Scary Quote?

I never claimed that my statement was a fact. I'd explain it a little further if I thought you would actually understand it, but reading the last two pages, it's pretty obvious you don't want to understand anything that's not in the realm of viewpoint. It was a comment among many sentences used to make a bigger point. (Which you seem to have a hard time grasping) Do terrorists multiply like gremlins when they're wet? No they don't. That's not what I was saying or implying.

Don't get all frazzled up just because I rarely respond to your kindergarten like debating tactics..:peace2:
I never claimed that my statement was a fact. I'd explain it a little further if I thought you would actually understand it, but reading the last two pages, it's pretty obvious you don't want to understand anything that's not in the realm of viewpoint. It was a comment among many sentences used to make a bigger point. (Which you seem to have a hard time grasping) Do terrorists multiply like gremlins when they're wet? No they don't. That's not what I was saying or implying.

Don't get all frazzled up just because I rarely respond to your kindergarten like debating tactics..:peace2:

A personal attack on my posting, is it your nap time yet?
I never claimed that my statement was a fact. I'd explain it a little further if I thought you would actually understand it, but reading the last two pages, it's pretty obvious you don't want to understand anything that's not in the realm of viewpoint. It was a comment among many sentences used to make a bigger point. (Which you seem to have a hard time grasping) Do terrorists multiply like gremlins when they're wet? No they don't. That's not what I was saying or implying.

Don't get all frazzled up just because I rarely respond to your kindergarten like debating tactics..:peace2:

Your bigger point being that US involvement creates more terrorists? Is this your complex point? And the validity to this point was.....?
Look at the numbers. Look at how insurgencies are growing. Look how once tame areas have flamed up. Take a look at the news and tell me that it hasn't. I'm not seeing anything indicating your viewpoint is correct. Seeing any decrease in the number of attacks? Seeing people surrendering in large droves?
Look at the numbers. Look at how insurgencies are growing. Look how once tame areas have flamed up. Take a look at the news and tell me that it hasn't. I'm not seeing anything indicating your viewpoint is correct. Seeing any decrease in the number of attacks? Seeing people surrendering in large droves?
Just give it up, he doesn't get it.
Look at the numbers. Look at how insurgencies are growing. Look how once tame areas have flamed up. Take a look at the news and tell me that it hasn't. I'm not seeing anything indicating your viewpoint is correct. Seeing any decrease in the number of attacks? Seeing people surrendering in large droves?

What about this says we have "created" more terrorists? Growing or becoming more concentrated in their efforts?The beehive can exist quietly, just because you disturbed it does not mean you created more bees, you just activated a repsonse from it. My viewpoint? Someone said we create 2 or 3 more terrorists every time we kill one, I just want proof of this.
So you're saying there was and has been and always will be a set amount of terrorists since we invaded Iraq? You are telling me that no one has signed up to fight their cause since we went into Iraq? That's very hard to believe.
So you're saying there was and has been and always will be a set amount of terrorists since we invaded Iraq? You are telling me that no one has signed up to fight their cause since we went into Iraq? That's very hard to believe.

Hell no I did not say that, where? But it is also very assuming to say we create 2 or 3 more every time we kill one. In essence he is saying we triple our enemy the more we fight them? I don't see that.
So tell me exactly what is happening then? If they're not increasing and you now say they are not being decreased, what is left?
So tell me exactly what is happening then? If they're not increasing and you now say they are not being decreased, what is left?

Who are you, I never said they were increasing or decreasing. A person said they increased 2 or 3 fold every time we kill one, I am questioning that statement. You like to throw statements around people never even said.
Umm....I merely asked you a question. I asked for what you think is happening. Can you not answer that without turning it back on me? I'm seeing Howard Dean tactics one can tell me what they believe. They attack someone for saying this created 2-3 more for every 1 killed and then cannot offer anything to prove otherwise or an opinion of their own view.
Umm....I merely asked you a question. I asked for what you think is happening. Can you not answer that without turning it back on me? I'm seeing Howard Dean tactics one can tell me what they believe. They attack someone for saying this created 2-3 more for every 1 killed and then cannot offer anything to prove otherwise or an opinion of their own view.

I am not the one that threw the statement out there, I do not have to defend my reason for not believing it. The person making the statement is the one responsible for defending it.
So you just like attacking people and not offering anything substantive yourself?

I am not attacking anyone, I asked where is the proof in the statement that we create 3 to 1? A person throws a statement like that out, they should be able to defend it. My offer is that I am asking for proof.
Again, look at the results and see all of these situations getting worse. Even the people who have before now said counter are now saying things are looking grim. These increased attacks and violence had to come from somewhere. If we've killed tens of thousands as has been alleged, the numbers are being replenished somehow. And last I checked cloning is not a known science in the Middle East.
I am not attacking anyone, I asked where is the proof in the statement that we create 3 to 1? A person throws a statement like that out, they should be able to defend it. My offer is that I am asking for proof.

Is this like the time you asked for proof, I gave you 11 different links from different sites and you admitted that you didn't even check them out after further attacking my stance?

Fool me once, shame on you..

Fool me twice..uh..mmmm.....uh... you can't fool me again.
Again, look at the results and see all of these situations getting worse. Even the people who have before now said counter are now saying things are looking grim. These increased attacks and violence had to come from somewhere. If we've killed tens of thousands as has been alleged, the numbers are being replenished somehow. And last I checked cloning is not a known science in the Middle East.

So we knew the number of terrorists in the middle east before we invaded Iraq? What has the number grown to since our invasion?
. The person making the statement is the one responsible for defending it.

I am not attacking anyone, I asked where is the proof in the statement that we create 3 to 1? A person throws a statement like that out, they should be able to defend it. My offer is that I am asking for proof.


More recently, the Council on Global Terrorism, an independent research group of respected terrorism experts, assigned a grade of “D+” to United States efforts over the past five years to combat Islamic extremism. The council concluded that “there is every sign that radicalization in the Muslim world is spreading rather than shrinking.”

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