Rule changes to college football

I can always count on you, Yank. :)

I do think, on occasion, the number of overtimes can reach a ridiculous level, but I'm not sure what the solution is.

The only thing I would do different is requiring the teams to go for 2 point conversions from the 1st overtime. That would reduce some of the multiple OT's.
Start every overtime period with the defense punting from their own 3 yard line to bring special teams into play and make offenses actually have to move the ball to get in FG range.

I actually really like this idea.

Is faking the punt a possibility (or just downright going for it)? If so how far should they have to go to make it?
....and increase the knee and ankle injuries.

Which would you prefer, a knee or ankle injury or a head or neck injury leading to dementia or possible paralasis or even death.

I'm not talking about a chop block. I'm talking about the old fashined cross body block, that when done properly would not result in any more knee injuries than we currenty have now. Most knee injuries occur when a runner is being tackled IMO.

BTW, there are some great ideas on here.:good!:
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Make pass interference penalty place the ball at the point of the foul, like it is in the NFL and used to be in college. A 15 yard penalty for a 40 or 50 yard foul is ludicrous. If a defensive back is getting burned 40 yards downfield he would be stupid to not do anything to keep the receiver from catching the ball and getting a 15 yard penalty.

This! As well as as getting rid of the celebration penalty (this is entertainment folks, c'mon). Keep the current OT rules as they are (this leads to a lot of angst on each team's possession).
I personally think they should do away with the 10 second run off under 2 minutes penalty. Why do they even have that again???

Oh nvm...
I personally think they should do away with the 10 second run off under 2 minutes penalty. Why do they even have that again???

Oh nvm...

I'm reading this on my phone and the bottom half of your post was off screen. As I was reading that I was thinking "is this guy an idiot?". Then I scrolled down.
Make pass interference penalty place the ball at the point of the foul, like it is in the NFL and used to be in college. A 15 yard penalty for a 40 or 50 yard foul is ludicrous. If a defensive back is getting burned 40 yards downfield he would be stupid to not do anything to keep the receiver from catching the ball and getting a 15 yard penalty.

Burns Titan bills sausage.
Something needs to be done about teams "faking injuries". This has become a common thing to do against up tempo offenses.

I think when a player is injured they should be held out of the game for at least one play or a particular amount of "clock time", say five minutes, you know so we can be sure the athlete is safe and able to return to the game. And the only substitution that can be made during an injury time out is for the injured athlete. If a team chooses to substitute more players they will be charged a time out.

Just a couple thoughts. Not sure any of them will ever be incorporated into the rules.

I'd think Saban would be for this rule as he's so worried about defensive players being injured due to exhaustion against uptempo offenses. You know, protect his players by keeping them safe on the sidelines.
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Start every overtime period with the defense punting from their own 3 yard line to bring special teams into play and make offenses actually have to move the ball to get in FG range.

Too extreme. We wouldn't see anyone score. What's wrong with the -25 or -30?
Personally, I would love to see college football go to a down by contact rule instead of a player being ruled down if he simply falls down. What other rules would you change in college football if you could?

The team with the best looking cheerleaders get the ball after half time.
Eliminate the celebration penalty entirely. I think there should still be a taunting penalty but this celebration penalty has gotten way overblown. I miss the days of Carl Pickens high stepping in the end zone and Dale Carter doing the Deon down the sideline.

It makes football fun. I don't really understand the concern, are they worried about hurting the feelings of other 18-22 year old college students?
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Personally, I would love to see college football go to a down by contact rule instead of a player being ruled down if he simply falls down. What other rules would you change in college football if you could?

Your AZZ in the endzone with POSSESSION of the football----for a touchdown to be awarded. ALL other rules enacted since 1975---rescinded. Especially--"The ground cannot cause a fumble" If you drop the ball when hitting the ground---you fumbled. JMO. College football is a great game-----Leave it the hell alone.
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Make pass interference penalty place the ball at the point of the foul, like it is in the NFL and used to be in college. A 15 yard penalty for a 40 or 50 yard foul is ludicrous. If a defensive back is getting burned 40 yards downfield he would be stupid to not do anything to keep the receiver from catching the ball and getting a 15 yard penalty.

Sorry I've got a different view on this. IMO the NFL needs to make their rule 15 yds like college and here is why! You are leaving discretionary decision rule up to a ref to make in that moment. There is no other rule like this so IMO college has it right!


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I think all NFL rules should be adopted by the NCAA. That way these players would already be schooled in the rules for the next level. Playing by them in college would make the transition into the NFL a little easier...IMO
Require the female cheerleaders and dance squads to wear thongs when temp above 75 and stand on opponents sidelines for distraction.
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Require the female cheerleaders and dance squads to wear thongs when temp above 65 and stand on opponents sidelines for distraction. Teams on Probation and/or bowl suspension do not get this right. Penn State does not get this right ever, and any "religiously affiliated" school must vote on it in a year by year basis which is always covered by ESPN

Fix'd a few things to help out, and maybe shut some ND fans and their holier than thou routine up, cause no way a team voluntarily doesn't allow this.
Too extreme. We wouldn't see anyone score. What's wrong with the -25 or -30?
What's extreme about it? The average starting field position would likely be about the 35-40 yard line where you're just 1 first down away from FG range. It would bring the punt block, return game, kick coverage etc all into play.

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