I suppose during his one year there was cause for hope, he attracted some high ranking recruits, stirred the pot, had a winning record in the end. But I think to make concrete conclusions either way based on one year is a reach. In Kiffin's case though, his track record sort of says more, with his stint at USC. As I've said before - he's about the only coach I know having a reverse career over the past 5-7 years....head coach in the NFL, two stints as a college HC and now an OC. The script isn't done yet either...it remains to be seen if he can help deliver Bamma to the BCS playoffs. I do wonder if he is now back in his element....a good coordinator, if not perpetual coordinator, never to be an accomplished D1 HC. Time so far seems to say no to being a HC....who knows what it'll say next. If I'm in Vegas and betting....I'd bet no to being a successful (i.e. winning a NC consistently) HC.