Russia and the NRA

That's why I said if you're not loading up on penicillin and super antibiotics, you're not really preparing yourself anyway. I may barter some meds for guns if need be.

If I've got guns and you don't why would I need to barter?
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If I've got guns and you don't why would I need to barter?

Ouch. Reality crashes in.

You have a criminal mentality.

This is a *htf scenario?

I think a lot of people would have such a mentality if resources were scarce. My kid is starving, and you have food? My wife is dying and you have meds?

The line between "criminal" and "fear/desperation" would become blurred for most.

(I hope it wouldn't for me and mine. I'd like to think we could forge some sort of mutually beneficial small-scale culture. But I think hogg's point is that loother's plan relies on a part of human nature which history shows to be unreliable. IOW, I think hogg was responding from potential reality and pragmatism as opposed to his own, current base responses.)
Funny story... Back in the days leading up to Y2K, with all of the apocalyptic expectations, I remember listening to a national call-in radio show.

One guy called in and said, "To get through the societal collapse, I'm investing in real gold!"

The radio host calmly responded. "Great idea! I'm investing in lead. Once society collapses, I'll have my lead and your gold."


Seems somehow pertinent to loother's potential plans for post-apocalyptic success.
That's why I said if you're not loading up on penicillin and super antibiotics, you're not really preparing yourself anyway. I may barter some meds for guns if need be.

While I can do nothing but endorse the idea of including medications in one's emergency supplies you do know pretty much all the big pandemic risks are viral, right?
I wouldn’t say that at all but like I’ve said in some of the conversations about AnCap, you don’t want it because of people like me.

If we're talking societal collapse, or anarchy, the real question about his accusation of 'criminal mindset' is... "Would the concept of 'criminal' even have any meaning at all?"
If I've got guns and you don't why would I need to barter?

I thought gun owners were as a group some of the most law abiding citizens we have. Are you saying that's not the case? When the power grids go down, the zombies rise, Honduras invades, and the pandemic spreads, are gun owners going to immediately become lawless?,

Anyway, I'm planning on having protection provided by some of my gun toting friends in exchange for some of my meds.
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I thought gun owners were as a group some of the most law abiding citizens we have. Are you saying that's not the case? When the power grids go down, the zombies rise, Honduras invades, and the pandemic spreads, are gun owners going to immediately become lawless?,

Anyway, I'm planning on having protection provided by some of my gun toting friends in exchange for some of my meds.

Zombiecillin has not been approved by the FDA.
I thought gun owners were as a group some of the most law abiding citizens we have. Are you saying that's not the case? When the power grids go down, the zombies rise, Honduras invades, and the pandemic spreads, are gun owners going to immediately become lawless?,

Anyway, I'm planning on having protection provided by some of my gun toting friends in exchange for some of my meds.

So you re screwed?
I thought gun owners were as a group some of the most law abiding citizens we have. Are you saying that's not the case? When the power grids go down, the zombies rise, Honduras invades, and the pandemic spreads, are gun owners going to immediately become lawless?,

Anyway, I'm planning on having protection provided by some of my gun toting friends in exchange for some of my meds.

In the absence of enforcement is there such a thing? I remember someone saying "There is no controlling legal authority that says this was in violation of law."

Again, why would they have to provide you anything and not just take it?
The lesson on items needed was not needed.
My question is specifically, what eventualities are you preparing for and how likely do you think each is to occur?

It's unlikely that your house will burn to the ground. But you still carry insurance because the consequences could be ruiness. It's just insurance that you hope you never need.

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