Trump is a giant, arrogant douche bag. You'll get no argument from me on that one. But there is no conclusive evidence he broke the law. There is a huge grey area on the POTUS being able to delay aid. Did he act unethically? I believe so. But did it rise to the level of impeachment when whether or not he violated the law is questionable? NO, it did not. And the Democrats knew this. They've convinced their base it should have been enough, but even Nancy knew it was not, which is why she drug her feet for so long. You bought into political theater. Being a giant arrogant d-bag is not an impeachable offense. Beating the chosen one is not an impeachable offense. Trump should never have been elected, but he was running against an opponent who should also never have been elected. And we're repeating that with this election, with the exception that the other guy who should never be elected(Biden) probably will be. Trump is an ass hat, but the Dems have yet to offer up enough that actually supports removal from office. And honestly, until COVID hit, odds are, Trump was going to be reelected. The left has taken this tragedy and used it for every ounce of political hay they can make, and Biden will be the beneficiary. But once again, the country will lose because we will elect an undeserving candidate to be our leader. But is that enough to impeach Joe? No, just as it wasn't enough to impeach Trump.
People on both sides, people I think are probably good people, have allowed themselves to have the wool pulled over their eyes. They're so convinced they are on the side of right that they fail to see both sides are wrong.