Russia and the NRA

I’m a dumbass because I think I’m doing what I am doing? So in other words, my beliefs are aligned with reality. If that’s the new definition of stupid, count me in.

You are because you think you are basing your belief on science.
Sorry, lawyers can't have opinions and beliefs?

C'mon man, just messing with ya. Of course you can. And probably like me, you can have the beliefs and opinions your wife tells you that you can have.
Don’t you know, science that doesn’t cohere with your worldview is biased and fake. The world is what we want it to be.

I think you meant covfefe ?

Edit: lol I busted myself. I looked it up after I figured it came from coherent. Oh well. 😂😂
What science backs your beliefs about gun control?

One of the more recent "meta" studies. Rand org is well-regarded. Plenty of other evidence out there. But there does need to be more research. Wanna guess which organization wants to throttle scientific gun violence research and the effect of gun control legislation?

Gun Policy in America | RAND
One of the more recent "meta" studies. Rand org is well-regarded. Plenty of other evidence out there. But there does need to be more research. Wanna guess which organization wants to throttle scientific gun violence research and the effect of gun control legislation?

Gun Policy in America | RAND

Did you read the study or just link the first one that popped up in your google search?

And they are the far right! :crazy::crazy:
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This has to be one of the stupidest threads on VN for all time. And that includes alcohol infused game day threads in the FF started over a single botched play.

Can't demonize the NRA with the American public any longer because people stopped listening to you?

Let's add RUSSIANS to the mix! That'll make people hate them!
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This has to be one of the stupidest threads on VN for all time. And that includes alcohol infused game day threads in the FF started over a single botched play.

Can't demonize the NRA with the American public any longer because people stopped listening to you?

Let's add RUSSIANS to the mix! That'll make people hate them!

How do you flag a post to revisit it in 6 months to see what egg on face looks like?
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