Russia Already Interfering With 2020 Election: Seeks to Re-Elect Trump

I've got a counterargument. Raise the "combat" age limit to 21 and make voting age 21...

You can still serve in the military from 18-21, but only in non-combat roles.

Interesting thought; I think I like it, but I have to be honest in saying I'm not sure how it would work out for the military. Still, the military accepted women for a long time while they were kept out of combat, so maybe it wouldn't kill force levels, and there are a tremendous number of support personnel for every soldier in combat ... even more so for skills like combat pilots.
Read a few months ago about the Winter War between Finland and Russia. maybe we can flip this narrative of Russia collusion on its head by suggesting that Biden or anyone else losing to Bernie is getting funding from Finland, which is/was an enemy of Russia.

Finnish collusion...

Don't forget Ukrainian collusion. And how can China possibly be left off the list ... that one's mind boggling.

We've been hearing for about two years that they are. But that makes Trump mad so he fires everyone who dares speak the truth. Replaces them with loyalists who back it down.

They are interfering. They are doing it to help Trump. No amount of Trump propaganda is going to change the truth.
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We've been hearing for about two years that they are. But that makes Trump mad so he fires everyone who dares speak the truth. Replaces them with loyalists who back it down.

They are interfering. They are doing it to help Trump. No amount of Trump propaganda is going to change the truth.
Wrong. Drain the swamp of those demos, that are lying.
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The top election security official ....Shelby Pierson.....reportedly misled members of the House Intelligence Committee during a briefing on Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2020 election to help Trump win ...nothing but lies for the gullible Dems to run with.......more made up lies. More taxpayer funded investigations & committees to follow.

SIAP: Oops: Intelligence Official 'Misled' Lawmakers About Russia Helping Trump Win Re-election
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The top election security official ....Shelby Pierson.....reportedly misled members of the House Intelligence Committee during a briefing on Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2020 election to help Trump win ...nothing but lies for the gullible Dems to run with.......more made up lies. More taxpayer funded investigations & committees to follow.

SIAP: Oops: Intelligence Official 'Misled' Lawmakers About Russia Helping Trump Win Re-election
$hitty schiff doesn't mind spreading lies if it fits his corrupt narratives
Report – Officials Deny Russia Meddling to Support Trump: ‘The Intelligence Doesn’t Say That’

U.S. intelligence and national security officials have reportedly refuted the claim that Russia is interfering in the 2020 elections to help President Donald Trump’s re-election, arguing in media reports published over the weekend that the United States does not have evidence to support the allegation.

House Democrat lawmakers pushing the allegation that the Kremlin is trying to help Trump “misheard or misinterpreted” the intelligence community’s formal assessment of ongoing U.S. election interference by the Russians, unnamed U.S. officials suggested to the New York Times.

Citing three unnamed national security officials, CNN added, “The U.S. does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump.”

Earlier this month, Shelby Pierson from ODNI briefed the Democrat-led House Intelligence Committee about Russia’s ongoing interference in the 2020 elections, claiming that the Kremlin’s goal is to get Trump re-elected.

“The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one of the unnamed officials told CNN, referring to Pierson’s claim. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that. It’s more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he’s a dealmaker.”

Pierson’s characterization of the intelligence on election interference at the hands of the Russians was “misleading,” CNN learned.

Citing sources familiar with the matter, the Washington Post recently reported that U.S. officials had warned Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that Russia is trying to get him to the White House. Sanders is currently the front-runner for the Democrat presidential nomination.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has described the assertion that Russia is trying to help Sanders as “false,” lambasting Trump for repeating it.

Echoing the U.S. intelligence and national security officers who spoke to CNN and the Times, White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien and Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short denied the ODNI official’s claim that Russia is interfering in the 2020 presidential election to aid Trump’s re-election.

Report – Officials Deny Russia Meddling to Support Trump: 'The Intelligence Doesn't Say That'
Trump stands by while Russia does the same crap they did in 2016. Trump isn't tough on Russia at all. Obama telling Russia to knock it off for the win.
I honestly don’t know which is worse about exaggerating, deflecting , making up stories , hiding / denying things, crying about every single thing they hear .. The Media , The politicians , The unknown sources or The Mick . 🤔
Report – Officials Deny Russia Meddling to Support Trump: ‘The Intelligence Doesn’t Say That’

U.S. intelligence and national security officials have reportedly refuted the claim that Russia is interfering in the 2020 elections to help President Donald Trump’s re-election, arguing in media reports published over the weekend that the United States does not have evidence to support the allegation.

House Democrat lawmakers pushing the allegation that the Kremlin is trying to help Trump “misheard or misinterpreted” the intelligence community’s formal assessment of ongoing U.S. election interference by the Russians, unnamed U.S. officials suggested to the New York Times.

Citing three unnamed national security officials, CNN added, “The U.S. does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump.”

Earlier this month, Shelby Pierson from ODNI briefed the Democrat-led House Intelligence Committee about Russia’s ongoing interference in the 2020 elections, claiming that the Kremlin’s goal is to get Trump re-elected.

“The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one of the unnamed officials told CNN, referring to Pierson’s claim. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that. It’s more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he’s a dealmaker.”

Pierson’s characterization of the intelligence on election interference at the hands of the Russians was “misleading,” CNN learned.

Citing sources familiar with the matter, the Washington Post recently reported that U.S. officials had warned Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that Russia is trying to get him to the White House. Sanders is currently the front-runner for the Democrat presidential nomination.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has described the assertion that Russia is trying to help Sanders as “false,” lambasting Trump for repeating it.

Echoing the U.S. intelligence and national security officers who spoke to CNN and the Times, White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien and Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short denied the ODNI official’s claim that Russia is interfering in the 2020 presidential election to aid Trump’s re-election.

Report – Officials Deny Russia Meddling to Support Trump: 'The Intelligence Doesn't Say That'
What would be expected from Russia is to put out disinformation of interference as to undermine actual election results. Good to know they have some complicit agents like Mick to carry out their work.

Keep up the good work comrade.
What would be expected from Russia is to put out disinformation of interference as to undermine actual election results. Good to know they have some complicit agents like Mick to carry out their work.

Keep up the good work comrade.
Are you on drugs?

You should be. Might want to put on a helmet too.

When will you guys realize Russia wants us tearing ourselves apart? They play you guys like a fiddle.

Meanwhile China is over here building like Bob the Builder on crack , and everybody’s like oh well look what Russia is doing , they are “ likely ramping up “ to say bad things and send out more memes . 😠
"Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected"

Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

Be fair Coug.

Russia wants Trump.
China wants Biden.
Iran wants Biden.

These jerks are only concerned about what enriches and empowers them. They each see different candidates making those roads easier.

Reps shouldn’t vote for Trump because Biden is supported by China and Iran.

Dems shouldn’t vote for Biden because Trump is supported by Russia.

And I don’t think either side would change their mind even if Satan came up and backed their candidate. We’ve all lost too much trust in the other sides good will for that.
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When will you guys realize Russia wants us tearing ourselves apart? They play you guys like a fiddle.
Playing Barr, Trump, and the usual right wing suspects here. I know actually calling them out is not of your concern. Trying to disparage the ones that do call it out seems like your priority.

And...... most realize that is the underlying objective and most realize Trump is just the instrument to do it. The rest deny they are doing it and try to downplay it while railing against voting, answering the call to arms, and beating the Hunter Biden drum. Most people are calling this out in real time but not the one being played.
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