Russia and the NRA

Wait, so a Russian donated money into a political group to sway voters that would likely have voted for Trump anyway?

Is this what you're saying?

Ah Ha, Got you to admit the NRA got Russian money and therefore was "infiltrated".
I was going to post a meme on response, but it likely was going to be deemed inappropriate.

I wouldn't know.

Obvi I'm a racist and openly support racist posts so my ability to judge appropriate content is lacking.

Nothing confirmed yet, but certainly sounds like something someone would do if they're trying to "follow the money" maybe, just maybe, to a benevolent organization like the NRA.
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You realize that hunting is, and has never been, more than a tangential consideration with what the NRA is about. Hell, you don't require a firearm to hunt. (it's more efficient than a bow, or idk, atlatl)

The NRA is all about selling guns and influencing politicians.
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I’m an NRA member. And I’m a hunter also. And I have no intention of dropping my membership or hunting.

I would wager there is more than enough overlapping interest that you likely represent the majority of people in that situation. Of course, one could always prefer to support the SAF or GOA. (among others)

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