Rod Blagojevich thrown out of office

Wrong and illegal are two different things LG. I see you have skirted the question of "hope and change" and how that conflicts with the realities of Obama's dealings in while holding office in Chicago. It is undeniable that Obama had some shady dealings with Rezko and others, maybe not illegal but shady nonetheless. How does this demonstrate change?

Since it is undeniable he had shady dealings, I expect that you can easily provide me with at least one piece of evidence, right?



and what on earth does such an admission get you?

Three essentially disinterested guys with no reason to have any information admit they don't have the information and that somehow makes a point?

I would prefer either that they not state that it is "undeniable" that Obama has engaged in some corrupt price or that, if theu so state, they have an ounce of integrity (and evidence) to demonstrate it.
I would bet money that these oil industry people he met with are not currently in prison or under investigations for crimes as so many of the associates of Obama and his wife seem to be now.

Good point!

Another Obama money laundering connection:

In the interim, Ayers and Obama had teamed up for three years on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago charitable organization. Together, they voted to donate $75,000 of the largesse they controlled to the Arab American Action Network. The AAAN was co-founded by Rashid Khalidi, a longtime supporter of Palestinian “resistance” attacks against Israel, which he openly regards as a racist, apartheid state. Despite considerable evidence to the contrary, Khalidi peremptorily denies having been a PLO operative or having directed its official press agency for six years (from 1976 to 1982).

They didn’t faze Barack Obama, though. He was front and center with Ayers and Dohrn at a farewell bash when Khalidi left Chicago for New York. It was only right. Khalidi, after all, had hosted a fundraiser for Obama in 2000, when the latter launched an unsuccessful campaign for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The fact that I dislike them has nothing to do with their political leanings, it has everything to do with their methods.

Likewise I have a problem with methods, not only with those who advocate for and sometimes act on violent methods but those who use fraud to gain their way.

For instance ACORN,(Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), which, although sounding like a well intentioned group, has been associated with purposeful fraud everywhere it has been scrutinized.

Lawsuit alleges ACORN has engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity that amounts to organized crime.

Obama and Acorn.

Obama has had an intimate and long-term association with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn), the largest radical group in America.

The banks that ACORN has shaken down refuse to discuss their contributions to a political organization that, to put it mildly, is hostile to free enterprise. But one prominent consultant to the financial industry, who preferred to remain anonymous, admits: “The banks know they are being held up, but they are not going to fight over this. They look at it as a cost of doing business.” Some of ACORN’s fellow community activists are even blunter. “ACORN knows that corporate America has no starch in their shorts and, therefore, what they try to do is buy peace from groups that agitate against them.”

Though Acorn touts living-wage laws as a way to lift the working poor into the middle class, the vast body of academic work on wage laws shows that they end up hurting the poor by forcing businesses to eliminate some low-wage jobs. Acorn's own leadership understands this principle perfectly. When California regulators sued Acorn for not paying its own workers the minimum wage, Acorn argued that this would endanger its mission—because it would have to hire fewer workers.

I prefer to say "eyeball deep."

An “interesting” family of political hacks:

Deb Mell, Blagojevich in-law, activist
December 9th, 2008

Deborah L. Mell (D.) will start serving her term in the Illinois State House of Representatives in January 2009. Born July 30, 1968, Deb, as she is known, is also a candidate for the US House of Representatives. The 40 year old Ms. Mell is hoping to replace Obama buddy Rahm Emanuel in Illinois’ 5th congressional district. She announced her candidacy for Emanuel’s seat just two days after the chosen one *won* the presidential election.

The openly lesbian Mell is the daughter of long time Chicago Alderman Richard Mell and his wife Marge. She was arrested in 2004 while protesting her inability to get a same-sex marriage license with partner Christin Baker.

Deb Mell is also the sister in law of Illinois Governor Milorad “Rod” R. Blagojevich. Her sister Patricia is the Governor’s wife as well as the mother of his two children, Anne and Amy. As you know, Gov. Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff, John Harris were arrested this morning on corruption charges in Illinois.

Ms. Mell’s father, Richard ( Dick ) Mell was instrumental in Blagojevich’s run for a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives in 1992, which he won.

After Blagojevic's arrest CBS news they did a "man on the street" response segment in Chicago on Blagojevich's arrest. One women said, "This is Chicago politics. Do you realize how stupid some politician has to be to get arrested for corruption here?". That pretty much said it all.

Fitzgerald did did find a few stupid ones though, with the corrupt ex gov George Ryan. He started with lowly clerks at the Drivers License Offices, then some of the Gov's aides and 'cronies', and eventually it led to the Gov himself.

He did the same with the Daley Machine. It started with the 'Hired Truck' scam. And now Daley aides and friends have been convicted. (this investigation is still on going and Daley is still looking over his shoulder).

Then he did it with the Chicago Mob. That resulted in all the Outfit Bosses going to prison and clearing up mob hits going back 18 years. (The Chicago Outfit is basically kaput, an empty shell.)

He's also doing it now to the Cook County Board. That's another corruption deal over hiring.

Then he did it with Tony Rezko. That started with other, lower, convictions.

And besides the current Blago arrest and indictment, there's OTHER investigations still ongoing into his administration. He may get indicted again, while he's doing time for the senate seat bribes.

Maybe Fitzgerald should look into the Chicago Police Dept's investigaion of the murder of Donald Young, the gay choir director at Obama’s church........... (actually more of a "black activist, socialist indoctrination center" than a "church" imo, I listened to a tape of one of Wright's sermons once and Jesus wasn't even mentioned, when Wright does mention Christ, He is referred to as a "prophet", in keeping with Muslim doctrine, which may stem from the fact that Wright was formerly a member of Farrakhan's radical branch of Islam the NOI [nation of islam which advocates the worst form of racial hatred imaginable.] (of course looking one step further we discover the muslim doctrine of "taqiya" or "deception" in which one may claim to be a Christian or anything else for any amount of time as long as one is serving the purpose of islam.)gs

Larry Sinclair was interviewed by a Chicago detective. Sinclair alleges that Donald Young contacted him a few days before he was murdered. Sinclair further alleges that Obama and Young had indulged gay sex.
"Almost every single political ally and associate Obama has is a criminal or person of questionable character." See, you just kill your credibility with lines like that.

First...neither you nor I knows the universe of people who is a poilitical ally or associate of Obama's.

You are just flat out making it up that almost all of them are something or another.

Second, it is blatantly obvious that by "questionable character" you mean liberal. Or even just not conservative enough.

When you say "poilitical", do you mean to say you consider yourself as an intellectually superior progressive liberal talking down to the hoi polloi?

A bit of a fruedian slip there LG???

First, some Obama's associates with criminal backgrounds and their dealings with Obama have been listed, what's your problem with acceptance of that??

The only thing blatantly obvious is the fact that you consider all things "liberal" above reproach.

Knowing that the City of Chicago has a history of shady politics is a given. That doesn't mean he himself did anything wrong or was a part of a single corrupt act.

The proof of that is before your eyes.

Then you are saying that Obama rose though this utterly corrupt system with his integrity totally unscathed???

The proof is before your eyes also, you had just rather fart dry ice than accept it though.

In a nutshell, then, all three of you are admitting you are unaware of a single piece of evidence that Obama did a single thing wrong.

No!! That would be an incorrect assumption.

Since it is undeniable he had shady dealings,



Lawgator in a nutshell.

There is smoke all around Obama. He either farts dry ice or he is on fire! that one killed me!


Yep, gotta remember that one.

Obama is hot hot hot!!!

Since it is undeniable he had shady dealings, I expect that you can easily provide me with at least one piece of evidence, right?



I would prefer either that they not state that it is "undeniable" that Obama has engaged in some corrupt price or that, if theu so state, they have an ounce of integrity (and evidence) to demonstrate it.

It certainly does appear his wife got special treatment via hundreds of thousands of dollars in raises. It certainly looks like Rezko took care of Obama in the property he purchased. Like I said nothing illegal there but it does produce an odor don't you think?
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Anyone who thinks someone rises through Illinois or Chicago without some kind of back room dealings are completely delusional (remember this is the state/city where elections are decided by dead people's votes). However, the case at hand is Blago selling the senate seat already vacated by Obama. I understand Power Corrupts and all, but I just can not accept someone, after becoming POTUS, would risk already rising to the top by being anywhere near this time bomb. However, it does seem that evidence is starting to mount at least against some of Obama's aides. I really thought all along Blago was going to start blowing a whistle, but I highly doubt anything will make it all the way to the top. It may take out a number of Obama's staff, and maybe a few cabinet members, because they will be the ones that did all his dirty work. I guess risking prison time was worth the mission of getting the anointed one to the top to them.

I do find it hilarious that Fitzgerald is investigating this. His witch hunt a few years ago would have been laughable, if it weren't for the media using all his wild goose chases to paint Libby out as a guy who pushes old ladies into busy roads.
Anyone who thinks someone rises through Illinois or Chicago without some kind of back room dealings are completely delusional (remember this is the state/city where elections are decided by dead people's votes). However, the case at hand is Blago selling the senate seat already vacated by Obama. I understand Power Corrupts and all, but I just can not accept someone, after becoming POTUS, would risk already rising to the top by being anywhere near this time bomb. However, it does seem that evidence is starting to mount at least against some of Obama's aides. I really thought all along Blago was going to start blowing a whistle, but I highly doubt anything will make it all the way to the top. It may take out a number of Obama's staff, and maybe a few cabinet members, because they will be the ones that did all his dirty work. I guess risking prison time was worth the mission of getting the anointed one to the top to them.

I do find it hilarious that Fitzgerald is investigating this. His witch hunt a few years ago would have been laughable, if it weren't for the media using all his wild goose chases to paint Libby out as a guy who pushes old ladies into busy roads.

David Axelrod, a senior advisor to President-elect Barack Obama, has put out a statement regarding the apparent contradiction between what he told a Chicago television station last month and something his boss said Tuesday.

Talking about the process to fill the Senate vacancy caused by Obama's election to the presidency, and about Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Axelrod said, "I know he's (Obama) talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

But on Tuesday, Obama said "I had no contact with the governor or his office so I was not aware of what was happening."

In the statement, Axelrod takes the hit, saying: "I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the President-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject."
(so what do FBI or Justice Department tapes say????)

His first day in office Clinton dismissed the White House FBI liaison office and moved them out by 10 AM, there still was a liaison office but it was housed several blocks away in a dilapidated old federal office building and basically had little if any contact with the POTUS for the duration.

“The problem was with Bill Clinton, the scandals and rumored scandals, the incubating ones and the dying
ones never ended. Whatever moral compass the president was consulting was leading him in the wrong direction. His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out.”

Louis Freeh, former FBI Director (appointed by Clinton himself)

People who want to believe in the public image of Obama are going to do so no matter what, that's just how it is but any thinking person who cares to give even a cursory glance at Obama's career and compare his actions with his words sees more red flags than a bull in the ring facing a dozen matadors all shouting "toro, toro!"


Can Fitzgerald be depended on to be nonpartisan??

Who knows??

His handling of the Libby case leaves me scratching my head on that question, he knew from the first day of that politically motivated probe that; 1. Libby wasn't the source of the leak, and was so informed by the FBI who had already investigated the newspeak incident, the source was the undersecretary of state who would have been Kerry's secretary of defense if we had elected that stupid dufus, and 2. No law had been broken, it was common knowledge in Washington as to who her employers were and she was much farther down the food chain than some would have you believe anyway.

Eventually Fitz got a conviction on a dubious charge of "lying to the FBI" based on a minor conflict between his account of past communications and that of a newsman who had (just like Axelrod) changed his story more than once during that media production.

If there was any justice in Washington she would have been prosecuted for using her office for partisan political purposes but then as my own congressman said to me; "you can't speak the truth in Washington D. C. for fear of being crucified in the media."
what's the gist?
Blagojevich announced his appointment of Burress and they are standing behind the podium along with Rep. Bobby Rush in a collective state of complete denial that anything wrong has occurred.
It's pretty clear that their tact is going to be that Burress is black and it will be pure racism if the Senate does not seat him.
It's pretty clear that their tact is going to be that Burress is black and it will be pure racism if the Senate does not seat him.

That is the basic point that Rush made when he finished up his comments - there is no other way to construe it.
It's pretty clear that their tact is going to be that Burress is black and it will be pure racism if the Senate does not seat him.
that's entertainment. Wish I could see it and the look on their faces when everyone else in the real world calls it pure fantasy.
. . . and now for the Lt. Governor's "Blogo is a scumbag" press conference.
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Did you just link a blog? :lolabove:

Yep, an ice blog, watch the Titanic go down in slow mo.

Demoncrats will NOT seat Burris.

The Senate Democratic Leadership issued this statement this afternoon, in advance of the Blagojevich press conference, which is set to begin in a half-hour:

"It is truly regrettable that despite requests from all 50 Democratic Senators and public officials throughout Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety. We say this without prejudice toward Roland Burris's ability, and we respect his years of public service. But this is not about Mr. Burris; it is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat. Under these circumstances, anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic Caucus.

"Next week we will start one of the most important debates of the year -- outlining an economic recovery plan to create jobs and invest in America. And in the coming weeks, we will be working to protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities. There is much work to do and a lot at stake. It is thus critical that Illinois and every other state have two seated Senators without delay.

"We again urge Gov. Blagojevich to not make this appointment. It is unfair to Mr. Burris, it is unfair to the people of Illinois and it will ultimately not stand. The governor must put the interests of the people of Illinois and all Americans first by stepping aside now and letting his successor appoint someone who we will seat."


Rod Blagojevich's choice to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat, Roland Burris, helped raise money for the governor on multiple occasions.

The former Illinois Attorney General gave $4,500 to Blagojevich's campaign fund in the form of personal donations and donations from -- what appear to be -- him and his wife, according to Illinois State records. The most recent donation came on June 27, 2008, when the governor was knee-deep in charges of ethical misconduct.

Burris also attended high-end Blagojevich fundraisers on at least three separate occasions, according to a review of newspaper filings by the Huffington Post. Most recently, in July 2008, he was in a crowd of 1,000 at the Chicago's River East Art Center when Blagojevich -- beset by ethics scandals -- hosted one of six events to raise money for his campaign fund (which had suffered because of mounting legal bills).

In April 2006, Burris hosted a 3,000 person event in the main hall of Chicago's Field Museum. That event saw Blagojevich soliciting donations of $1,000 for "sponsors" $2,500 for "patrons," $5,000 for "benefactors" and $10,000 for "co-chairs," according to the invitation.

In July 2005, Burris was one of more than 1,000 people who attended Blagojevich's annual political fund-raiser. That year, the governor -- who had defeated Burris in the gubernatorial primary just three years earlier -- raised a reported $4 million.

That Burris showed up at these events and donated to the governor's campaign would not, under normal circumstances, be remarkable. Neither is the extent of his own donations, which are relatively paltry by Illinois standards. After all, Democrats help fellow Democrats.

But Blagojevich was mired in ethics complaints at the time of the latter fundraisers.
Moreover, the governor stands accused of attempting to sell the Illinois Senate seat in a pay-for-play scheme. To achieve complete legitimacy, anyone appointed to take Obama's seat will need to have offered no financial help whatsoever to the governor.

Burris, as noted, has been a recent critic of Blagojevich, calling on the governor to relinquish his post in light of his recent arrest. But he wasn't always that much of a thorn in his side.

In March 2006, as the Chicago Sun-Times was reporting on growing criticism of the governor's political tactics, the former A.G. was quoted as saying:

"I can't see how anyone can say he (Blagojevic) is not governing," Burris said. "I think he is doing a helluva job."
Burris sought death for innocent man - Ben Protess-- ProPublica -

While state attorney general in 1992, Burris aggressively sought the death penalty for Rolando Cruz, who twice was convicted of raping and murdering a 10-year-old girl in the Chicago suburb of Naperville. The crime took place in 1983.

But by 1992, another man had confessed to the crime, and Burris' own deputy attorney general was pleading with Burris to drop the case, then on appeal before the Illinois Supreme Court.

Burris refused. He was running for governor.

"Anybody who understood this case wouldn?t have voted for Burris," Rob Warden, executive director of the Center on Wrongful Convictions, told ProPublica. Indeed, Burris lost that race, and two other attempts to become governor.

Burris' role in the Cruz case was "indefensible and in defiance of common sense and common decency," Warden said. "There was obvious evidence that [Cruz] was innocent."

one thing I found interesting in all of that was that there was actually a democrat interested in pursuing the death penalty.
"Burris' role in the Cruz case was "indefensible and in defiance of common sense and common decency," Warden said. "There was obvious evidence that [Cruz] was innocent."

This would fit right in with mainstream Democrat Party thinking, wouldn't you say??

with few exceptions, Tennessee democrats are quite a bit different than Chicagoland democrats.

The biggest difference between Memphis Democrats and Chicago Democrats is the accent.

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