Russia Already Interfering With 2020 Election: Seeks to Re-Elect Trump

Well if you look at it like the left does gun control laws .. if one voter ID law , stops just one Russian
from interfering , then it makes perfect sense .

No one says they are sending in fake voters. They are tampering electronically and spreading lies via social media and fake news sites linked by conservatives and GOPers.
No one says they are sending in fake voters. They are tampering electronically and spreading lies via social media and fake news sites linked by conservatives and GOPers.

We can’t take that chance . One ID voter law , on the voter fraud scale continuum , will stop at least 97.3% of Russian interference. That means there’s only a 2.7% reason not to have one . It’s just reasonable and rational to have it .
Richard Grenell: Intelligence community feels immediate impact of Trump's diplomatic 'disruptor' - CNNPolitics

Grenell ousted a veteran intelligence officer on Friday who served as the number two at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, according to The New York Times, and on Thursday he brought on board a former staffer of Rep. Devin Nunes, a California Republican who's a staunch Trump ally.

For those of you who do not find that sad, worrisome, and/or simply pathetic; we must live in completely different realities.

I guess that's actually been a fairly obvious conclusion for some time now. It just still continues to blow my mind.

What have the intelligence agencies gotten right under those "experienced" leaders? It's a little a lot like wondering if we could have had a better coach than Butch Jones.
Richard Grenell: Intelligence community feels immediate impact of Trump's diplomatic 'disruptor' - CNNPolitics

Present and past colleagues, as well as diplomats who have tussled with him, describe Grenell as an aggressive, intelligent and caustic operator who loves to pick a fight, air the drama on Twitter and make sure everyone in the room knows his loyalty lies first and foremost with the President. (note: loyalty does not lie first and foremost to country)

Trump Jr. said Friday that Grenell had been "the most effective person we've seen in an ambassadorial spot in decades." (lol)

That assessment isn't widely shared. Foreign envoys, German diplomats and US analysts note that Grenell, who is supposed to be America's main eyes and ears on the ground, is so distrusted that Berlin's government and business officials are wary of meeting him.
Grenell's debut was so tumultuous, Chancellor Angela Merkel raised it with Vice President Mike Pence, telling him the new ambassador's style required some "getting used to," one person with knowledge of the exchange said. This person added that Merkel has never warmed to Grenell.

That's quite a statement to make considering a past intelligence occupant - John Brennan.
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That may be the biggest "what if" in the history of "what ifs".
Trump has never put anything before Trump and he is systematically surrounding himself with mindless leg humpers soulless enough to unquestioningly do his bidding.
It's like watching some bizarre sci-fi/horror movie in slow motion and on continuous loop.
I'm weary.
It's sad and disheartening. I never dreamed I would ever be so disappointed in the character of America.

If you want to play that game ... what if the GOP had gotten it's act together with a viable candidate and a community organizer had never been elected. That would be like Tennessee hiring a real football coach after firing Fulmer instead of wandering in the wilderness for ten years.
No one says they are sending in fake voters. They are tampering electronically and spreading lies via social media and fake news sites linked by conservatives and GOPers.

So we add an intelligence test to voter qualifications to weed out the mentally incompetent if you are afraid of people falling for Russian lies.
To stop orangutans from driving cars, we should have pizza.

(As much logic as that tweet)

Does that mean orangutans can do voter registration when they get driver's licenses? Do they have to remove head covers and reveal their orangutaness?

That's the one that is absolutely mind boggling. I can't imagine how a sane country can be in love with its biggest enemy. Our stupidity in sending our industry lock, stock, and barrel has enabled China to build a real military and buy places around the world to stash them. While we've given up industry necessary to build what we would need in time of war. Insane. We've made Chamberlain (appeasement ) look like a genius - he was just willing to be passive and look the other way.
That's the one that is absolutely mind boggling. I can't imagine how a sane country can be in love with its biggest enemy. Our stupidity in sending our industry lock, stock, and barrel has enabled China to build a real military and buy places around the world to stash them. While we've given up industry necessary to build what we would need in time of war. Insane. We've made Chamberlain (appeasement ) look like a genius - he was just willing to be passive and look the other way.
Are you ever right about that. Just look at the steel and aluminum industry, they are all but gone. Now I hear that the pharma industry has pretty much decided to let China make 90% of the raw materials for our drugs. The things that have been allowed to happen in the last 30 years is insane.
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We can’t take that chance . One ID voter law , on the voter fraud scale continuum , will stop at least 97.3% of Russian interference. That means there’s only a 2.7% reason not to have one . It’s just reasonable and rational to have it .

How does a voter id law stop Russian computer hacking of election results or prevent Russian fake propaganda in the internet? If it stopped gullible GOP voters from showing up at the polls I might agree. Otherwise it makes no sense.
How does a voter id law stop Russian computer hacking of election results or prevent Russian fake propaganda in the internet? If it stopped gullible GOP voters from showing up at the polls I might agree. Otherwise it makes no sense.

The same way banning a magazine in a firearm stops a death . We just can’t take the chance man , it’s in society’s best interest to have the voter ID law . After ten years, if when can’t show that it helped , we can just repeal it . No harm no foul .
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