Roe vs Wade Overturned

Slow down. You're not focusing on what I am saying.

Taking responsibility for a life is not only economic. Far more encompassing than that.

I am not talking about abortions when a woman's life is endangered. My comment is regarding the forcing of a risk upon a woman that has the potential to kill her.

There simply is no debate that pregnancy alone forces a woman to accept risks to her health up to and including death. There is also no debate that pregnancy forces a woman to accept complete responsibility for the health and well being of the fetus. In your scenario I am killing you, but your existence does not pose a danger to my health like a fetus does to a woman nor I am burdened with the responsibility of your health and well being like you want to burden a woman with.

As for your car analogy. There is no law forcing me to drive, correct?
So it's "potential" harm of the pregnancy (which was a result of a choice), is that your position?
I believe that up to a point the rights of the woman (the realized life) trump that of the fetus. I don't believe that a woman should be required to undergo dangers of pregnancy without her consent.
She consents when she has sex. Because that the purpose of sex. Reproduction. It's the only thing that causes pregnancy
Need SSN for Child Tax Credit and must have live birth to get SSN. You can use HSAs and FSAs for tax efficient pregnancy medical expenses..
Not true. We got both of our kids SSN prior to their birth.

But the tax credit is post birth. I'm ok with a deduction from the first official positive test at an OBGYN btw.
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The constitution doesn’t grant rights. It affirms them.
Abortion isn’t listed as a right in the United States Construction.
SCOTUS corrected an error and sent this issue back to the states where it belongs.

If that fact is a problem for you then you can always attempt to amend the constitution. It’s been done before
The constitution doesn’t grant rights. It affirms them.
Abortion isn’t listed as a right in the United States Construction.
SCOTUS corrected an error and sent this issue back to the states where it belongs.

If that fact is a problem for you then you can always attempt to amend the constitution. It’s been done before

Not a fact. It's an opinion. And those vary on this issue.
I can pick all sorts of random things and say I have a right to them. I can say I have right to a soda larger than 20oz. That’s my opinion. The constitution doesn’t cover that. That’s a fact
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Not a fact. It's an opinion. And those vary on this issue.

When Jefferson was writing the constitution, do you think he thought even once , that the central government should be deciding for everyone if aborting a baby on purpose , should be considered in the constitution as a protected right ? Two things people either forget or ignore … 1) the colonies were here first , they created government . The constitution was written so that government they were creating couldn’t take away the rights of the colonies / states to self govern. (2). We don’t live in a democracy .
You've been missing out. A 33 year old bartender was trying to educate me on IUDs and then he disappeared. Along with @OHvol40 who proclaims to be in the medical field.

And then Huff is using studies from the 90s and in Maryland to spread fear about women dying from homicide due to pregnancy. It's impressive.
There are a lot of people in this forum who proclaim to be something. It's quite amazing really.

I see Huffines the Libertarian is at again.

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