School Shooting in Knoxville

Geez people take the time to watch the video it's available. White cop and black cop wrestle with the boy and the boys hand is on the Glock. Gun goes off, black cop shoots the boy. White cop and boy fall to the floor. Black cop shoots white cop in the upper leg. Then the second black cop ( lieutenant) straddles the face down boy and cuffs him. Lil wannabe gang banger is done.
How is this not covered on national news?
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Sounds like BLM protesting in downtown Knoxville over DA not charging officers in the death of the Austin East kid.
Here's what I heard on the FB live feed. No justice no peace, f these racist a z z police.

Yeah, now I can’t find it. But it was the WVLT live feed I believe. I guess they haven’t seen the video evidence.
Off topic, didn’t think it would go over well in the football forum...anyone think these “protests” will interfere with the OW game tomorrow? Thinking about coming from Chattanooga but didn’t want to get in the middle of this.
Off topic, didn’t think it would go over well in the football forum...anyone think these “protests” will interfere with the OW game tomorrow? Thinking about coming from Chattanooga but didn’t want to get in the middle of this.
It’s going to be raining, so I doubt they’ll do much protesting tomorrow.
Sounds like BLM protesting in downtown Knoxville over DA not charging officers in the death of the Austin East kid.

Nah, they must be protesting against people that want to shoot at or fight our law enforcement which would be the correct thing to do.
Now there’s an internal investigation into the shooting by KPD. I sure hope the city mayor doesn’t pressure them to find some area of fault. If so the next time there’s an incident KPD needs to pick Indys up and put her in the middle of the situation with her kids and see how she thinks it needs to be handled
Now there’s an internal investigation into the shooting by KPD. I sure hope the city mayor doesn’t pressure them to find some area of fault. If so the next time there’s an incident KPD needs to pick Indys up and put her in the middle of the situation with her kids and see how she thinks it needs to be handled

She's a weak leader, and it's obvious in her pressers.
Now there’s an internal investigation into the shooting by KPD. I sure hope the city mayor doesn’t pressure them to find some area of fault. If so the next time there’s an incident KPD needs to pick Indys up and put her in the middle of the situation with her kids and see how she thinks it needs to be handled
I really just hope it’s the standard procedural investigation always performed when an officer involved shooting occurs and not some agenda driven witch hunt.
Apparently protestors shut down parts of Cedar Bluff by parking their cars in the middle of the street and leaving them there to impede traffic while they held up signs. And it sounds like they raised hell in a neighborhood that they thought the DA lived in. Of course, none of this is on the local news and is only coming out through facebook groups, but there are pictures and video popping up.
There was a NY case that was mooted last year, it doesn’t have any precedent value, and they have another NY that is very similar to the 9th circuit case from last month that is riding from conference to conference right now. I’m not sure what else they are looking at. They denied cert on several last year.

McDonald decided the issue of incorporation to the states and then kicked the case back to the circuit court to apply Heller. Most of the discussion is about when an amendment applies to the states. It’s been a while since I read the whole thing but I don’t recall much substantive discussion of the scope of the right.
Apparently protestors shut down parts of Cedar Bluff by parking their cars in the middle of the street and leaving them there to impede traffic while they held up signs. And it sounds like they raised hell in a neighborhood that they thought the DA lived in. Of course, none of this is on the local news and is only coming out through facebook groups, but there are pictures and video popping up.

A woman my wife works with lives next door (or within a couple of houses) to the house where they were protesting. So, the prevailing mentality is “doesn’t matter what the facts are, let’s harass and intimidate till we get our way.” They truly do not care what the facts are, only what it looks like. Think I’ll get my old beat up pick up truck out and see if I can’t “help” authorities push some of those parked cars to the side to help clear traffic.
A woman my wife works with lives next door (or within a couple of houses) to the house where they were protesting. So, the prevailing mentality is “doesn’t matter what the facts are, let’s harass and intimidate till we get our way.” They truly do not care what the facts are, only what it looks like. Think I’ll get my old beat up pick up truck out and see if I can’t “help” authorities push some of those parked cars to the side to help clear traffic.
I saw the house, and I’m not putting it down by any means......but the fact that these protestors thought the DA lived there shows how stupid they are. I’m wondering if they’ll continue this or if it was a one weekend deal.

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