Russia and the NRA

Don't you mean absolute opinion? Russia is playing their game. It's easier to conquer a country when it's population is divided and there is not a more divisive issue in America. "let them kill each other" is no different than arming both sides of a conflict. For the record, the narrative is that Russia used the NRA to funnel millions to the Trump Campaign not that they are trying to invade America.

How heavily armed is the general population in Russia and China?

How does that impact the likelihood of invasion from an outside country?

The concept that a heavily armed general population is protecting our country from outside invasion is laughable in this day and age.
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How heavily armed is the general population in Russia and China?

How does that impact the likelihood of invasion from an outside country?

The concept that a heavily armed general population is protecting our country from outside invasion is laughable in this day and age.

But, but, but.... I saw Red Dawn. That was an awesome movie. I saw them do it there. It can be done ;)
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Don't you mean absolute opinion? Russia is playing their game. It's easier to conquer a country when it's population is divided and there is not a more divisive issue in America. "let them kill each other" is no different than arming both sides of a conflict. For the record, the narrative is that Russia used the NRA to funnel millions to the Trump Campaign not that they are trying to invade America.

It's unquestionable that an invading/occupying country doesn't want an armed population awaiting them (which is the context of my original point). Don't be dumb.
How heavily armed is the general population in Russia and China?

How does that impact the likelihood of invasion from an outside country?

The concept that a heavily armed general population is protecting our country from outside invasion is laughable in this day and age.

Do you not pay attention? Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan for examples of an armed population keeping modern military's stymied.

No country invading the US would want to destroy our infrastructure and resources by mass bombing/missile attacks or nuclear strikes. They would want their prize in tact as much as possible since they would be invading to capitalize ON our resources.

So yes, any foreign power thinking of invading the US will be deterred by the civilian firepower we possess.
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How heavily armed is the general population in Russia and China?

How does that impact the likelihood of invasion from an outside country?

The concept that a heavily armed general population is protecting our country from outside invasion is laughable in this day and age.

If you believe an invading and occupying army would prefer to be awaited by an armed population, you're dumber than I thought.
Do you not pay attention? Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan for examples of an armed population keeping modern military's stymied.

No country invading the US would want to destroy our infrastructure and resources by mass bombing/missile attacks or nuclear strikes. They would want their prize in tact as much as possible since they would be invading to capitalize ON our resources.

So yes, any foreign power thinking of invading the US will be deterred by the civilian firepower we possess.

China and Russia must be sitting in terror at the prospect of the impending invasions of their countries.
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China and Russia must be sitting in terror at the prospect of the impending invasions of their countries.

I have no idea what the hell you are getting at but you should explore a bit of both countries histories. Both have been invaded and conquered several times.
Do you not pay attention? Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan for examples of an armed population keeping modern military's stymied.

No country invading the US would want to destroy our infrastructure and resources by mass bombing/missile attacks or nuclear strikes. They would want their prize in tact as much as possible since they would be invading to capitalize ON our resources.

So yes, any foreign power thinking of invading the US will be deterred by the civilian firepower we possess.

They don't need to invade to get our resources. It's called capitalism.

I have no idea what the hell you are getting at but you should explore a bit of both countries histories. Both have been invaded and conquered several times.

Were the invaders repelled by armed citizens?
But, but, but.... I saw Red Dawn. That was an awesome movie. I saw them do it there. It can be done ;)

Screw that. Those kids were dumb. Just hang back and snipe. Seriously lousy tactics obviously written by Hollywood. Two can play that game counselor. 😬
I have no idea what the hell you are getting at but you should explore a bit of both countries histories. Both have been invaded and conquered several times.

Facts don’t fit his agenda.

And like I posted earlier. We were invaded twice. We won both times. 😬
They don't need to invade to get our resources. It's called capitalism.

Were the invaders repelled by armed citizens?

you want to spend about 200 years under someone else's thumb? IIRC that's the shortest amount of time any invader has held those two countries. In Russia's stance yes they are worried about being invaded. its why you get Ras and Pacer irrationally complaining about NATO, and why they keep bringing up all their nukes. China is also the largest population, or second, in the world. not apples to apples.

also funny that you bring up their history while ignoring our own, which seems much more relevant.
Screw that. Those kids were dumb. Just hang back and snipe. Seriously lousy tactics obviously written by Hollywood. Two can play that game counselor. 😬

Must have been pretty good tactics. They were going to drop in a bunch of Green Berets to help them out in the spring.
The reality probably is Russia, China, the EU, Israel, etc... all meddle in our elections. And we meddle in theirs.

It isn’t their responsibility to respond to our stern finger wagging to stop it. It’s our responsibility to prevent them from doing it. And I’m quite sure we meddle more in our own elections than anybody else frankly.

The whole faux outrage over Russia, collusion, NRA is just that faux outrage. Delay till mid terms and try to get some seats to mount a proper stall campaign. Because right now the current admin has done more in one eighth of the time.
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you want to spend about 200 years under someone else's thumb? IIRC that's the shortest amount of time any invader has held those two countries. In Russia's stance yes they are worried about being invaded. its why you get Ras and Pacer irrationally complaining about NATO, and why they keep bringing up all their nukes. China is also the largest population, or second, in the world. not apples to apples.

also funny that you bring up their history while ignoring our own, which seems much more relevant.

I didn't bring it up but I will play. The Indians were armed and what happened to them? They were killed off by better weapons so unless you have jets, grenades, missiles, tanks, and rocket launchers they will call you savage hillbillies.
I didn't bring it up but I will play. The Indians were armed and what happened to them? They were killed off by better weapons so unless you have jets, grenades, missiles, tanks, and rocket launchers they will call you savage hillbillies.

The Indians had better arms and tactics at Little Big Horn.

But you’re right. Let’s repeal NFA1934. Machine guns for all!!!
Sure, run as far right as you can but it still doesn't help your argument.

It proved my argument as far as I’m concerned.

Vietnam, Afghanistan (twice), America (twice in earlier times), Syria to a large degree, Iraq.

I well armed motivated insurgent force can and has broken a more powerful invading armies will to fight. And our insurgent force is the largest and most powerful the world has ever known and its undefeated.

You’re wrong Mick. That isn’t my opinion. That is the historical record.
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I didn't bring it up but I will play. The Indians were armed and what happened to them? They were killed off by better weapons so unless you have jets, grenades, missiles, tanks, and rocket launchers they will call you savage hillbillies.

OK, here we go again with the galactic level myopia. A 2A uprising as envisioned by the founders is not going to be Bubba's vs Bombers. An armed citizenry (in any near future where the US remotely resembles what we have now) is able to force reaction. Cops won't be able to handle the situation. If it's really a Constitutional "stand your ground" situation vs the Fed then you're very, very likely to have whole states in on the action. You want the Feds to toss out the Posse Comitatus Act and think there won't be major fracturing? Do you know geographically where Forts Bragg, Campbell, Hood and Benning are located? What makes you think, for even one second, that huge parts of the standing military (never mind NG) wouldn't switch sides? We don't have a conscription military...those people are US. In a genuine 2A vs Feds the "leaders" would pretty much be guaranteed to be current/former military.

The point of the 2A in modern America is not the catastrophically idiotic idea of rednecks vs 21st century military power. It's the idea of being able to force that sort of thing being needed to suppress thousands of armed people saying "No." and the domino effect that would result.
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I didn't bring it up but I will play. The Indians were armed and what happened to them? They were killed off by better weapons so unless you have jets, grenades, missiles, tanks, and rocket launchers they will call you savage hillbillies.

You might want to talk to the Russians and well us too. Remember the Russian adventure into Afghanistan and ours into Vietnam?

Ya'll should learn a little about history.
It proved my argument as far as I’m concerned.

Vietnam, Afghanistan (twice), America (twice in earlier times), Syria to a large degree, Iraq.

I well armed motivated insurgent force can and has broken a more powerful invading armies will to fight. And our insurgent force is the largest and most powerful the world has ever known and its undefeated.

You’re wrong Mick. That isn’t my opinion. That is the historical record.

I've got a solution. All of the guns confiscated from crimes, all of the guns bought back in future buy back programs, and a few more thrown in for good measure (even some AR 15's and machine guns) can be stored around the country in strategic locations (like military bases) and when Guatemala starts to invade, the guns can be quickly distributed so the American people can fight back the invading hordes.
It proved my argument as far as I’m concerned.

Vietnam, Afghanistan (twice), America (twice in earlier times), Syria to a large degree, Iraq.

I well armed motivated insurgent force can and has broken a more powerful invading armies will to fight. And our insurgent force is the largest and most powerful the world has ever known and its undefeated.

You’re wrong Mick. That isn’t my opinion. That is the historical record.

You might want to talk to the Russians and well us too. Remember the Russian adventure into Afghanistan and ours into Vietnam?

Ya'll should learn a little about history.

Which countries provide military weapons to the opposite side in all those conflicts. It wasn't a citizen uprising with personally owned weapons as you want to claim.

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