness. His Vietnam debacle was pure political grandstanding and that makes him a douchebag. You won't find many officers that find him even remotely palatable, save this who have no idea how he raised his campaign money.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Another issue to point out with the Tea Partiers is the enormous contradiction some of them are living. Remember the NYT poll of a week ago? There's a story about a lady who was there wearing a shirt that said she was against taxation. But, she was holding a sign that says "don't touch my Medicare."
As she was being polled, she started to reason it out and literally changed her mind on the spot and quit the TP. The vast majority of TPers do not want Medicare or social security cut. Yet they complain that social spending is ruining us.
Another case in point: the fellow behind brick throwing into Democratic congresspeople's windows to protest excessive government spending? He lives on social security disability!!
At last year's 9/12 protest in DC, the organizers and protestors complained that the public transportation system they used to get there wasn't up to snuff.
These people do not comprehend their own theory.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
This appears to fall well short of a representative sampling.
Rather than continuing the personal attacks of its followers (that's also a fallacious argument, by the way), why not tell us why you oppose the TP movement, with the greatest specificity and detail as is possible.
Once known, I would suspect that we could only then have the proper framework by which to measure your beliefs and conclusions.
Simply, stop sniping and state your beliefs. Then, be prepared to both support and defend your conclusions. Absent your ability and/or willingness to do so, it's difficult to believe that you're anything other than a common fool, spewing nonsensically fallacious arguments for the mere attention it brings.
You know, like a court jester. Or most liberals.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Another issue to point out with the Tea Partiers is the enormous contradiction some of them are living. Remember the NYT poll of a week ago? There's a story about a lady who was there wearing a shirt that said she was against taxation. But, she was holding a sign that says "don't touch my Medicare."
As she was being polled, she started to reason it out and literally changed her mind on the spot and quit the TP. The vast majority of TPers do not want Medicare or social security cut. Yet they complain that social spending is ruining us.
Another case in point: the fellow behind brick throwing into Democratic congresspeople's windows to protest excessive government spending? He lives on social security disability!!
At last year's 9/12 protest in DC, the organizers and protestors complained that the public transportation system they used to get there wasn't up to snuff.
These people do not comprehend their own theory.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Another issue to point out with the Tea Partiers is the enormous contradiction some of them are living. Remember the NYT poll of a week ago? There's a story about a lady who was there wearing a shirt that said she was against taxation. But, she was holding a sign that says "don't touch my Medicare."
As she was being polled, she started to reason it out and literally changed her mind on the spot and quit the TP. The vast majority of TPers do not want Medicare or social security cut. Yet they complain that social spending is ruining us.
Another case in point: the fellow behind brick throwing into Democratic congresspeople's windows to protest excessive government spending? He lives on social security disability!!
At last year's 9/12 protest in DC, the organizers and protestors complained that the public transportation system they used to get there wasn't up to snuff.
These people do not comprehend their own theory.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
don't forget complaining about 4% margins for the healthcare companies while checking email on you iphone which has a 35% margin.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out why no one likes your ass.
Since LG is so concerned about contradictions here are a few I've noticed:
Anti-capitalists who angrily blog on their PC's connected to the Internet probably while drinking some Starbucks.
Anti-capitalists who go to the trouble of routiunely blogging are generally, I suspect you will find, just jealous.
Anti-capitalists who have good paying jobs and 401k's invested in evil capitalist corporations.
People with any number of "green movement" or environmental slogans plastered on their SUVs
Agree. They are turds.
People that are jumping mad at Wall St. yet have no problem with Fannie/Freddie.
That's because they don't see the two as equal. I don't.
People angry about bailing out AIG but supportive of GM/Chrysler bailouts.
There are some differences. But in theory, yes, if one is worthy the other has an argument, too.
People stomping mad about Bush's wars who are strangely silent about Obama's wars.
The argument is that "Obama's wars" are targeting, you know, the actual terrorists.
People flipping out about the expansion of the executive branch under Bush who suddenly don't see such moves by Obama as anything but necessary for him to do what the country needs.
I don't know anyone like that. Truly I haven't seen that conflict in person. Not saying there aren't people who fill that bill. But I don't know them.
People screaming that our HC is inferior to the rest of the world's while their relatives/friends are receiving world class care for virtually no out of pocket costs.
Its not a question of quality of care. Its access and how to pay for it. They are different things.
etc etc etc.
Yep, those damn TP folks are way out of line.
Not al TP folks are way out of line. Its just, I suspect, that a large number of them who are in reality motivated by some 19th century view of social policy have tried to camouflage themselves as fiscal conservatives because that seems an easier sell when, in reality, they are actually fairly in favor of spending, at least on them.
Its the usual NIMBY scenario (not in my back yard). Everyone wants to cut government spending -- but not on services they or their loved ones use.
Not al TP folks are way out of line. Its just, I suspect, that a large number of them who are in reality motivated by some 19th century view of social policy have tried to camouflage themselves as fiscal conservatives because that seems an easier sell when, in reality, they are actually fairly in favor of spending, at least on them.
Its the usual NIMBY scenario (not in my back yard). Everyone wants to cut government spending -- but not on services they or their loved ones use.