Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Sad deal. Having lost family to this disease I hate to hear of anyone, of any political affiliation, get this diagnosis.

I’ve often wondered who would step into his time slot. Hearing this today has me wondering this. Hopefully he gets cured and has many more years.

But if they have to make a change in the future my vote would be Levin. He definitely has the following and is quite brilliant.

Prayers sent.
Aren't they mostly trying to get people to acknowledge she's actually already dead?
They're actively cheering for her death so they can further promote their agenda. Have you seen anyone getting called out for lack of class in those threads? Yeah, me neither
They're actively cheering for her death so they can further promote their agenda. Have you seen anyone getting called out for lack of class in those threads? Yeah, me neither

You realize my observation was more in jest, right?
Because the red hatters cheering for the death of RBG are classy?
Good lord you liberal hack, can you stay on topic? Everything with you is but but but red hatters or but but but Trump. You just can't bring yourself to say anything critical of the radical base of your party.

I was not shocked to read your pals openly wishing him death
Good lord you liberal hack, can you stay on topic? Everything with you is but but but red hatters or but but but Trump. You just can't bring yourself to say anything critical of the radical base of your party.

I was not shocked to read your pals openly wishing him death
I simply replied to the words in your post. If they were on topic then mine were also. If yours weren't....

Can you link any of my pals wishing for his death?
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Pretty disgusting trying to politicize this. No surprise coming from you.

FTR, I never cheered for RBG's death. I don't cheer for anyone to die like this.
I actually replied to a comment politicizing it yet you ignored that post. That's hypocritical (something you called me but ran away when asked for proof)

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