receiving stolen goods can still be illegal even if you didn't participate in the robbery
I've said RP would probably be #2 on my list but the Grand Savior act from some of his disciples gets quite old
I consider the amount of money being taken from the American people and absolutely wasted by our elected officials to be theft. You can disagree but to me the word describes the process exactly
Theft is a strong word. Waste is subjective. I am just as disgusted with the politics and irresponsibility of Washington by both parties as you are.
actually not strong enough IMO. It's money that is forcibly removed from my paycheck and given to people who distribute it out to their biggest donors. And since they make the rules it's all laundered clean. Perfect system as long as you're on the inside
actually not strong enough IMO. It's money that is forcibly removed from my paycheck and given to people who distribute it out to their biggest donors. And since they make the rules it's all laundered clean. Perfect system as long as you're on the inside
Right. Except collecting taxes is not robbery and are earmarks are not stolen goods.
I am not a "disciple" of RP. I would vote for him over the other candidates but I am not madly in love with him as other posters are.
If you can't fix the broken game; don't hate the player, hate the game.
You and I may think that taxes are absurd, we may not agree with what taxes are spent on, but it is not thief.
It's theft. And Ron Paul tries to ear mark what was stolen from his district and bring it back home.
taxes over and above the powers of the fed govt are theft. There are certain things they do that require input from all Americans (actually about 50% but that's fine). We are not in this huge hole because they are building extra roads or bridges
which I could probably accept as long as the ledger hit zero each year
What do you call it when money is taken forcibly from its owner?
You and I may think that taxes are absurd, we may not agree with what taxes are spent on, but it is not thief.
Is it repaid? That's the problem with saying it's thief. Yes, anybody can attempt to sound clever by saying taxes are thief because taxes are levied by the force of a gun if need be. However, you enjoy the fruits of those tax dollars every day. It is not thief. Power will always be abused. There is definitely money laundering and pure waste (in my eyes). However, I recognize that waste is subjective. My view of waste will be different than my fellow citizens. Luckily we have elections to guide the general direction of tax collection and spending. Unfortunately, our fellow citizens are too dumb to realize they can't not have their cake and eat it too.
taxes over and above the powers of the fed govt are theft. There are certain things they do that require input from all Americans (actually about 50% but that's fine). We are not in this huge hole because they are building extra roads or bridges
Mostly agree except it is not theft. It might be unconstitutional in our eyes (people who interpret the constitution in a strict manner). We both believe the government is too big and too invasive. We both believe Washington and State government budget are out of control. Those costs are then passed on to us. We definitely overpay in taxes from what we ought to be paying in taxes. Again this is not theft. We do enjoy the fruits of those spending programs whether we want to or not.
Mostly agree except it is not theft. It might be unconstitutional in our eyes (people who interpret the constitution in a strict manner). We both believe the government is too big and too invasive. We both believe Washington and State government budget are out of control. Those costs are then passed on to us. We definitely overpay in taxes from what we ought to be paying in taxes. Again this is not theft. We do enjoy the fruits of those spending programs whether we want to or not.
Mostly agree except it is not theft. It might be unconstitutional in our eyes (people who interpret the constitution in a strict manner). We both believe the government is too big and too invasive. We both believe Washington and State government budget are out of control. Those costs are then passed on to us. We definitely overpay in taxes from what we ought to be paying in taxes. Again this is not theft. We do enjoy the fruits of those spending programs whether we want to or not.
Mostly agree except it is not theft. It might be unconstitutional in our eyes (people who interpret the constitution in a strict manner). We both believe the government is too big and too invasive. We both believe Washington and State government budget are out of control. Those costs are then passed on to us. We definitely overpay in taxes from what we ought to be paying in taxes. Again this is not theft. We do enjoy the fruits of those spending programs whether we want to or not.