Riley Ferguson Update

My point was more about not knowing the situation, in either case. Dont disagree about bashing the guy but I never hear these comments about bashing kids when Bieber and kids like that are hammered by the world. Some tend to care more when "kids" play for their team.

You got that right about reporting injuries. Riley was in a boot after the SC game, but CBJ never said a word about it until after the Alabama game.

USMC1 Hope you can talk some sense into him and it's not to late from the staff's point of view. If it is in his best interest to leave then I hope he does. Have a feeling it is not if he would just really apply himself and give it a real go. Whatever happens I hope it will end up good for all parties including UT.

Ha!! I was made the same face after reading that too. Ha!

Agree with u on CBJ needing to hold off a few days to make sure it was final FINAL before saying anything. CBJ's original comments now look like a "well screw u...I don't need u" comment. Ainge's article about it is a reflection of his take from what he was told. Now cbj is trying to backtrack. Not a very good look for a man making 3 mil a year. But of course this place will bash the 19yo's handling of the situation, and give the grown man a wrap around.
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You got that right about reporting injuries. Riley was in a boot after the SC game, but CBJ never said a word about it until after the Alabama game.

I know you're close to Riley in some way... can you give us any insight at all as to what spurred this move (without getting too personal, of course)? Has it been a longtime coming? Is there any real hope of a return or is that just scout getting things wrong again?
Ha!! I was made the same face after reading that too. Ha!

Agree with u on CBJ needing to hold off a few days to make sure it was final FINAL before saying anything. CBJ's original comments now look like a "well screw u...I don't need u" comment. Ainge's article about it is a reflection of his take from what he was told. Now cbj is trying to backtrack. Not a very good look for a man making 3 mil a year. But of course this place will bash the 19yo's handling of the situation, and give the grown man a wrap around.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You will go out of your way to bash CBJ.

Riley told CBJ he wasn't coming back, so CBJ relayed that message to the fanbase. If Riley wants to talk about it, obviously coach is willing to talk to him. Jones did't want him off the team, in the first place.

Jones did the smart thing and addressed it quickly, rather than doing absolutely nothing and continue to let it be the elephant in the room.
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You will go out of your way to bash CBJ.

Riley told CBJ he wasn't coming back, so CBJ relayed that message to the fanbase. If Riley wants to talk about it, obviously coach is willing to talk to him. Jones did't want him off the team, in the first place.

Jones did the smart thing and addressed it quickly, rather than doing absolutely nothing and continue to let it be the elephant in the room.

No back tracking, you're just an ignoramus.

Agreed. It sounds like this reluctance to return to UT after visits home has been going on for some time. Maybe even Ferguson thinks he can get an edge up by "threatening" to leave and CBJ was finally ready to call his bluff.

Really either way you want to look at it, it doesn't look good on Ferguson's part.
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I agree. Most of the arm chair critics on this website have no idea what it's like to be a full time student, and college athlete. All I can say is remember when you were 19. Any words of wisdom will be appreciated, and I will talk to Riley.

This quote from CBJ is extremely telling:

"Each individual's had their moments," Jones said last month. "I thought Josh Dobbs had a very, very good performance in our spring game. I thought Justin Worley was extremely consistent throughout the whole process. We saw glimpses of what Riley Ferguson could be, and I thought Nate Peterman showed some consistency throughout the entire course of spring."

Tennessee Volunteers coach Butch Jones says QB Riley Ferguson off team - ESPN

Jones obviously believed he had way more to offer than what he was performing at. And if your coach goes on record and says they saw "glimpses" of what he "could be" that means he's not giving it 100%. So ask him what's changed from THIS to now. Why doesn't the coach believe he's performing at the level he's capable of? So the coach knows it, why doesn't the player know it? I highly doubt the coaching staff has held back their critiques and advice concerning young Riley Ferguson.

So talk to him and let him know if he's got talent, he's got to let it shine. Swallow the humble pill if needed and listen to what the coaches are saying. If he wants to wear orange while bringing the heat, that's all good. If he doesn't want to wear orange while bringing the heat, that's all good too. I honestly don't care either way if he stays or goes. It would be nice to see him go out there and start tearing up the competition especially if what CBJ says about what he "could be" capable of. But the world isn't going to give him anything if he won't meet it halfway. If (stress the if) the stories are true that he's not putting in the work like the others, he needs a swift kick in the rear. If he's got personal problems, nothing in the world that can't be overcome. But he needs to get his mind straight no matter what.

So it's best that wherever he ends up, be it UT or someplace else, he either starts tearing up the field and the classes like he's on fire or he gives up football entirely. And from the comments from CBJ above, he is battling to be the #4 QB on the roster where he supposedly has the talent to take that top spot. He needs to be reminded a football program doesn't have to prove anything to him. But he sure as hell has to prove something to that football program.

Apologies for the long winded reply. But I hate to see such talent wasted. And I think he has talent, but isn't focusing it right now.
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NB4 someone posts the "if he's not going to put forth the work, then just let him go" comment. I'm sure it's a difficult decision, and it's amazing to me how some people don't get how much time and effort is required of these young men to play collegiate football... especially at the QB position.

This is exactly right. If we as fans want great players to come to Tennessee, we should support them through whatever decisions they make, even when and perhaps especially when a decision is not the one we hoped for.

I've never bothered to look at the Bammers' counterpart website to Volnation, but I'll bet a little episode like the Ferguson thing is much of a concern there.
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As talented as this young man is if he lacks the mental toughness and work ethic then you have another Bray. If he were to put in the same effort as Worley and Dobbs such as going to camps, studying film and gaining the weight he needed he would probably hands down win the job. Since he didn't do those things that shows a lack of mental toughness and work ethic and leading by example. If you're homesick in Tennessee when your family lives in South Carolina that's a red flag. Your mental game will make or break you.

While I generally agree that this could turn into a Bray scenario, Bray started the last half of his freshman year without stiff QB competition and felt entitled there on out. Fergie may turn out to be soft mentally, etc., but this may be about frustration after getting hurt last year and watching Dobbs get starts - Fergie getting that taste of blood could have turned him into a beast. He fights back to second team in Spring and plays okay against the first defense but Dobbs gets stats against a much worse second string defense. Then he hears about it.

If he goes, he goes and blows his chance at the big time and good luck in the future. If he comes back, he will have to work & claw his way back into his teammates' trust. Completing that effort would turn him into what you want in a player. I trust Butch to sharpen him up or turn him out.
Sorry but if staying at UT is a "tough" decision for him.....then BUH BYE! JMO

Really? Same thing happened with Travis Henry. I'm sure glad he didn't listen to numbskulls like yourself. :crazy: His Momma told him to stay the course. He did and he helped us win a lot of games.
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I think his family wants him to stay but that he knows it will be extremely tough to sell himself to the team and fans and really doesn't want to come back and face that. If he comes back..great. Bring a work ethic with you and I'll be back in the RF camp. If not we have 2 very good QB's and we'll be alright.
While I generally agree that this could turn into a Bray scenario, Bray started the last half of his freshman year without stiff QB competition and felt entitled there on out. Fergie may turn out to be soft mentally, etc., but this may be about frustration after getting hurt last year and watching Dobbs get starts - Fergie getting that taste of blood could have turned him into a beast. He fights back to second team in Spring and plays okay against the first defense but Dobbs gets stats against a much worse second string defense. Then he hears about it.

If he goes, he goes and blows his chance at the big time and good luck in the future. If he comes back, he will have to work & claw his way back into his teammates' trust. Completing that effort would turn him into what you want in a player. I trust Butch to sharpen him up or turn him out.
I agree however if he's still basically the same weight after two years I question his commitment. You can tell Dobbs and Worley have hit the weight room but Fergie looks the same. We always hear about their progress but not too much about Fergie.
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While I generally agree that this could turn into a Bray scenario, Bray started the last half of his freshman year without stiff QB competition and felt entitled there on out. Fergie may turn out to be soft mentally, etc., but this may be about frustration after getting hurt last year and watching Dobbs get starts - Fergie getting that taste of blood could have turned him into a beast. He fights back to second team in Spring and plays okay against the first defense but Dobbs gets stats against a much worse second string defense. Then he hears about it.

If he goes, he goes and blows his chance at the big time and good luck in the future. If he comes back, he will have to work & claw his way back into his teammates' trust. Completing that effort would turn him into what you want in a player. I trust Butch to sharpen him up or turn him out.

Or maybe, just maybe, he knew from practicing with him everyday that Dobbs was better. And that there were looming 5 stars he would have to compete with after Dobbs graduated. And he simply made the best decision for him.

Dobbs is better... I know VolNation doesn't want to believe that. But there is a lot of evidence to support that conclusion.
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I think his family wants him to stay but that he knows it will be extremely tough to sell himself to the team and fans and really doesn't want to come back and face that. If he comes back..great. Bring a work ethic with you and I'll be back in the RF camp. If not we have 2 very good QB's and we'll be alright.

Why do you think that? Or is it a baseless opinion?
I think his family wants him to stay but that he knows it will be extremely tough to sell himself to the team and fans and really doesn't want to come back and face that. If he comes back..great. Bring a work ethic with you and I'll be back in the RF camp. If not we have 2 very good QB's and we'll be alright.

Well his family wants what's best for him and throwing away an opportunity at a school like UT (especially the way it all looks right now) isn't what's best for his career, especially if he dreams of going pro. Plus, the Tennessee side of his family are all Vol.

However, he's at an age where it's hard to make him see the future consequences, hard to see how the whole mess makes him look bad even if that tag is unfair it's the kind of thing that sticks, hard to make him see how the superior coaching, competition and training an SEC school offers can transform him into pro far more easily than even other Big 5 conference schools, hard to make him see that if he sticks with it he could be drafted or even an undrafted FA that proves his worth/sticks around the league for years and makes more than most, hard to make him see that the networking system UT provides can help him in any career he chooses to follow whether it's coaching or selling real estate.

He's 19 and the vast majority of 19 yo's don't think that way although some do. It's HARD to move away from home and close friends but it's a part of growing up and becoming an adult. His brothers aren't his old HS teammates but his current (?) ones and he has to accept that. You'll never lose the love of old friends, some stay with you always, but along the way you've got to embrace new ones with the same love/brotherhood/friendship.

Honestly, I wish I could talk to Riley because without meeting him I can't get a read on his personality but I've learned to read a lot of different types of students/personalities due to my time at UT and can usually (not always) reach out to them. The key to that has always been listening first, showing compassion first because whatever it is troubling them it's damn real and damn important to them, and just telling them in the bluntest, most honest terms what I think could help (college kids smell bs a mile away) and usually offering more than one option. Kids respect that but they respect the fact that you listened to them - really listened most, imo.

Also, not everyone needs the same remedy. A kick in the rear works for some but it backfires on others.
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He wouldn't be the first player to transfer and still make it to the NFL. If he is good enough, he will make it. If he isn't , it won't make any difference where he went to school.

I don't really care. It's his life. I have enough problems in my own life without worrying about some kid who never played a down.
Why do you think that? Or is it a baseless opinion?

His family wants him to stay. I listened to his grandfather speak a couple weeks back and that family is all UT. His face lit up when he talked about Riley playing here.
You know, I almost transferred, but was motivated even harder to work my butt off to start my senior year. Coach fulmer gave me his word I would have the opportunity to have a chance to start. And start I did.....My difference was I was behind two pro bowlers. It was hard to get limited carries for a few years,but you sacrifice if you love your team, and I loved my team, so I eventually redshirted so I didn't waste a year..Bottom line is, you have to put in work no matter how talented you are. The rest for me is in the record books. I wish Riley the best, but no matter where he goes he has to put in that work and sometimes make sacrifices that you don't want, such as redshirts.
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You know, I almost transferred, but was motivated even harder to work my butt off to start my senior year. Coach fulmer gave me his word I would have the opportunity to have a chance to start. And start I did.....My difference was I was behind two pro bowlers. It was hard to get limited carries for a few years,but you sacrifice if you love your team, and I loved my team, so I eventually redshirted so I didn't waste a year..Bottom line is, you have to put in work no matter how talented you are. The rest for me is in the record books. I wish Riley the best, but no matter where he goes he has to put in that work and sometimes make sacrifices that you don't want, such as redshirts.

I think the thought crosses many students minds whether they're student-athletes or general students. It's a tough time in our lives for many reasons. So much happens, I remember all of my grandparents getting sick and dying and stuff like that (there's always more just piles on). Even though there's often a major thing, there's never just one thing - just sooooo many things keep coming. Too many, imo, forget those times.

Of course, I'm super-happy you stayed. :) However, I'll be straight up with you and tell you even though a love UT football I also love UT and would be super-happy if it were one of my former students or student-athletes who made it through (athlete or non-athlete makes no difference either, watching someone overcome is just an amazing thing). Not much makes me prouder than seeing students overcome hardships no matter what they are. Like I said before, they all mean the world to the person experiencing it.
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