Robert Hubbs SG TN '13

About Hubbs visiting Kentucky? Don't see it. You'd listen if Cal called but Robert Hubbs is not going to UK. People are just bored this time of the year and look for anything to stir.

I love your optimism, but I'm afraid it's tainted by your fandom a bit. The reality is, according to people closer to the situation than you or I, is that a UK offer changes things dramatically. That doesn't mean he automatically goes there, but it throws a wrench in things for sure. We need to hope he signs in the fall and doesn't wait around for that offer.
I love your optimism, but I'm afraid it's tainted by your fandom a bit. The reality is, according to people closer to the situation than you or I, is that a UK offer changes things dramatically. That doesn't mean he automatically goes there, but it throws a wrench in things for sure. We need to hope he signs in the fall and doesn't wait around for that offer.

You sir are correct.

It definitely changes things a bit.

My hope is that once the excitement of the interest fades, he'll realize they're not after me that hard. When Cal doesn't offer or contact him often, maybe he'll feel a bit unwanted, and decide to sign in the fall.

If he visits here in September that's good, there's a chance he may wait for visits though and that's no good IMO.
Well blow up his twitter then!

I try not to stalk him lol. But I did mention Nichols and Hubbs together in one tweet and they both retweeted it. This may be a dumb idea but if we had everyone on VN follow him and say something about Tennessee I think it could help. It would show him fan support, or that we are stalkers lol.
I try not to stalk him lol. But I did mention Nichols and Hubbs together in one tweet and they both retweeted it. This may be a dumb idea but if we had everyone on VN follow him and say something about Tennessee I think it could help. It would show him fan support, or that we are stalkers lol.

Depending on how it's done. If we created a catchy phrase or something that included all their names, and just hash tagged it and had everyone tweet that it'd be awesome.

Iirc something like that was done for CP, and it didn't hurt obviously. So yea, something like Nichols, Hubbs, Jw3 & King all in orange&white....or something like that and hash tagged and have everyone tweet that I think it'd be awesome.
Depending on how it's done. If we created a catchy phrase or something that included all their names, and just hash tagged it and had everyone tweet that it'd be awesome.

Iirc something like that was done for CP, and it didn't hurt obviously. So yea, something like Nichols, Hubbs, Jw3 & King all in orange&white....or something like that and hash tagged and have everyone tweet that I think it'd be awesome.

Everyone needs to think of something. I'm going to try too. What did they come up with for CP?
#KingHubbolsthe3rd involves all 4 once and Hubbs twice haha. Might be corny but oh well. Throw some other ideas out.



That's 20 characters so still leaves room for atleast 100 more


That's 20 characters so still leaves room for atleast 100 more

Something as simple as the first one #KingHubbsNicholsJw3 and @ at all of them an mention Vols, rockytop, or volnation. We need to get this going lol.

I like it. Maybe add a GBO or VFL in there, could definitely get it trending

Like that! Maybe start a thread for it so it will draw more attention. It would be nice if the "football" only fans could help is out haha.
Get TOS involved too. Call me crazy but I want to get this going. What's the worse it could do?
You're obviously not a basketball fan.

I'm a HUGE basketball fan but EPIC is a silly word to describe how we will respond over basketball recruits...maybe you just joined the recruiting game, I dont know...I know and have known several of the Volballers and their families...probably as big of a baller fan as I am is STILL and always will be king of the HILL!!! Now I think I'll have my morning coffee!!!
What would be funny is if you forgot your way into the basketball forum. It's posters like you that make me absolutely sick! Preferring basketball over football, what kind of fan would I be if I said "It would be SO EPIC if Dooley missed out on all of these recruits". Seriously. Why even post if your going to mention crap like this. We are well aware that football pays the bill here but you act like basketball is some kind of second tier sport. And you'd find it funny if our basketball team struggled. You make me sick dude. I've never used the ignore feature but I promise to use it on you.

PLEASE don't quote this guy. He's always negative and contributes NOTHING but nonsense.

Easy there must have MISREAD my quote...I come on to here relevant info on recruiting in BB and FB...its just silly stuff like EPIC MELTDOWN that waste my time....I know you're just 27 (I have shoes that old) but I have been close to the program for a long time....just enjoy it for what it is...if you're an engineer you ought to have enough reasoning ability to figure that out...otherwise...Me?? Negative??? Man, you sho dont know me....By the way have a pleasant day...seriously!
Let me say this, there shouldn't be a meltdown. People shouldn't forget where we stood with a lot of these guys a year ago, and that in all actuality these guys haven't seen much from CCM. If he pulls some of these highly rated guys, awesome, however if he misses I won't meltdown. Im sure many will, but most should realize this is a process and for CCM to pull those guys that quickly would really be defying the odds.

Here's to hoping we land a few.

THANK YOU BLEED ORANGE...AT LEAST YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING...meltdown is definitely not how I would describe it either....

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