Russia and the NRA

Senate Report On NRA/Russia Connections Brands the Gun Group a 'Foreign Asset'
SEPTEMBER 27, 2019

A long-awaited Senate report into the connections between the National Rifle Association and Russia describes the NRA as a “foreign asset” and underscores the NRA’s connections to, and activities in, Russia could “jeopardize” the organization’s nonprofit status.

Lost all credibility at this point in the article.

Rolling Stone

No seriously it was down a couple more lines.

The investigation, conducted by ranking member Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and the minority staff of the Senate Finance Committee
Senate Report On NRA/Russia Connections Brands the Gun Group a 'Foreign Asset'
SEPTEMBER 27, 2019

A long-awaited Senate report into the connections between the National Rifle Association and Russia describes the NRA as a “foreign asset” and underscores the NRA’s connections to, and activities in, Russia could “jeopardize” the organization’s nonprofit status.

The investigation, conducted by ranking member Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and the minority staff of the Senate Finance Committee (Understand that to mean Democrats only)

William A. Brewer III, the NRA’s top counsel, told Rolling Stone in a statement that the Senate report “promotes a politically motivated and contrived narrative,” and insisted that “the NRA, as an organization, was never involved in the activities about which the Democrats write.”

Specifically regarding the 2015 trip to Moscow, Andrew Arulanandam, NRA managing director of Public Affairs, added: “Certain NRA members made the trip of their own accord.” Arulanandam insisted, “it was not an official NRA trip” and that “NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre was opposed to it and, at his directive, no NRA staff members or employees attended.”
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Lost all credibility at this point in the article.

No seriously it was down a couple more lines.
Republicans, absent as always. What were they doing about that time, Investigating Hunter Biden. Lol.
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The lefts ultimate boogeymen “ The NRA” . Lol

I've never considered them a boogeyman because I'm not really afraid anybody is going to try take any of my guns. I have considered them to be a grifting outfit for a long time. The reason you see so many redundant bills coming up was because they had to justify continual fundraising.
I've never considered them a boogeyman because I'm not really afraid anybody is going to try take any of my guns.
Even with recent acts that have done exactly that and a potus/vp-elect who have stated that's their goal? Are you really not paying attention?
Even with recent acts that have done exactly that and a potus/vp-elect who have stated that's their goal? Are you really not paying attention?

I remember the great Obama Gun Grab of 2009 when they took all our guns. Wait... no I don't.
I've never considered them a boogeyman because I'm not really afraid anybody is going to try take any of my guns. I have considered them to be a grifting outfit for a long time. The reason you see so many redundant bills coming up was because they had to justify continual fundraising.

The left has always held the position that if they could just get rid of the NRA it would be easier to push their agenda . The NRA is a dinosaur . Most people that belong to it now is doing it because their daddy’s belong or they have a lifetime membership. Kinda like voting democrat .

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