Rob Preston(athens Chamber of Commerce President) cries to the Times Free Press

But keep on showing your lack of intelligence by arguing that it doesn't help alabama. Even if that were true, it isn't really the point.
Reading through the thread. Lots of people who are really misinformed chiming in about the supposed lack of intelligence of others. Nothing wrong with people expecting more and protesting the chamber of commerce. Many of these businesses would not be solvent without the hard earned money of very passionate tennessee fans. For them to turn around try and make a quick buck off of Alabama football is very distasteful. Choosing to take business elsewhere is a perfectly legitimate and smart response.

Another thing that has been missed is the lack of even one physical threat to any of these. Yet we have this guy slandering his own paying customers to every times free press outlet by playing the victim and pretending he feels threatened when in fact he wasn't.
It's a football coach being brought in for a rubber chicken banquet. Stop acting like they've hired Mahmoud Ahmadenijad to be the speaker.
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It's a football coach being brought in for a rubber chicken banquet. Stop acting like they've hired Mahmoud Ahmadenijad to be the speaker.

IM sorry but I care a little but more about college football than this particular foreign affair.

But if they brought in Iran's leader I imagine someone would at least threaten violence. Pick another analogy. The response is appropriate.
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Reading through the thread. Lots of people who are really misinformed chiming in about the supposed lack of intelligence of others. Nothing wrong with people expecting more and protesting the chamber of commerce. Many of these businesses would not be solvent without the hard earned money of very passionate tennessee fans. For them to turn around try and make a quick buck off of Alabama football is very distasteful. Choosing to take business elsewhere is a perfectly legitimate and smart response.

You are partially correct. It's unfair for myself and others to characterize your stance as evidence of a lack of intelligence. So I will back off and assume that you are an intelligent guy who is simply getting overly emotional about a perceived slight to his favorite football team. I'm confident that every single poster on this forum has had an overly-emotional response to a football game at some point in their lives. And most have probably been embarrassed by that response in hindsight.

But you are needing to step back and reflect. Your emotional response is overwhelming your otherwise intelligent thought process. Your response is a massive overreaction.

Another thing that has been missed is the lack of even one physical threat to any of these. Yet we have this guy slandering his own paying customers to every times free press outlet by playing the victim and pretending he feels threatened when in fact he wasn't.

Actually, the CoC prez claims that he received a voicemail that said the he "should be dead." While that is not a direct threat, such as "I'm going to kill you," it is still a threatening statement. Perhaps the guy is lying, but none of us knows for sure one way or the other.
IM sorry but I care a little but more about college football than this particular foreign affair.

See, now you made a statement that displays an unquestionable lack of intelligence. It's impossible for anyone to assume that you have the mental or emotional capacity to approach this situation logically or rationally if you are more upset over the appearance of a football coach than the leader of a rogue fundamentalist nation with a history of human rights abuses.
Saban saw an opportunity for whatever reason in Athens or he wouldn't have spoken. Just knowing that alone tells me the event couldn't be good for UT.
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Saban saw an opportunity for whatever reason in Athens or he wouldn't have spoken. Just knowing that alone tells me the event couldn't be good for UT.

Do y'all realize there are Quarterback Clubs all over the place that bring in coaches from out of state to speak? This happens all the time.
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A couple more beat downs and Bama fans will need passports to get into gatlinburg.
It'll never happen.

I've heard that if a Bama fan taps his shoes together and says "there's no place like home" he ends up on a go kart track in Pigeon Forge.
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Do y'all realize there are Quarterback Clubs all over the place that bring in coaches from out of state to speak? This happens all the time.

Like I said before, they are only aware that this event is happening because it has sold well.
IM sorry but I care a little but more about college football than this particular foreign affair.

But if they brought in Iran's leader I imagine someone would at least threaten violence. Pick another analogy. The response is appropriate.

Then you care too much. Football is a game. That's it.
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Reading through the thread. Lots of people who are really misinformed chiming in about the supposed lack of intelligence of others. Nothing wrong with people expecting more and protesting the chamber of commerce. Many of these businesses would not be solvent without the hard earned money of very passionate tennessee fans. For them to turn around try and make a quick buck off of Alabama football is very distasteful. Choosing to take business elsewhere is a perfectly legitimate and smart response.

Another thing that has been missed is the lack of even one physical threat to any of these. Yet we have this guy slandering his own paying customers to every times free press outlet by playing the victim and pretending he feels threatened when in fact he wasn't.

the event is happening. that's not changing. the only thing you're doing is hurting your own state by protesting against organizations involved with it.

if you're so pissed off about it, are you going to be in athens protesting hours before the dinner? did you attend the event last year?
Oh please. If anyone on here is telling themselves they would have more warm and fuzzy feelings if Iran's leader was removed than if your team won a national title than you are lying to yourselves. That just is not the case.

Im sure the world would be a better place if we didn't have sports and we spent all of our time working together to rid the world of all unrest, but that just isn't the case.

If sports really aren't that important to you than maybe you should replace all this time you are wasting talking about them with a more productive activity.
Do y'all realize there are Quarterback Clubs all over the place that bring in coaches from out of state to speak? This happens all the time.

Not with the number one coach in America! There is something big in it for Nick Satan or he wouldn't be showing up.
Oh please. If anyone on here is telling themselves they would have more warm and fuzzy feelings if Iran's leader was removed than if your team won a national title than you are lying to yourselves. That just is not the case.

Im sure the world would be a better place if we didn't have sports and we spent all of our time working together to rid the world of all unrest, but that just isn't the case.

If sports really aren't that important to you than maybe you should replace all this time you are wasting talking about them with a more productive activity.

Like changing my bank because they are sponsoring a COC event in which Nick Saban is speaking.
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Oh please. If anyone on here is telling themselves they would have more warm and fuzzy feelings if Iran's leader was removed than if your team won a national title than you are lying to yourselves. That just is not the case.

No one was comparing those two scenarios. The comparison was between inviting a rival coach to speak at an event, or inviting a brutal dictator to speak at that same event. You are acting as if the former is as big a deal as the latter.
Not with the number one coach in America! There is something big in it for Nick Satan or he wouldn't be showing up.

Like I said.... Coaches do this all the time. I've heard everybody from Bobby Bowden to Johnny Majors to Mark Richt at the one here where I live.
Mark Wiedmer: 'Overboard' Vols fans vicious on Saban's visit |

"We're going to have extra security that night, both for Coach Saban and myself," he said. "We'll be prepared."

Anyone have a list of the 500+ Athens Chamber businesses?

Let's send a message to this idiot who obviously doesn't get it. No one is going to harm you physically nor did they threaten to. We are going to harm the businesses you represent.

Mark Wiedmer is an a&&hole kissing Nick Satan's ass!
No one was comparing those two scenarios. The comparison was between inviting a rival coach to speak at an event, or inviting a brutal dictator to speak at that same event. You are acting as if the former is as big a deal as the latter.

No actually IM not nor am I the one who made the comparison. The reaction is very mild compared to what it would be to the latter. There is a big difference between indifference and genocidal rage. Those who are indifferent about this are trying to paint those who oppose as something they are not.

If Irans dictator showed up there would be actual threats and probably attempts on his life. Then this clown COC president would have reason to request extra security.
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No actually IM not nor am I the one who made the comparison. The reaction is very mild compared to what it would be to the latter. There is a big difference between indifference and genocidal rage. Those who are indifferent about this are trying to paint those who oppose as something they are not.

If Irans dictator showed up there would be actual threats and probably attempts on his life. Then this clown COC president would have reason to request extra security.

But you wouldn't have that reaction, would you? You wouldn't be making threats, nor moving your bank deposits. Like you already said, you care more about college football than that particular world issue.
But you wouldn't have that reaction, would you? You wouldn't be making threats, nor moving your bank deposits. Like you already said, you care more about college football than that particular world issue.

You really are a troll aren't you. IM sure you have ranked the worlds great atrocities and they coincide with the things you care about list. You do understand that it is possible for me to concede that something is far worse and a much bigger deal and still care about it less?

I care about my dog more than a random person out there who I don't know. That doesn't mean I think the punishment for killing my dog should be worse.

So while I personally care more about college football, I would have a major issue with bringing this dude whose name I can't spell to my backyard. Do that and yes, we are going to have a much bigger problem.

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