Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

I thought you never actually looked it up but apparently know it either be exhausting? Wow mods are clairvoyant also!
again, this is covered quite often in another forum. He literally used the same 4 numbers in his usernames. It's free info if you're truly interested
No, this is classless:

[To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

“They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?
How does someone know if the caller was black?

Plus, can’t be racist if black African tribes wore bones in their noses. It’s about the culture right?
Your post was made to politicize the discussion and yet your hypocritical pals like @Matt2496 skipped it to take a shot at me. It's not surprising

I only follow a few people I personally know on twitter and they aren't political. Link to my pals?
Your act is old to most of us, only ones who appreciate it are the ones like el, bowl, septic, Luther and mick who have the same political leanings as you
I cannot think of anyone who will take any delight in this. We disagree politically, so what? Doesn't mean you wish ill on another human being with major health problems just because you argue with one another, even deeply.
There are certainly people who will at least pretend to take delight in it on social media, or allude to a belief that it's OK to take some delight in it because, in their estimation, all the damage he's caused to political discourse.

I'm looking at an NBC writer's Twitter right now, blue check mark, saying "I'm so sorry for lung cancer, no one deserves Rush Limbaugh." Lots of "karma is a bitch" sentiments, as though him getting lung cancer is a just "punishment" for having political opinions you disagree with.
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While he was hosting a top 40 music program under a different name in the 1970's? Give me a break. Was he in the Klan like Robert Byrd?

You see what Bernski said in the 70's. You would think EL would be woke.
"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by three men simultaneously."
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I cannot think of anyone who will take any delight in this. We disagree politically, so what? Doesn't mean you wish ill on another human being with major health problems just because you argue with one another, even deeply.
Only post I have ever liked of yours.....good job being a human LG

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