Russia and the NRA

loother??? I'm bored and don't want to play anymore. And stop asking to copy my homework.

I hate to continually have to point out the obvious but....

I have never advocated for taking away your right to own your "insurance policy" gun.

I never said anything about your decision to arm yourself as insurance.

What I did say is that guns are not exactly like a home fire insurance policy. Some similarities, some differences.

To continue dumming it down....a home fire insurance policy will never, either intentionally or unintentionally, be used for anything other than its expressed purpose. (minor difference - one of several) And that's the only one of my answers that I'm going to give you. Think!

I'm merely asking why to even bring that up, unless you have a point. I never said you want to take guns. What was your point?
Could America’s armed citizenry and militias stand up to a full scale Russian invasion?

No, no they could not.

Could they potentially be a powerful ally to the United States Government during such an invasion?

Yes, they certainly could in some capacity.
Active member?

What does that have do with anyone else?

By active member, he means that he will be active bartering valuable medications with all those scary gun owners after society and order collapsed and such materials are scarce. It's a "can't-miss" proposition.

PS... As an insurance policy... I wonder how many people die from penicillin allergies every year. That may affect the veracity of the plan in some way.
By active member, he means that he will be active bartering valuable medications with all those scary gun owners after society and order collapsed and such materials are scarce. It's a "can't-miss" proposition.

PS... As an insurance policy... I wonder how many people die from penicillin allergies every year. That may affect the veracity of the plan in some way.

Only an idiot would bring up insurance policies in some lame....oh wait
Could America’s armed citizenry and militias stand up to a full scale Russian invasion?

No, no they could not.

Could they potentially be a powerful ally to the United States Government during such an invasion?

Yes, they certainly could in some capacity.

Neither could a bunch of goat farmers.
I was referring to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

I see. Yes, I agree. A resistance by the people, armed with pretty much nothing but AK-47’s and RPG’s were able to keep the Soviets at bay for years.

I think the terrain played a part as well, though.
Same can be said for the Viet Công and Vietnam.

For the record, I am saying that the armed American citizenry and militias WOULD be a benefit to defending the homeland during invasion.
It's unlikely that your house will burn to the ground. But you still carry insurance because the consequences could be ruiness. It's just insurance that you hope you never need.

Only an idiot would bring up insurance policies in some lame....oh wait

It was midnight orange that brought it up. I'll just go with your assessment.

Amazingly enough, this isn't the first time that something that has been twisted into a negative is wrongly attributed to me. Par for the course.
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It was midnight orange that brought it up. I'll just go with your assessment.

Amazingly enough, this isn't the first time that something that has been twisted into a negative is wrongly attributed to me. Par for the course.

The dot dot dot is where I was making fun of you. How did that go over your head?
No. He mentioned the insurance reference being lame. That was the big clue whose reference he was talking about.

He said only an idiot would Bring Up insurance policies. I didn't bring it up. He, and you evidently, thought I did. No shame in being wrong.
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That's an excellent point and one reason why I have NEVER and will NEVER advocate for any law that would take away a person's right to own a gun for self defense.

The other part of your analogy would need to include this, 50% of all house fires are caused by the spontaneous combustion of insurance policies, thousands of insurance policies are "lost" or "stolen" every year and used to burn other people's property. Occasionally, a big and totally unnecessary insurance policy is used to burn down a school building full of innocent children. Finally, insurance policies are frequently used in domestic violence, murder/suicides, and just plain suicide.

He brought up a basic point that you carry fire insurance in the small chance that your house burns down.

You grabbed the ball and ran. I know. Semantics.

Edit: yes I know you didn’t bring it up. But you went full retard in the extended analogy. Luth, you never EVER go full retard.
He said only an idiot would Bring Up insurance policies. I didn't bring it up. He, and you evidently, thought I did. No shame in being wrong.

No. I thought you needlessly pressed the reference to insurance. I firmly think that you're retreating from the point you were to afraid to actually make. I thought it incredibly lame and decided to point that out by proxy. Anything else you want to comment on? Like the point you're afraid to own? Or is that about it?
He brought up a basic point that you carry fire insurance in the small chance that your house burns down.

You grabbed the ball and ran. I know. Semantics.

Edit: yes I know you didn’t bring it up. But you went full retard in the extended analogy. Luth, you never EVER go full retard.

You're wrong.

He often does.
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No. I thought you needlessly pressed the reference to insurance. I firmly think that you're retreating from the point you were to afraid to actually make. I thought it incredibly lame and decided to point that out by proxy. Anything else you want to comment on? Like the point you're afraid to own? Or is that about it?

You are such a simpleton.
Retreating from a point I was afraid to make? Stupid
Point out by proxy? More stupid
Anything else I want to comment on? Stupider
Is that about it? Most stupid

You have the mentality of a teen.
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You are such a simpleton.
Retreating from a point I was afraid to make? Stupid
Point out by proxy? More stupid
Anything else I want to comment on? Stupider
Is that about it? Most stupid

You have the mentality of a teen.

My points were very clear, loother, unlike yours. You going to tell us what point you were working toward?
My points were very clear, loother, unlike yours. You going to tell us what point you were working toward?

Badgering the witness in a pointless attempt to what? Make your point. What was your point BTW? What was the point he was trying to make? Let it go man. I'm probably more inclined to agree that its better to have a gun than not.
My points were very clear, loother, unlike yours. You going to tell us what point you were working toward?

My point was exactly as clear as I wanted it to be. If you couldn't understand the point as made, you wouldn't understand the explanation. It goes back to that basic principle: if I tell you guys what to think, you will immediately reject it; if I lead you guys to think, there is a sliver of hope.
My point was exactly as clear as I wanted it to be. If you couldn't understand the point as made, you wouldn't understand the explanation. It goes back to that basic principle: if I tell you guys what to think, you will immediately reject it; if I lead you guys to think, there is a sliver of hope.

That's rich.
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