Rule changes to college football

It makes football fun. I don't really understand the concern, are they worried about hurting the feelings of other 18-22 year old college students?

The coaches all pushed for the rule to be passed by the NCAA.

I believe it was less about hurt feelings and more doing whatever preventative measures they came up with in attempt to prevent (player) fights and player targeting later in games.
Sorry I've got a different view on this. IMO the NFL needs to make their rule 15 yds like college and here is why! You are leaving discretionary decision rule up to a ref to make in that moment. There is no other rule like this so IMO college has it right!


Have you sobered up yet or started drankin again?
yeah i agree the down by contact rule should deff be inforced in the NCAA. Also take away that stupid celebration penalty such as J Hunter got after that long TD reception simple for throwing the ball down and swinging his arms. let the kids play the game and have fun after a big play!
yeah i agree the down by contact rule should deff be inforced in the NCAA. Also take away that stupid celebration penalty such as J Hunter got after that long TD reception simple for throwing the ball down and swinging his arms. let the kids play the game and have fun after a big play!

:rock: +1 on the ridiculous celebration penalties...
That's insane too. Sounds like some crazy arena ball stuff.

Putting it on the 25 is the same kind of made up arena ball stuff that seemed crazy. I know it's goofy sounding, but I'm just throwing stuff out there.

I kind of like the idea of doing it like High Schools down here and just save the time and put it 1st and goal at the 10 with FGs out of the equation.
Start every overtime period with the defense punting from their own 3 yard line to bring special teams into play and make offenses actually have to move the ball to get in FG range.

I could go with this but I would make it the 5. If you have fought back to tie a game and get it to OT, would be a shame to get a safety because the punter stepped out of the back of the endzone.
eliminate the celebration penalty entirely. I think there should still be a taunting penalty but this celebration penalty has gotten way overblown. I miss the days of carl pickens high stepping in the end zone and dale carter doing the deon down the sideline.

^this x1000
Eliminate the celebration penalty entirely. I think there should still be a taunting penalty but this celebration penalty has gotten way overblown. I miss the days of Carl Pickens high stepping in the end zone and Dale Carter doing the Deon down the sideline.

It makes football fun. I don't really understand the concern, are they worried about hurting the feelings of other 18-22 year old college students?

Maybe they should just let it go like hockey, if a guy taunts, then let a guy off the other team knock the **** out of him. Offsetting personal fouls, any other team member that gets involved gets ejected. When the helmets get pulled off the fight gets stopped.......just a thought.
NCAA should make the Tebowing illegal.... Carried with a season long suspension if your seen doing it.

Has to be one in every crowd.

They need to do away with that stupid lose your helmet: sit out a play BS they came out with last year.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

This is actually a safety rule that I like. They need to make the helmet getting pulled off reviewable (if it already isn't.....I can't remember. It has been SOOOO LOOOONG since FB season was over).
Here is one that will be unpopular, make a limit on hair length. IMO it looks stupid hanging 2 feet out of a helmet and piling it up on your head keeps the helmet from fitting properly. Most of the dreads are weaves anyway.
i agree that the offense should have to move the ball to get into scoring position...and I like the idea that the punt team would effect the field position...and it would never be the same.

Well, put this rule in after Palardy leaves.
But your punt team should only come into play when your offense can't move the ball. That's my problem with it. Why not just start with a kickoff, if you really want to bring the kicking game into play?

If you have a place kicker that can kick it into the endzone, it defeats the purpose of bringing the kicking game in. I like the idea (as I said above, move it to the 5 or maybe the 10 instead of the 3).
This^^ Wasn't Florida's defensive game plan a few years ago to tackle our WR's if they got by them knowing that they would get 15 rather that a 30-40 yard completion? I don't remember the year but it is withing the last 3-4 when we had Hunter, Rogers, etc. They knew their DB's couldn't match up and they were called for 6-7 pass int penalties.

LOL, like.......last year? Wasn't with Rogers, but it was last year. Don't know that they were purposefully "tackling" them, but the interference calls were stopped in the 2nd half by someone cause the interference didn't stop and wasn't getting called.

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