Russia and the NRA

The level of engagement that you guys display is quite special. I've seen ostriches less inclined to stick their head in the sand and hope it all goes away.

There seems to be little dispute that the FBI is looking into Torshin, a man with Kremlin connections, and whether he funneled money to the NRA for use in the 2016 election. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the FBI is sniffing around, as are members of Congress. This may end up being nothing--lots of investigations uncover no improprieties--but it is something that's being investigated, and you can't wish that away, no matter how close you cuddle up to Hannity or how many sweet nothings you whisper to your AR-15.

go on......
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Gotta love this

"I can't go into what we've been able to learn thus far on that issue. I can tell you it's one of deep concern to me and to other members of the committee, that we get to the bottom of these allegations that the Russians may have sought to funnel money through the NRA," Schiff said. "It would be negligent of us not to investigate."

there's an allegation (qualifier #1) that the Russians "may have" (qualifier #2) "sought to" (qualifier #3).

then the closer - "negligent not to investigate" = we don't believe it but gotta take a look

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The level of engagement that you guys display is quite special. I've seen ostriches less inclined to stick their head in the sand and hope it all goes away.

There seems to be little dispute that the FBI is looking into Torshin, a man with Kremlin connections, and whether he funneled money to the NRA for use in the 2016 election. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the FBI is sniffing around, as are members of Congress. This may end up being nothing--lots of investigations uncover no improprieties--but it is something that's being investigated, and you can't wish that away, no matter how close you cuddle up to Hannity or how many sweet nothings you whisper to your AR-15.

No no no. It’s not cuddle it’s cling and it’s not Hannity (although he does have the top rated show instead of Maddow or Cooper and I’m quite sure that chaps your ass too) it’s our religion.

We cling to our guns and our religion! Keep the rhetoric straight ffs!
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The level of engagement that you guys display is quite special. I've seen ostriches less inclined to stick their head in the sand and hope it all goes away.

There seems to be little dispute that the FBI is looking into Torshin, a man with Kremlin connections, and whether he funneled money to the NRA for use in the 2016 election. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the FBI is sniffing around, as are members of Congress. This may end up being nothing--lots of investigations uncover no improprieties--but it is something that's being investigated, and you can't wish that away, no matter how close you cuddle up to Hannity or how many sweet nothings you whisper to your AR-15.

You mean the same FBI that couldn't stop a 19 year old school shooter that was practically sat in their lap is now able to connect dots between Russia and the NRA?
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The level of engagement that you guys display is quite special. I've seen ostriches less inclined to stick their head in the sand and hope it all goes away.

There seems to be little dispute that the FBI is looking into Torshin, a man with Kremlin connections, and whether he funneled money to the NRA for use in the 2016 election. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the FBI is sniffing around, as are members of Congress. This may end up being nothing--lots of investigations uncover no improprieties--but it is something that's being investigated, and you can't wish that away, no matter how close you cuddle up to Hannity or how many sweet nothings you whisper to your AR-15.



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The level of engagement that you guys display is quite special. I've seen ostriches less inclined to stick their head in the sand and hope it all goes away.

There seems to be little dispute that the FBI is looking into Torshin, a man with Kremlin connections, and whether he funneled money to the NRA for use in the 2016 election. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But the FBI is sniffing around, as are members of Congress. This may end up being nothing--lots of investigations uncover no improprieties--but it is something that's being investigated, and you can't wish that away, no matter how close you cuddle up to Hannity or how many sweet nothings you whisper to your AR-15.

You ever sit back and wonder why lawyers are the butts of so many jokes?
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Dude looks like Samuel L Jackson in The Hateful Eight. Another Quentin Tarantino WTF??!! film that you had to keep watching out of shear morbid curiosity.
Any libs on here going to apologize for making fun of Mitt Romney back in 2012 when he said Russia was the greatest geopolitical foe we were facing?

I mean, you screech constantly about Russia this and Russia that. As a minimum, you should say Obama was stupid for not listening to him and how Romney was right.
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Any libs on here going to apologize for making fun of Mitt Romney back in 2012 when he said Russia was the greatest geopolitical foe we were facing?

I mean, you screech constantly about Russia this and Russia that. As a minimum, you should say Obama was stupid for not listening to him and how Romney was right.

I'm liberal, but not tribal. When Dems screw up, I'm more than happy to call them out. Obama was not good on several foreign policy issues. And he slept on Russia. Happy?
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I'm liberal, but not tribal. When Dems screw up, I'm more than happy to call them out. Obama was not good on several foreign policy issues. And he slept on Russia. Happy?

There's a difference in sleeping on them and sleeping with them like tRump is. He's yet to criticize the little communist thug. He knows something on tRump, probably has the golden shower video!
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hannity and limbaugh say this is a left wing conspiracy! :whistling: :popcorn:

Two of the most trusted names in journalism.

I don't know what the "conspiracy" would be yet. All we know is that there are reports the FBI is sniffing around Torshin and looking at whether he may have made contributions to the NRA and whether those contributions, if any, were put towards election purposes.

I do want to see if and how the NRA responds to the most recent letters from Wyden and Lieu. They're not under any obligation to respond. However, they voluntarily responded to Wyden's first letter, so if they don't respond here--and these letters ask much more pointed questions that would be hard to deflect--it's going to look suspect.
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Any libs on here going to apologize for making fun of Mitt Romney back in 2012 when he said Russia was the greatest geopolitical foe we were facing?

I mean, you screech constantly about Russia this and Russia that. As a minimum, you should say Obama was stupid for not listening to him and how Romney was right.

As soon as Trump does something about our greatest geopolitical foe and not act like Obama. Obama was ignorant and Trump is just ignoring all the information given to him.
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Two of the most trusted names in journalism.

I don't know what the "conspiracy" would be yet. All we know is that there are reports the FBI is sniffing around Torshin and looking at whether he may have made contributions to the NRA and whether those contributions, if any, were put towards election purposes.

I do want to see if and how the NRA responds to the most recent letters from Wyden and Lieu. They're not under any obligation to respond. However, they voluntarily responded to Wyden's first letter, so if they don't respond here--and these letters ask much more pointed questions that would be hard to deflect--it's going to look suspect.

Trusted? :eek:lol: Propagandists! :yes:
Along these same ridiculous lines.....expect a false flag gas attack in Syria to be blamed on the order for globalist states to boycott this summer's World Cup...
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Along these same ridiculous lines.....expect a false flag gas attack in Syria to be blamed on the order for globalist states to boycott this summer's World Cup...

:crazy: :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: Reporting you to the FBI! :crazy:
If anyone's interested in seeing the questions posed by Wyden to the NRA, a full copy of the letter is at the bottom of this article:

The NRA tried to dodge questions about its ties to Russia, but Congress isn’t done yet – ThinkProgress

I think I read somewhere that they currently are not compelled to answer? I read the whole letter. So honest question counselor. If you are advising them would you tell them to comply? Why would you expect cooperation to result in them backing off? Why should Wyden take them at their word? To follow up later with some type of subpoena anyway and possibly catch them in a lie or mistake? Seriously why help them come after you, even if you have nothing to hide? Miranda Rights counselor? Really just referring to the first two sentences in the Miranda warning.
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I think I read somewhere that they currently are not compelled to answer? I read the whole letter. So honest question counselor. If you are advising them would you tell them to comply? Why would you expect cooperation to result in them backing off? Why should Wyden take them at their word? To follow up later with some type of subpoena anyway and possibly catch them in a lie or mistake? Seriously why help them come after you, even if you have nothing to hide? Miranda Rights counselor?

The ole catch me if you can defense. Challenge accepted.
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I think I read somewhere that they currently are not compelled to answer? I read the whole letter. So honest question counselor. If you are advising them would you tell them to comply? Why would you expect cooperation to result in them backing off? Why should Wyden take them at their word? To follow up later with some type of subpoena anyway and possibly catch them in a lie or mistake? Seriously why help them come after you, even if you have nothing to hide? Miranda Rights counselor?

I think they kind of got baited by Wyden. They're under no legal obligation to respond (it's just a letter, not a subpoena), so they can tell him to piss off. However, they responded to his first letter, which was not nearly as detailed. Given this prior cooperation (and that you generally want to respond to letters from US senators), if they don't respond now, it's not going to look good, even if they have nothing to hide. My guess is they'll respond in some circumspect way that doesn't really directly answer all the questions.

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