Scary Quote?

So there's nothing wrong with someone saying they could care less how he governs? Just because God placed them there that is a check to support them? With that logic, we should have supported Hitler or Stalin or even Saddam.
"There are some people, and I'm one of them, that believe George Bush was placed where he is by the Lord," Tomanio said. "I don't care how he governs, I will support him. I'm a Republican through and through."

Here is the rest of the article: BREITBART.COM - War Turns Southern Women Away From GOP

I find the bold part the scariest. People can believe what they want on whether the Lord put him or anyone else somehwere, that doesn't really bother me. The I don't care I will follow him anywhere bothers me.
oh i didn't read the whole thing i read the first sentence. sorry haha ya i care bout how he governs
Id remind that Judas Iscariot was in a pivitol role as well. Was it his destiny to betray Christ? Is it GWB destiny to lead America into a era of peace and prosperity, or a season of fear, doom, and threat of nuclear war?
Oh, please.

If you are looking for a REALLY scary quote, try this on for size:

Fully aware of the might and accelerating spread of Western power, the Islamists sought an indirect form of confrontation with the West. they defined a mode of total war in which the Muslim world's inferiority in technology and military power would not effect the outcome of the jihad. This strategy was formulated by Pakistani brigadier S.K. Malik in his 1979 book The Quranic Concept of War. According to Malik, the Koranic way of war is "inifinitely supreme [to] and [more] effective" than any other form of warfare because "in Islam a war is fought for the cause of Allah" and therefore all means and forms are justified and righteous. Terrorism, Malik argued, is the quintessence of the Islamic strategy for war: "Terror struck into the hearts of the enemies is not only a means, it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent's heart is obtained hrdly anything is left to be achieved. It is the point where the means and the end meet and merge. Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision we wish to impose upon him.

(emphasis added)

Source: Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America by Yossef Bodansky
There will more than likely never be an end to this particular war. Although other wars will most certainly come to be, the war on terror will have no end. It's a war of invitiation where the World's heavy weight has stood in the ring and announced that they are taking on anyone who wants a shot at the title. Iraq serves as the local venue for those who would challenge. Bush is correct in stating that we need to stay there until "it's done", whenever that is. What happens if we leave now? Islamic terrorist states would take over the region and we would lose face, yet again... The terrorists would brag about how they defeated the most powerful country in the world and would draw power from that. I'm sure there is no shortage of opinions around here, so why do some of you think we should pull out...and if we did, what then?
That's why people don't understand the importance of Bush and whoever follows him. There is no diplomacy with Islam. you must be controllaby aggressive, and you must have balls.
J Quest...tell me when you say "when it's done" tell me what the definition of IT is....
J Quest...tell me when you say "when it's done" tell me what the definition of IT is....

It is being able to hand the reigns over to a competent party/government who will not simply become another Lebanese governement. When is that day? Who knows. Being able to respond in a dynamic sense is critical. I agree with the administation in not setting a timeline for withdrawl simply because the scope of the war can change, as we have seen.
hand the reigns of what? And are you saying that we would disregard the democratically elected government if it became like the one in Lebanon? That doesn't sound like freedom and democratic ideas to me.
How would you propose making two sides who have hated each other for centuries get along so we can pack up and go home? Because as of now, we allowed both sides to remain armed and they will continue to fight each other regardless. If 140K Americans cannot stop this fighting, what Iraqi force can?
How would you propose making two sides who have hated each other for centuries get along so we can pack up and go home? Because as of now, we allowed both sides to remain armed and they will continue to fight each other regardless. If 140K Americans cannot stop this fighting, what Iraqi force can?

We will not stop them. We need to either obliterate them or get the hell out. Make a choice one way or the other.
hand the reigns of what?

Don't be obtuse. You know exactly what is at stake...having a competant government is critical. As a fostering party we cannot simply shirk our responsibility to see that a functioning democratic government is in place before we withdrawl.

And are you saying that we would disregard the democratically elected government if it became like the one in Lebanon? That doesn't sound like freedom and democratic ideas to me.

Where did I say that? I simply said you don't want any chance of a Hezbollah coming in and proclaiming authority.

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