Rule changes to college football

If you don't like the punt idea . . . How about every overtime starts with the offense team actually kicking off? The defense returns the ball and wherever they are tackled is where the offense starts their OT possession.
NCAA should make the Tebowing illegal.... Carried with a season long suspension if your seen doing it.
I think all NFL rules should be adopted by the NCAA. That way these players would already be schooled in the rules for the next level. Playing by them in college would make the transition into the NFL a little easier...IMO

College football would suck if that happened. The NFL is going backwards.
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celebration penalties being either strictly enforced or done away with is my biggest/constant gripe.
What's extreme about it? The average starting field position would likely be about the 35-40 yard line where you're just 1 first down away from FG range. It would bring the punt block, return game, kick coverage etc all into play.

I thought you wanted them to start from the 3. But you want them to punt from the 3? That's odd.

Why not simply start with the ball on the opposite side of the field, so that you may have to punt if you can't move the ball? Starting on the 3 and punting is just odd.
If you don't like the punt idea . . . How about every overtime starts with the offense team actually kicking off? The defense returns the ball and wherever they are tackled is where the offense starts their OT possession.

I think I've seen suggestions before of like... start with a 4th and 5 on the opponents 40 and you can either punt or go for it. Something like that.
If you don't like the punt idea . . . How about every overtime starts with the offense team actually kicking off? The defense returns the ball and wherever they are tackled is where the offense starts their OT possession.

That's insane too. Sounds like some crazy arena ball stuff.
There should be an intentional grinding call for overly frisky QBs.

Take away the defensless receiver rule. JK

Take away fair catches. JK

I don't know but the long term trend is to make it easier for the offense and harder for the defense.

How about 3 point option for a post-TD conversion from the 10 yard hashmark?

Also, one point if you block XP or cause turnover on conversion but don't score and keep 2 for returning conversion for score.

The fair solution would be if they are going to keep the defenseless receiver rule, then they need to add a rule where it is a 15 yard penalty on the offense if a receiver leaves his feet to make a catch. I agree with you 100%, defense is basically being legislated out of the game in the name of "safety".
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Start every overtime period with the defense punting from their own 3 yard line to bring special teams into play and make offenses actually have to move the ball to get in FG range.

i agree that the offense should have to move the ball to get into scoring position...and I like the idea that the punt team would effect the field position...and it would never be the same.
i agree that the offense should have to move the ball to get into scoring position...and I like the idea that the punt team would effect the field position...and it would never be the same.

But your punt team should only come into play when your offense can't move the ball. That's my problem with it. Why not just start with a kickoff, if you really want to bring the kicking game into play?
Require the female cheerleaders and dance squads to wear thongs when temp above 75 and stand on opponents sidelines for distraction.

I am with you. Can we have a "Vandy Clause" put in if the squad is over a certain weight?
Something needs to be done about teams "faking injuries". This has become a common thing to do against up tempo offenses.

I think when a player is injured they should be held out of the game for at least one play or a particular amount of "clock time", say five minutes, you know so we can be sure the athlete is safe and able to return to the game. And the only substitution that can be made during an injury time out is for the injured athlete. If a team chooses to substitute more players they will be charged a time out.

Just a couple thoughts. Not sure any of them will ever be incorporated into the rules.

I'd think Saban would be for this rule as he's so worried about defensive players being injured due to exhaustion against uptempo offenses. You know, protect his players by keeping them safe on the sidelines.
That's just Saban gimmicking a gimmick
Here's one that I have hated for a long time, and I don't believe it has been mentioned here yet. Can they PLEASE stop stopping the clock after 1st downs? It makes the games last FOREVER. If you want to include it for the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter...MAYBE...but I'm not even for that.
Here's one that I have hated for a long time, and I don't believe it has been mentioned here yet. Can they PLEASE stop stopping the clock after 1st downs? It makes the games last FOREVER. If you want to include it for the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter...MAYBE...but I'm not even for that.

It only stops until they spot the ball. That's not nearly as bad as when they stopped the clock every time a player stepped OB. I'm so glad they adopted the NFL rule on that. Games were lasting 4 hours.
Make pass interference penalty place the ball at the point of the foul, like it is in the NFL and used to be in college. A 15 yard penalty for a 40 or 50 yard foul is ludicrous. If a defensive back is getting burned 40 yards downfield he would be stupid to not do anything to keep the receiver from catching the ball and getting a 15 yard penalty.

This^^ Wasn't Florida's defensive game plan a few years ago to tackle our WR's if they got by them knowing that they would get 15 rather that a 30-40 yard completion? I don't remember the year but it is withing the last 3-4 when we had Hunter, Rogers, etc. They knew their DB's couldn't match up and they were called for 6-7 pass int penalties.
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It's ok but they should start the possessions at the 50 yard line instead of the 25.

It may have already been stated in a previous post (but admittedly I did not scroll through all the pages), but the problem with this (as well as the problem with the defending team punting from their own 3 (other than the obvious fact that the NCAA would not go for it) is that if it is a game between 2 strong defensive teams, overtimes could go on forever as neither team could get in position to score. I would favor a change to starting at the 50 yd line if the rules moved it in 10 yds to the 40 yd line on the 2nd posession (if no one scored on the first possession), then to the 30 yd line on the next posession, and then to the 25 yd line on the next if no one had scored by then. And leave it at the 25 at that point until someone wins.

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