Rod Blagojevich thrown out of office

I don't really consider Memphis as part of Tennessee, the ground is flat, the government is a cess pool of identity politics, and it touches Arkansas.

but, my personal foibles aside, point taken
Yes, yes we are.

Different from the ones who keep sending Barney Frank and John Kerry to Washington??

How different than California Democrats who keep sending an assorted fruit basket to Washington?

hey, check out Roland Burris' burial crypt. Just like Obama, he has an over inflated sense of his own importance.

Weekend Captionfest |

I was astonished when I first saw that, a bit over the top say the least.

So what? you should see my burial crypt!

I thought it interesting that Obama chose the Siegessäule at which to speak in Germany.


OBAMA: (Memorial Day, 2008) I had an uncle who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps, and the story in our family was is that when he came home he just went up into the attic and he didn't leave the house for six months.

His uncle must have been in the Soviet Army, since they are the ones who liberated Austwitz!

It goes on and on too, you know, we get to the point here about the invasion of the concentration camp.

Obama "talked about post traumatic stress disorder by claiming he had an uncle 'who was part of the American brigade that helped to liberate Auschwitz,' and then came home and spent six months in an attic.

The prisoners at Auschwitz were liberated," as we said, "by the Red Army. Obama earlier made the claim on his campaign site that his grandfather knew American troops who liberated Auschwitz and Treblinka (also liberated by the Red Army)." So he's done this twice.
Some uncle!!!!

("In Oregon...Obama said of his long campaign, 'I've been in fifty-seven states, I think, one left to go.'
Did he mean he had been in the 57 countries ruled by Islam and America was the nest, honestly you can't make up weirder crap than what Obama has said, he just makes it up as he goes)gs


The Siegessäule at the Grosser Stern in Tiergarten Park is a 70-meter high column built to celebrate 19th century Prussian military victories over Denmark, France and Austria. The Siegessäule or 'Victory Coluum' was
erected in Berlin but was moved from the Reichstag (German parliament) to its current position by Adolf Hitler,"


The modern Arab/Israeli conflict has it's roots in Nazi Germany.

The wave of extremist Islam that has plagued the world in the latter days of the 20th century and into the opening days of the 21st, has little to do with ancient history or Islam.

The cause lays largely at the feet of Haj Amin Muhammad Al Husseini, who utilized murder and anti-Semitism to consolidate his power over his fellow Arabs and further his personal quest to be caliph of the pan-Arab world.

The 1936 Arab revolt against the British is believed to have been at least partially funded by Nazi Adolf Eichmann, and Al Husseini again ordered armed Arab militias to massacre Jewish citizens.

Al Husseini found the Nazis to be a strong ideological match with his anti-Jewish brand of Islam, and schemed with Hitler and the Nazi hierarchy to create a pro-Nazi pan-Arabic form of government in the Middle East.

The Nazis provided Al Husseini with luxurious accommodations in Berlin and a monthly stipend in excess of $10,000. In return, he regularly appeared on German radio touting the Jews as the "most fierce enemies of Muslims," and implored an adoption of the Nazi "final solution" by Arabs.

After the Nazi defeat at El Alamein in 1942, Al Husseini broadcast radio messages on Radio Berlin calling for continued Arabic resistance to Allied forces. In time, he came to be known as the "Fuhrer's Mufti" and the "Arab Fuhrer."

On numerous occasions, Al Husseini intervened in the fate of European Jews, most notably blocking Adolph Eichmann's deal with the Red Cross to exchange Jewish children for German POWs.

Moreover, Al Husseini personally recruited Bosnian Muslims for the German Waffen SS, including the Skanderberg Division from Albania and Hanjer Division from Bosnia. The Hanjer (Saber) Division of the Waffen SS was responsible for the murder of over 90 percent of the Yugoslavian Jewish population. (not counting the slaughter of Serbians, Roma and other ethnic groups)gs

SS leader Heinrich Himmler was so pleased with Al Husseini's Muslim Nazis that he established the Dresden-based Mullah Military School for their continued recruitment and training.

In 1944, Hanjer commandos parachuted into Tel Aviv and poisoned drinking wells in Jewish communities in an effort to stir up ethnic tensions.

After the fall of Nazi Germany, Al Husseini fled to Cairo, Egypt in 1946 rather than face war crime charges for his actions in Yugoslavia. But he continued his operations.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Al Husseini worked closely with a pro-fascist group in Egypt called Young Egypt. In 1952 Gamal Abdul Nasser, a prominent member of Young Egypt, was among military officers who seized control of the Egyptian government from King Fu'ad. Al Husseini is reported to have been responsible for bringing Otto Skorzeny, the Nazi commando once labeled by the OSS as "the most dangerous man in Europe," into the employ of the Nasser government.

Similarly, Al Husseini had a strong influence over the founding members of both the Iraqi and Syrian Ba'ath party. Strong evidence exists that al Husseini was instrumental in the arranging of Nazi war criminal Alois Brunner's employment as an advisor to the Syrian general staff.

Almost 30 years after al Husseini's death in 1974, the Palestinian people still revere him as a hero and embrace his radical theology.

The "Arab Fuhrer's" close Nazi association and virulent anti-Semitism is perhaps the reason that Hitler's Meinf Kampf is ranked as the sixth all-time bestseller among Palestinian Arabs.

Most Mideast observers recognize the younger Al Husseini by the secular name he adopted as his own in 1952, Yasser Arafat.

The Koran sees the world as divided into two - one part which has come under Islamic rule and one part which is supposed to come under Islamic rule in the future.

There is a division of the world which is very clear. Every single person who starts studying Islam knows it.

The world is described as Dar al-Islam (the house of Islam) - that's the place where Islam rules - and the other part which is called Dar al-Harb - the house of war. Not the "house of non-Muslims," but the "house of war."

It is this house of war which as to be, at the end of time, conquered. The world will continue to be in the house of war until it comes under Islamic rule. This is the norm.

Why? Because Allah says it's so in the Koran. God has sent Mohammed with the true religion in order that the truth will overcome all other religions.

A formal plan for targeting America was devised three years after the Iranian revolution in 1982. The plan was summarized in a 1991 memorandum by Mohamed Akram, an operative of the global Muslim Brotherhood.

'The process of settlement' of Muslims in America, Akram explained, 'is a civilization jihad process.'

This means that members of the Brotherhood must understand that their work in 'America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious
over all other religions.'

Undermining the United States on college campuses.

The Editors As revealed in documents seized by the FBI and entered as evidence in a Texas court, the Muslim Students Association is a legacy project of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood is an organization formed by a Hitler-admiring Muslim named Hasan al-Bannain Egypt in 1928.

It was designed to function as the spearpoint of the Islamo-fascist movement and its crusade against the West. The Brotherhood spawned al-Qaeda and Hamas.

Its doctrines make up the core of the terrorist jihad conducted by organizations such as Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Hamas and the government of Iran.

(Perhaps most naive American college students don't realize the word "Iran" is derived from "ayran" and that the Persians of Iran consider themselves to be of ayran extraction and superior to other inferior races of men)gs


"If Iran abandons its nuclear program and support for terrorism, we will offer incentives like membership in the World Trade Organization." ---Barack Obamaon his Web site ("Perhaps Mr. Obama is unaware that one of Mr. Ahmadinejad's first acts was to freeze Tehran's efforts for securing WTO membership because he regards the outfit as 'a nest of conspiracies by Zionists and Americans'.")---Iranian-born journalist and author Amir Taheri in The Wall Street Journal
Why is it that some people are surprised that all of this is happening? Simply put, it's politics. IT'S POLITICS. This is all typical of the corruption that exists in America today. I guess we now pray for the next four years to pass very quickly with as little harm to this country's reputation as possible.
Why is it that some people are surprised that all of this is happening? Simply put, it's politics. IT'S POLITICS. This is all typical of the corruption that exists in America today. I guess we now pray for the next four years to pass very quickly with as little harm to this country's reputation as possible.

None other seem to reach the cess pool level of Chicago politics though.

I'm not so much concerned with our reputation as our survival.
GSVOL, I think you need an intervention. Why don't you just ask for your own thread and write until you lose consciousness.... and then do it again when you wake up... and on and on. You don't seriously expect people to read all this, do you? I mean, its not like you are going to conclude with anything other than that Obama is a secret socialist agent for Islam.

Crikes, what are you going to do if he succeeds as POTUS?
GSVOL, I think you need an intervention. Why don't you just ask for your own thread and write until you lose consciousness.... and then do it again when you wake up... and on and on. You don't seriously expect people to read all this, do you? I mean, its not like you are going to conclude with anything other than that Obama is a secret socialist agent for Islam.

Crikes, what are you going to do if he succeeds as POTUS?

You might read til you lose consciousness but oh wait, that would include an assumption that you are not comatose.

Obviously I don't expect everyone to read all I present, even you are literate enough to notice that some lines and phrases are in bold for those afflicted with ADD, do you not?

In any case, I include pictures for the less literate among us such as yourself.

I suppose you consider Jimmy Carter a successful POTUS??


You probably actually believe he served on a US nuclear submarine even though he was out of the Navy two years before we launched our first. Some people are more gullible than others, we can agree on that, can we not?


Jimmuh has a new book coming out, maybe you should read that, it would go right along with your own ideas.

Everyone should click the above link, just to see Jimmuh's tattoo.:angel:

You got to give Jimmy Carter some credit, he may have been the worst president in American History but almost 30 years after since he left the Presidency he is still diligently working to screw up the world.

He can no longer screw-up Zimbabwe or Iran, those deeds have been done. So the Village Idiot of ex-Presidents has been doing his best to go after Israel.

After all, in his warped mind it is the American Jewish Community in combination with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin that is responsible for loosing his bid for reelection.

When last we saw Carter he was fresh off his anti-Semitic Book where he called Israel an apartheid state and he blamed American Jews for controlling foreign policy.

The ex-Pres went to Gaza to show his new Tatoo to Hamas. He came out of Gaza with the message that Hamas wanted to make peace. Well that was until Hamas said, Jimmy that's not what we said.

Now Dhimmi Carter has decided to put pen to paper once again with a new book, which he says lays out his plan for peace in the Middle East. The word is he affectionately calls it his Final Solution.

You know Dhimmi Carter was very responsible for bringing down the government of the Shah in Iran, who was an ally of the USA, in the name of human rights and Khomeini's regime executed more people in its first year in power than the Shah's Savak had allegedly killed in the previous 25 years.

The mullahs hated the Shah not because he was an oppressive dictator. They hated him because he was a secular, pro-Western leader who, in addition to other initiatives, was expanding the rights and roles of women in Iranian society.

Khomeini introduced the idea of suicide bombers to the Palestine Liberation Organization and paid $35,000 to PLO families who would offer up their children as human bombs to kill as many Israelis as possible.

It was Carter's Khomeini who would give the world Hezbollah to make war on Israel and destroy the multicultural democracy that was Lebanon.

(I'm just itching to get into the history of Lebanon anyone.)gs

And perhaps Jimmy has forgotten that Hezbollah, which he helped make possible, killed 241 U.S. troops in their Beirut barracks in 1983.

The Soviet Union, seeing us so willingly abandon a staunch ally, invaded Afghanistan in December 1979, just six months after Carter and Russian leader Leonid Brezhnev embraced after signing a new arms-control treaty.

And Carter's liberal bent, to the point of Communist/Socialist leanings, can be seen in his staunch ties and support of Cuba's Castro, Venezuela's Chavez, other South American leftist governments and his anti-America diatribe attacks on anything that confronts he terrorism he stupidly created.

Some POTUS!!! If creating the maximum mayhem in the world in pursuit of some insane utopian dream is being successful then Jimmy was a successful POTUS and Barrack Hussein Obama will be hard pressed to surpass that, although I certainly would put it past him for his efforts.

What would it take for you to call Obama a successful POTUS??
I don't have a set criteria for a successful president. I think its the overall sense you get of whether the country has made strides to improve its citizens' lot in life, and the world, a sense of purpose, individual achievement, things like that.

I would consider Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan to have been successful presidencies. I think Carter sucked. I think Bush II was pretty awful. Bush I right in the middle somewhere.
I don't have a set criteria for a successful president. I think its the overall sense you get of whether the country has made strides to improve its citizens' lot in life, and the world, a sense of purpose, individual achievement, things like that.

I would consider Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan to have been successful presidencies. I think Carter sucked. I think Bush II was pretty awful. Bush I right in the middle somewhere.

so is it the responsibility of the government to improve the individual life? that's how you base the success of the president? you must think castro is a great man as stalin and other socialists and marxists
so is it the responsibility of the government to improve the individual life? that's how you base the success of the president? you must think castro is a great man as stalin and other socialists and marxists

I said individual accomplishment by the President, plus improving the citizenry as a whole. Sometimes those go hand in hand, sometimes not. I felt that the country improved and was proud under both Reagan and Clinton. Under Carter and Bush we grew impatient, dissatisfied, worried, cynical.
I said individual accomplishment by the President, plus improving the citizenry as a whole. Sometimes those go hand in hand, sometimes not. I felt that the country improved and was proud under both Reagan and Clinton. Under Carter and Bush we grew impatient, dissatisfied, worried, cynical.

clinton didn't do much for his terms, it was mostly feel good stuff. i think it was the conservative senate and congress that got more done that he did. he did give us a large tax increase but luckily the conservate republican congress and senate passed taxes cuts and balance the budget.

carter was a dissaster because of his policies.

Bush's problem was that he was a moderate and tried to play nice and work with libs/dems. you can't do that with those thugs. libs/dems can't be trusted, but he did and paid for it.

i didn't pay a lot of attention to Bush I, i do know he made a deal with dems and raised taxes and they backstabbed him on that.
I would consider Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan to have been successful presidencies.

What Clinton policy do you think was successful??

I can' think of even one foreign policy decision that was in the best interest of the USA.
The Illinois House has just voted to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

(toss a Serb under the bus and Illinois politics is clean as a hounds tooth now)

Next he will go on trial before the Illinois senate.

Unclear whether he will have to give Burris back his money if Reid and the democrat caucus refuse him a seat in the US senate.

Remember Pelosi's mantra when the dems swept to power in 2004????

"We will end the culture of corruption!"

P. T. would be proud, no doubt!
i want to know if will he survive before his trial. i think he'll "commit suicide" before the trial. or else he'll have an "accident"
I can see that, headline:

"Governor trips over forelock, falls down stairs, breaks neck."

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