Russia and the NRA

I think they kind of got baited by Wyden. They're under no legal obligation to respond (it's just a letter, not a subpoena), so they can tell him to piss off. However, they responded to his first letter, which was not nearly as detailed. Given this prior cooperation (and that you generally want to respond to letters from US senators), if they don't respond now, it's not going to look good, even if they have nothing to hide. My guess is they'll respond in some circumspect way that doesn't really directly answer all the questions.

Valid point on the first response. I am guessing you would have advised them to reply to the first one politely but with no content right? I didn’t see the first letter but this one does have a lot of detail. So yeah do this time what they should have done the first time? Politely respond and decline to provide any detail. Because, eventually, they are gonna come after it formally anyway.

Mick, my last sentence above would be the reply to you. Wyden had already issued the challenge.
Valid point on the first response. I am guessing you would have advised them to reply to the first one politely but with no content right? I didn’t see the first letter but this one does have a lot of detail. So yeah do this time what they should have done the first time? Politely respond and decline to provide any detail. Because, eventually, they are gonna come after it formally anyway.

Mick, my last sentence above would be the reply to you. Wyden had already issued the challenge.

If truth is important to you do you think congress or Mueller will find it?
I was looking for congress couldn't find the truth.

Ah. Ok. So with regard to Congress and the “truth” I’d say don’t let a silly little inconsequential thing like the “truth” get in the way of a good old fashioned witch hunt. I apply that statement to Congress as a whole. (and have for years)

On Muller, honestly too early to know what if anything is going to come to me. My opinion will probably come after the findings are published. There’s so much speculation and dissection of any request that the investigation team makes I think it’s a waste of time to try and digest it. But I would offer if there was some major obvious finding we should have seen indictments by now. Pure conjecture on my part.

Final edit: I think the left desperately wants this to be Watergate 2.0. It took a full 2 years and 2 months for Watergate to churn from initial event until Nixon’s resignation. But after what a year we have a weak indictment of 4 Russian nationals that will never result in a trial. So the first half is a resounding “meh” if this is going to be Watergate 2.0 it’s gonna take a really really strong 2nd half surge. Currently, I can’t see it.
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Along these same ridiculous lines.....expect a false flag gas attack in Syria to be blamed on the order for globalist states to boycott this summer's World Cup...

Did the globalist states forget to boycott the Winter Olympics a few years ago?
Russia has a vested interest in keeping American citizens armed. It'll make the take-over easier.

No... Wait...
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That is cute you think you can save America with your guns.

It already worked once in the last 250 years Mick.

Edit: I take that back. TWICE. And those were the last times land combat occurred on American soil. Pearl Harbor was an Airborne/Naval Engagement... fought by federal troops too!
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It already worked once in the last 250 years Mick.

They had airplanes back then? No, didn't think so. How bout missiles, rocket launchers, nukes? You are woefully out gunned? Let me guess you will hide in your house protecting you and your own and not America.
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They had airplanes back then? No, didn't think so. How bout missiles, rocket launchers, nukes? You are woefully out gunned? Let me guess you will hide in your house protecting you and your own and not America.

So if the need arises I guess we just expect you to capitulate? Thanks for the heads up.

Edit: but you’re right. Let’s do away with Title II weapon restrictions so it’s an even fight. Great idea 👍
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So if the need arises I guess we just expect you to capitulate? Thanks for the heads up.

Edit: but you’re right. Let’s do away with Title II weapon restrictions so it’s an even fight. Great idea 👍

Just trying to see how much you thought this through. You are not the protector of America nor is the NRA, just yourself. You want to play around with bigger weapons, join the military.
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Just trying to see how much you thought this through. You are not the protector of America nor is the NRA, just yourself. You want to play around with bigger weapons, join the military.

We disagree. The burden of defending America lies on the entirety of its citizens.

Edit: and actually no, you don’t have to join the military to legally play with bigger more lethal weaponry. And you can get paid to do it too. 😬
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We disagree. The burden of defending America lies on the entirety of its citizens.

Some will step up and join themselves with their children, others will not. The people screeching about "their" rights will be more self serving, sit back, complain about their back and bone spurs, and pray.
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Some will step up and join themselves with their children, others will not. The people screeching about "their" rights will be more self serving, sit back, complain about their back and bone spurs, and pray.

Mick we can probably both agree we hope we never have to find out. However that doesn’t mean we should willfully piss away the right to do so in my opinion.
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Mick we can probably both agree we hope we never have to find out. However that doesn’t mean we should willfully piss away the right to do so in my opinion.

I feel we do agree. That don't mean you can piss away the advantage of owning some nice legal weapons over your "crazy" neighbors. The narrative that everyone should is the fallacy pushed by the NRA. If you want to argue that everyone should legally be able to own whatever they want then we do not agree
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Along these same ridiculous lines.....expect a false flag gas attack in Syria to be blamed on the order for globalist states to boycott this summer's World Cup...

The US is already boycotting it. lol.
I think they kind of got baited by Wyden. They're under no legal obligation to respond (it's just a letter, not a subpoena), so they can tell him to piss off. However, they responded to his first letter, which was not nearly as detailed. Given this prior cooperation (and that you generally want to respond to letters from US senators), if they don't respond now, it's not going to look good, even if they have nothing to hide. My guess is they'll respond in some circumspect way that doesn't really directly answer all the questions.

why? They don't respond to mine, unless I stick a mysterious white powder in the envelope as well.
Just trying to see how much you thought this through. You are not the protector of America nor is the NRA, just yourself. You want to play around with bigger weapons, join the military.

It's an absolute fact that the number of gun owners in America is a huge deterrent. Squawk all you like, but when it comes to take-over, there is NO way that another country would seek to ensure an armed population in the target country.

NO way, Mick.

This Russia-NRA narrative is just stupid.
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I feel we do agree. That don't mean you can piss away the advantage of owning some nice legal weapons over your "crazy" neighbors. The narrative that everyone should is the fallacy pushed by the NRA. If you want to argue that everyone should legally be able to own whatever they want then we do not agree

whatever people we take away the right to own guns from we need to take away their other rights as well. If I don't trust them to have a gun, I don't want them electing the next President, how else do you think we got Trump?
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It's an absolute fact that the number of gun owners in America is a huge deterrent. Squawk all you like, but when it comes to take-over, there is NO way that another country would seek to ensure an armed population in the target country.

NO way, Mick.

This Russia-NRA narrative is just stupid.

Don't you mean absolute opinion? Russia is playing their game. It's easier to conquer a country when it's population is divided and there is not a more divisive issue in America. "let them kill each other" is no different than arming both sides of a conflict. For the record, the narrative is that Russia used the NRA to funnel millions to the Trump Campaign not that they are trying to invade America.
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