Russia and the NRA

My point was exactly as clear as I wanted it to be. If you couldn't understand the point as made, you wouldn't understand the explanation. It goes back to that basic principle: if I tell you guys what to think, you will immediately reject it; if I lead you guys to think, there is a sliver of hope.

Luther, naturally, I perceived what you said, and obviously I understand what you said, or I wouldn't be pressing you on it. I've been very clear in asking you to tell us WHY you felt the need to interject that within the context of the conversation, and WHAT your desire was for us to take away from it and DO with it. Was it just more of your diarrhea of the keyboard, just an uncontrollable rush to pollute the discussion? Or were you actually intending something with it?

If the former, I would humbly ask that you take some pepto. If the latter, I'm just asking you to own it and stop being such a coward.
Luther, naturally, I perceived what you said, and obviously I understand what you said, or I wouldn't be pressing you on it. I've been very clear in asking you to tell us WHY you felt the need to interject that within the context of the conversation, and WHAT your desire was for us to take away from it and DO with it. Was it just more of your diarrhea of the keyboard, just an uncontrollable rush to pollute the discussion? Or were you actually intending something with it?

If the former, I would humbly ask that you take some pepto. If the latter, I'm just asking you to own it and stop being such a coward.

Good god you're dense.

Take away from it and do with it whatever you wish. I'm leading you to water, I'm not attempting to make you drink.
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Take away from it and do with it whatever you wish.

So, your reason for posting that was to be ineffective in communicating it? You made points for the purpose of the hearer formulating whatever they wish to formulate from it? You weren't communicating for purpose, reason or effect?

That, my friend, is keyboard diarrhea.

I'm leading you to water, I'm not attempting to make you drink.

You aren't leading anyone anywhere because you aren't a leader.

A leader communicates clearly, from a clarity of vision, for the purpose of changing someone's mind, outlook, action, direction, and/or way of thinking. What you did was the opposite of "leading". And your current deflection does nothing but cement that fact.

Have a nice day.
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I'm having a hard time finding info validating the headline of the article. Seems a bit misleading to suggest the NRA lawyer in question had concerns.....quite the opposite?

Cleta Mitchell, a former NRA board member who has done legal work for the organization, is on a newly disclosed list of people whom Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee are seeking to interview. Democratic investigators for that committee’s Senate counterpart also are interested in what she may know about relationships between the NRA or its allies and wealthy Russians, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Mitchell told McClatchy in an email that any suggestion she has concerns about the NRA's Russia connections is a "complete fabrication."

In an email, Mitchell strongly denied having concerns about Russian funds being improperly routed through the NRA.

“I have no knowledge of anything like this and zero concerns whatsoever about anyone — Russians or otherwise — who ‘funneled’ funds to / through NRA,” she said. The NRA “ is meticulous about following all the rules. This is all a complete fabrication.”

Mitchell said she would be willing to talk to investigators but it would be “...wasting everyone’s time and money...”
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I'm having a hard time finding info validating the headline of the article. Seems a bit misleading to suggest the NRA lawyer in question had concerns.....quite the opposite?

Sorta like the "sh**hole" comment from Trump. Various people said he made the comment, but Trump denied it. The denial doesn't mean it wasn't said. Ditto here. She denies expressing concerns. Others said she expressed concerns. Both can't be telling the truth, but we can't immediately conclude she's the truth teller and the others are lying. Regardless, looks like she's scheduled to speak to the senate. Sometimes being under oath enhances people's memory.
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Sorta like the "sh**hole" comment from Trump. Various people said he made the comment, but Trump denied it. The denial doesn't mean it wasn't said. Ditto here. She denies expressing concerns. Others said she expressed concerns. Both can't be telling the truth, but we can't immediately conclude she's the truth teller and the others are lying. Regardless, looks like she's scheduled to speak to the senate. Sometimes being under oath enhances people's memory.

Or it gives those doing the questioning the power of coercion. How many innocent “suspects” have succumbed to this pressure, and have subsequently endured the wrath of injustice?

Not saying this happens in every circumstance, or even that it happens often, but it does occur nonetheless. An admission is often times hard to undo, even though incontrovertible evidence/truths categorically prove innocence.
She denies expressing concerns. Others said she expressed concerns. Both can't be telling the truth, but we can't immediately conclude she's the truth teller and the others are lying. Regardless, looks like she's scheduled to speak to the senate. Sometimes being under oath enhances people's memory.

Where is the information in the article verifying that she "had concerns"?

The article about an NRA lawyer having concerns provides no information to back that claim and instead has multiple quotes from said lawyer stating the opposite.
At this point it looks like this is just a liberal clickbait just so liberals can say "see we knew the NRA was guilty!" without actually reading the article.
I just found perhaps the most relevant quote for this thread in an entirely unrelated article:

“I couldn't have come up with a conspiracy that kooky if I took the next week off from sleeping and dedicated that time solely to freebasing paint."

- Attorney Bill Moran
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Look at this incriminating evidence!
John Bolton's Curious Appearance In A Russian Gun Rights Video : NPR

More high level connections between the NRA and Russians connected to Putin. NRA should be responding to the Wyden and Lieu letters (which asked about Russian funds in the NRA) in the coming days.

So you think us working to get the Russian public armed is a bad idea? You guys got plans on invading Russia you’re not sharing with us?

Did you even watch the video? He is literally encouraging the Russian people to argue for the right to arm themselves! We would love that!
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