EXCLUSIVE Addicts and Homeless Swarm Back To San Francisco Streets after Gavin Newsom's cleanup for Chinese President Xi - as locals learn to do the 'Poopie Dance' to avoid Stepping On Human Waste
They call it 'The Poopie Dance' and San Franciscans are having to learn it – and quickly.
It involves constantly looking straight ahead to find a clean line between where you are on the street and where you want to go.
Sadly, it's the reality in parts of the Bay City as the growing
homeless population have taken to using the famed streets of San Francisco as one giant open-air toilet.
'The part that's most disturbing is when you walk past two parked cars and see someone squatting.
'It's best not to confront them because you don't want to engage.'
NOW: In San Francisco, scenes of despair wiped from public view for one week in November are back now for all to see, in a sad return to normalcy. One area DailyMail.com visited beforehand was Jessie Alley, which had been hosed down and cleared of tents, mattresses, cardboard boxes, drug paraphernalia and human waste
Exclusive DailyMail.com photos show the homeless filling the streets in San Francisco's Tenderloin District where vagrants regularly relieve themselves on the sidewalk
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met for the first time in more than a year in San Francisco for high-stakes talks to try to bury the hatchet amid escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing
Last week during a debate on Fox News with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis openly mocked the reality by displaying a map delineating feces purportedly found on the streets of San Francisco.
Exclusive DailyMail.com photos show the homeless filling the streets in San Francisco's Tenderloin District where vagrants regularly relieve themselves on the sidewalk.