Russia Already Interfering With 2020 Election: Seeks to Re-Elect Trump

Are you ever right about that. Just look at the steel and aluminum industry, they are all but gone. Now I hear that the pharma industry has pretty much decided to let China make 90% of the raw materials for our drugs. The things that have been allowed to happen in the last 30 years is insane.

Concern is also rising that the availability of medicines could soon face disruptions worldwide. An estimated 80% of all active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)—the raw materials for drugs—are produced in China and India, according to recent testimony by Rosemarie Gibson, author of China Rx, before the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in Washington, D.C. They include the compounds used to treat everything from bacterial infections and cancer to heart disease and diabetes. With many factories in China still shuttered, stockpiles of many medicines could soon run short.

“This is a very acute issue now,” says Michael Osterholm, who heads the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Osterholm notes there are 153 medicines people need immediate access to in life-threatening situations. Even before the coronavirus outbreak, overreliance on a small group of suppliers caused shortages of dozens of medicines every day, Osterholm says: “These supply chains are very thin.”

‘The disruption is enormous.’ Coronavirus epidemic snarls science worldwide

It goes well beyond just the recent disruption, too. Several medications were recalled over the past couple of years because they included carcinogens - some accounts made it sound like the Chinese had perhaps diddled with the process and tainted the meds in doing so. I have no idea except for greed why we trust a third world country (at least in terms of sanitation, safety, and environment) to manufacture our medicines ... you'd think we would have learned that lesson with sheet rock and other contaminated materials.
How does a voter id law stop Russian computer hacking of election results or prevent Russian fake propaganda in the internet? If it stopped gullible GOP voters from showing up at the polls I might agree. Otherwise it makes no sense.
I am russian, you will vote for Trump or I will turn you over to KGB.
Are you for real? The voter ID law stops your hispanic invasion from the south from voting themselves into power. As far as ads go, if you're stupid enough to believe the crap posted online by RUSSIANS, you deserve it.
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The Latest Renewal At Stirring Up Trump-Russia Collusion Hysterics Is So Thin, Even CNN's Tapper Called It Out

This was bound to be a flash in the pan story. There’s nothing to it. And the fact that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), one of the biggest anti-Trump Democrats on the Hill who has a reputation of leaking everything under the sun, was involved didn’t help matters either. You all know the story: somebody leaked details of a classified intelligence briefing to The New York Times that the—wait for it—Russians were trying to help Trump get re-elected. Schiff was in the room for this briefing. It was then leaked to a major news publication. It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle as to who spilled the beans:

And now, the Russians are helping Sen. Bernie Sanders as well. They’re helping him, according to a story in The Washington Post. Sanders was briefed on this matter…a month ago. If everyone is a Russian agent, then no one is a Russian agent. This game has gone long enough. It was a clown show from the beginning. There is zero evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, which was finally given the kill shot with the report filed by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This report and the one filed by the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who investigated the FISA abuses under Obama, also torched the infamous and unverified Trump dossier, which was the basis for this whole myth. This piece of political opposition research that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign was also cited as credible evidence in securing a FISA spy warrant against Carter Page, who was a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. It was all a hoax, with shoddy information from some trash document used to execute a partisan witch-hunt that evolved into an absurd impeachment push. Luckily, the Democrats failed. They have yet to learn that you cannot polish a turd. If the argument and its so-called evidence is garbage, that’s exactly how it will be seen, no matter how many disgruntled anti-Trump bureaucrats you drag onto the Hill for testimony.
Oh, and even CNN’s Jake Tapper took these new allegations to the woodshed. As Streiffnoted on RedState, we don’t know what the evidence is, what agencies are involved, or the confidence of this assessment. Tapper took to Twitter to go on a lengthy thread about how intelligence officials he knows pushed back on what was being peddled by his colleagues in the media. In all, the intelligence gathered bears no fruit in confirming the ‘Russia is helping Trump’ allegation that was supposedly tossed out there by Shelby Pierson, the man in charge with our election security:

And even CBS News’ Catherine Herridge said there is no evidence to back up the claim. Her source told her when pressed for examples, like phone intercepts, the briefers didn’t have any. So, there’s no evidence. This sounds very, very familiar, huh?

The Latest Renewal At Stirring Up Trump-Russia Collusion Hysterics Is So Thin, Even CNN's Tapper Called It Out

This was bound to be a flash in the pan story. There’s nothing to it. And the fact that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), one of the biggest anti-Trump Democrats on the Hill who has a reputation of leaking everything under the sun, was involved didn’t help matters either. You all know the story: somebody leaked details of a classified intelligence briefing to The New York Times that the—wait for it—Russians were trying to help Trump get re-elected. Schiff was in the room for this briefing. It was then leaked to a major news publication. It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle as to who spilled the beans:

And now, the Russians are helping Sen. Bernie Sanders as well. They’re helping him, according to a story in The Washington Post. Sanders was briefed on this matter…a month ago. If everyone is a Russian agent, then no one is a Russian agent. This game has gone long enough. It was a clown show from the beginning. There is zero evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, which was finally given the kill shot with the report filed by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This report and the one filed by the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who investigated the FISA abuses under Obama, also torched the infamous and unverified Trump dossier, which was the basis for this whole myth. This piece of political opposition research that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign was also cited as credible evidence in securing a FISA spy warrant against Carter Page, who was a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. It was all a hoax, with shoddy information from some trash document used to execute a partisan witch-hunt that evolved into an absurd impeachment push. Luckily, the Democrats failed. They have yet to learn that you cannot polish a turd. If the argument and its so-called evidence is garbage, that’s exactly how it will be seen, no matter how many disgruntled anti-Trump bureaucrats you drag onto the Hill for testimony.​
Oh, and even CNN’s Jake Tapper took these new allegations to the woodshed. As Streiffnoted on RedState, we don’t know what the evidence is, what agencies are involved, or the confidence of this assessment. Tapper took to Twitter to go on a lengthy thread about how intelligence officials he knows pushed back on what was being peddled by his colleagues in the media. In all, the intelligence gathered bears no fruit in confirming the ‘Russia is helping Trump’ allegation that was supposedly tossed out there by Shelby Pierson, the man in charge with our election security:​
And even CBS News’ Catherine Herridge said there is no evidence to back up the claim. Her source told her when pressed for examples, like phone intercepts, the briefers didn’t have any. So, there’s no evidence. This sounds very, very familiar, huh?​

You know it’s bad when even CNN isn’t willing to pee on the same electric fence twice . Lol
The Latest Renewal At Stirring Up Trump-Russia Collusion Hysterics Is So Thin, Even CNN's Tapper Called It Out

This was bound to be a flash in the pan story. There’s nothing to it. And the fact that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), one of the biggest anti-Trump Democrats on the Hill who has a reputation of leaking everything under the sun, was involved didn’t help matters either. You all know the story: somebody leaked details of a classified intelligence briefing to The New York Times that the—wait for it—Russians were trying to help Trump get re-elected. Schiff was in the room for this briefing. It was then leaked to a major news publication. It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle as to who spilled the beans:

And now, the Russians are helping Sen. Bernie Sanders as well. They’re helping him, according to a story in The Washington Post. Sanders was briefed on this matter…a month ago. If everyone is a Russian agent, then no one is a Russian agent. This game has gone long enough. It was a clown show from the beginning. There is zero evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, which was finally given the kill shot with the report filed by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller. This report and the one filed by the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who investigated the FISA abuses under Obama, also torched the infamous and unverified Trump dossier, which was the basis for this whole myth. This piece of political opposition research that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign was also cited as credible evidence in securing a FISA spy warrant against Carter Page, who was a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. It was all a hoax, with shoddy information from some trash document used to execute a partisan witch-hunt that evolved into an absurd impeachment push. Luckily, the Democrats failed. They have yet to learn that you cannot polish a turd. If the argument and its so-called evidence is garbage, that’s exactly how it will be seen, no matter how many disgruntled anti-Trump bureaucrats you drag onto the Hill for testimony.​
Oh, and even CNN’s Jake Tapper took these new allegations to the woodshed. As Streiffnoted on RedState, we don’t know what the evidence is, what agencies are involved, or the confidence of this assessment. Tapper took to Twitter to go on a lengthy thread about how intelligence officials he knows pushed back on what was being peddled by his colleagues in the media. In all, the intelligence gathered bears no fruit in confirming the ‘Russia is helping Trump’ allegation that was supposedly tossed out there by Shelby Pierson, the man in charge with our election security:​
And even CBS News’ Catherine Herridge said there is no evidence to back up the claim. Her source told her when pressed for examples, like phone intercepts, the briefers didn’t have any. So, there’s no evidence. This sounds very, very familiar, huh?​

How can Schiff keep his intelligence position with a history of leaking? All I can figure is that for a republican to call him out would be abuse of power to disadvantage a political rival, and dims, well ... need anyone say more
The same way banning a magazine in a firearm stops a death . We just can’t take the chance man , it’s in society’s best interest to have the voter ID law . After ten years, if when can’t show that it helped , we can just repeal it . No harm no foul .

Have you ever noticed that Dems support policies that expand voting and make it as inclusive as possible whereas the GOP works tirelessly to reduce the opportunities to vote?

Why is that?
No one says they are sending in fake voters. They are tampering electronically and spreading lies via social media and fake news sites linked by conservatives and GOPers.
With the open borders and lack of IDs, no one can really say they're not. So, let's build that wall and issue those IDs. I heard foreigners monkeying with our elections is an exisential threat.
How does a voter id law stop Russian computer hacking of election results or prevent Russian fake propaganda in the internet? If it stopped gullible GOP voters from showing up at the polls I might agree. Otherwise it makes no sense.
They bought $140,000 worth of advertising bro....they’re not implementing wide spread mind control
Have you ever noticed that Dems support policies that expand voting and make it as inclusive as possible whereas the GOP works tirelessly to reduce the opportunities to vote?

Why is that?

I dunno, but I've noticed dims support open borders and all the inclusiveness it brings ... despite existing immigration law. Maybe dims just see laws as optional ... applicable or not as they benefit dims and screw everyone else.
Have you ever noticed that Dems support policies that expand voting and make it as inclusive as possible whereas the GOP works tirelessly to reduce the opportunities to vote?

Why is that?

I noticed that was a good spin . How does requiring ID to prove you are able to vote according to our constitution restricting voters rights when that same ID is required for almost anything you do ? I guess the better question would be why is the left always trying to make it so it’s easier , instead of harder , to scam the government , a group , a corporation , a program , or institution ? Everyone has the same opportunity to vote just like we have the same opportunity to Drive with an ID, Open a bank account with an ID, buy a phone with an ID , by liquor with an ID , and last but not in least .. receive any city , local or federal government entitlements or assistance of any kind “ only with an ID “.
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Obama surrounded himself with likeminded people who were loyal to him and advanced his agenda so they are the same in that aspect.
I don't remember the record turnover. I don't remember Obama publicly insulting the very people he had appointed whenever they dared to have a different opinion, so they weren't that alike. I don't remember the ones he fired saying they tried to keep him in line and it cost them their job. I don't remember the books and the legal battles to keep them from being published.
I'll stick with opposite.
With the open borders and lack of IDs, no one can really say they're not. So, let's build that wall and issue those IDs. I heard foreigners monkeying with our elections is an exisential threat.

Apparently it's all a matter of whose monkeys we are talking about before the dims can assess threat level.
What have the intelligence agencies gotten right under those "experienced" leaders? It's a little a lot like wondering if we could have had a better coach than Butch Jones.
We would have no idea what they've gotten right.
Have you ever noticed that Dems support policies that expand voting and make it as inclusive as possible whereas the GOP works tirelessly to reduce the opportunities to vote?

Why is that?

Everyone has noticed the Bolsheviks want to give the vote to Illegal Aliens.
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Have you ever noticed that Dems support policies that expand voting and make it as inclusive as possible whereas the GOP works tirelessly to reduce the opportunities to vote?

Why is that?
Yes even expanding it to illegals, dead people, people voting twice etc. but in reality Voter ID would prevent any fraud but that is the reason Dems don’t want it
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Have you ever noticed that Dems support policies that expand voting and make it as inclusive as possible whereas the GOP works tirelessly to reduce the opportunities to vote?

Why is that?
If those you seek to include start voting Republican, I'm fairly certain you'd start advocating for voter I.D.

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