Russia and the NRA

The only real game that matters. What's the one game you would most want to win?

Did you realize the sky is blue and when the grass grows back it will be green Luth? By extrapolation this supports my stance on how sharks have evolved their double eyelids. That leads to how the two toed sloths digestive habits fit so well into their native environment. And, if course where I’m going with this, this all points to how very soon we will land a spaceship on Mars. Any reasonable and rational person can see how these are connected.
Did you realize the sky is blue and when the grass grows back it will be green Luth? By extrapolation this supports my stance on how sharks have evolved their double eyelids. That leads to how the two toed sloths digestive habits fit so well into their native environment. And, if course where I’m going with this, this all points to how very soon we will land a spaceship on Mars. Any reasonable and rational person can see how these are connected.

I was just thinking the same thing.
The only real game that matters. What's the one game you would most want to win?

One, two, three, four....

I declare a thumb war.

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I'm just pointing out the counter productive arguments. In it's simplest form it's best for you to have one and not the other person. Most of the arguments I hear is about "me" and "my right" and the fear of losing it. That fear is what drives the discussion to the point that any reasonable measures to keep guns from the crazy violent irrational people are meet with unreasonable arguments.

Nobody can say they feel safer if everyone had a gun. That would completely defeat the advantage now wouldn't it? Some of these people need to realize that but unfortunately they push for the sale of more. And that is all the NRA is interested in, selling more guns and not a persons safety.

No more but no less either in regards to safety. It's not hard to get a gun outside of the law. It's been discussed here a plenty. The only thing additional law would do (in regards to a would be or formal criminal) is removed the authorities ability to know that weapon was purchased.

It's not about an advantage to me. If one decides given the circumstances given here I don't expect them to come without one. I wouldn't be naive enough to expect otherwise.
I thought you were older than that type of humor. I guess not. Tag you're it.

Lol. Oh Mick always so angry. Sometimes a 3rd grade prepubescent meme perfectly captures the message at hand and is funny as hell to boot!

Just embrace the juvenile meme! It’s exhilarating!
Hogg: My responsibilities are to my wife and kids.
Me: I know they are, mine are as well.
Northdallas: Yea Luth, but I guess you're not going to get it done.
Me: Judging by results, I am getting it done just fine. I call that winning.
Northdallas: you call what your doing winning?
Hogg: But I fulfill my own responsibilities and don't rely on others like you do.
Hogg: Winning what by the way?
Me: the only thing that really matters.
ButchPlz: Liberals always lose
ButchPlz: Mythical wins? Nobody wants your life.
NorthDallas: Nothing you say makes any sense.
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I trust that you hold no responsibility higher than that of defending, feeding, and taking care of your wife and kids. I also trust that you know that it is also my highest priority and responsibility.

The fact that we interpret the fulfillment of that responsibility as requiring different actions doesn't lessen the fact that we have the same ultimate goal.

And that doesn't make either one of you wrong either.

He shouldn't tell you how to go about that nor you tell him.
Hogg: My responsibilities are to my wife and kids.
Me: I know they are, mine are as well.
Northdallas: Yea Luth, but I guess you're not going to get it done.
Me: Judging by results, I am getting it done just fine. I call that winning.
Northdallas: you call what your doing winning?
Hogg: But I fulfill my own responsibilities and don't rely on others like you do.
Hogg: Winning what by the way?
Me: the only thing that really matters.
ButchPlz: Liberals always lose
ButchPlz: Mythical wins? Nobody wants your life.
NorthDallas: Nothing you say makes any sense.

Gotta admit. You pegged me right on that summary.
Hogg: My responsibilities are to my wife and kids.
Me: I know they are, mine are as well.
Northdallas: Yea Luth, but I guess you're not going to get it done.
Me: Judging by results, I am getting it done just fine. I call that winning.
Northdallas: you call what your doing winning?
Hogg: But I fulfill my own responsibilities and don't rely on others like you do.
Hogg: Winning what by the way?
Me: the only thing that really matters.
ButchPlz: Liberals always lose
ButchPlz: Mythical wins? Nobody wants your life.
NorthDallas: Nothing you say makes any sense.

Luther, the conversation was about if everything went to ****. So right now niether one of us is even playing that game.
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Luther, the conversation was about if everything went to ****. So right now niether one of us is even playing that game.

I was viewing the conversation in a broader context; providing for the safety, security, and well being of your wife and kids... Always... It's not just a priority if/when things get to that metaphorical "everything's gone to ***t" point.

Sort of like the way my grandparents raised my parents, my parents raised me and my siblings, my wife's parents raised her, and I have raised my kids (2 of whom are pretty much on their own now). The time, energy, money, and emotion that was not expended on preparing for the apocalypse was directed into more tangible and beneficial areas.

Plus, if you're not hording penicillin and super antibiotics, you're not really prepared anyway.
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I was viewing the conversation in a broader context; providing for the safety, security, and well being of your wife and kids... Always... It's not just a priority if/when things get to that metaphorical "everything's gone to ***t" point.

Sort of like the way my grandparents raised my parents, my parents raised me and my siblings, my wife's parents raised her, and I have raised my kids (2 of whom are pretty much on their own now). The time, energy, money, and emotion that was not expended on preparing for the apocalypse was directed into more tangible and beneficial areas.

Plus, if you're not hording penicillin and super antibiotics, you're not really prepared anyway.

Quick, without Google searching:

Name me four natural antibiotics that you can grow yourself, four immune system boosters, a naturally grown aspirin replacement, and then describe the detrimental effects of our current pseudo-food culture (i.e. the benefits of a naturally grown, whole food, nutrient-dense diet).

One can never hoard any and every conceivable need, but one can do pretty well by taking personal responsibility for our own lifestyles.
I'm just pointing out the counter productive arguments. In it's simplest form it's best for you to have one and not the other person. Most of the arguments I hear is about "me" and "my right" and the fear of losing it. That fear is what drives the discussion to the point that any reasonable measures to keep guns from the crazy violent irrational people are meet with unreasonable arguments.

Nobody can say they feel safer if everyone had a gun. That would completely defeat the advantage now wouldn't it? Some of these people need to realize that but unfortunately they push for the sale of more. And that is all the NRA is interested in, selling more guns and not a persons safety.

been to a couple gun shows. never once felt unsafe, even unarmed. never felt unsafe around said gun show. if they have a gun they are more likely to be prepped than the non gun owners. as others have pointed out guns are incredibly preventative items without ever being used.

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