Senator Robert Menendez Indicted (Again)

All I want to know was it a pre-dawn raid with 50 armed agents in swat gear and was CNN tipped off?

Was it sweet granny who protested in front of an abortion facility? Was it a veteran grandpa that attended the J6 protest, peacefully went in to the Capitol took some pics, wasnt violent, didnt destroy property and left after a few minutes?

If no, then no, they probably werent raided by Biden's Gestapo posing as FBI.
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Sure sure...

It's just a witch hunt bro.

DOJ is weaponized.
Calling William of Occam. Calling William of Occam. We have conspiracy nutjobs in the thread. Please bring your razor.

That does nothing , how long have we been calling you a troll , hell you are even a self admitted troll in the gun thread .
No he isn't. He just isn't being protected at all by the left. Throw him to the wolves to let everyone see the illusion of equal justice.

Why should he be protected? Why would anyone protect a criminal politician?
Like flies to sh*t, Republicans knuckledraggers just can't avert themselves from succulent conspiracy theories.

Like flies to sh*t, Republicans knuckledraggers just can't avert themselves from succulent conspiracy theories.

I almost feel sorry for the people who buy into this sh*t. They simply can't fathom a scenario where they've been wrong about the DOJ and Trump, so the cognitive dissonance takes over and the plow through whatever nonsense they have to to reconcile.

I almost feel sorry for the people who buy into this sh*t. They simply can't fathom a scenario where they've been wrong about the DOJ and Trump, so the cognitive dissonance takes over and the plow through whatever nonsense they have to to reconcile.

Classic conspiracy theory mindset. Any evidence (Hunter Biden being indicted; Menendez being indicted) that undercuts their theory (DOJ is used to persecute the right) simply gets reinterpreted as further evidence of the theory, which now must be expanded to accommodate the evidence that any sane person would see as undercutting or refuting the theory.
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I almost feel sorry for the people who buy into this sh*t. They simply can't fathom a scenario where they've been wrong about the DOJ and Trump, so the cognitive dissonance takes over and the plow through whatever nonsense they have to to reconcile.


Siri, give me an example of extreme gas lighting...
I would be surprised if he spends a day in prison. When is the last time a sitting Senator or Representative went prison?

I bet he pawns it off on his wife.
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Why should he be protected? Why would anyone protect a criminal politician?
You honestly don't believe Biden is being protected? Put your Trump hatred aside for a moment. This has nothing to do with him. Why the misinformation about Hunter's laptop if not to protect Biden?
You honestly don't believe Biden is being protected? Put your Trump hatred aside for a moment. This has nothing to do with him. Why the misinformation about Hunter's laptop if not to protect Biden?

I don't know if he is or not, I made no comment about Biden. But that has little to do with my belief that he shouldn't be "protected" (whatever you're alluding to that meaning.)

The narrative of the "weaponization" of the DOJ is nonsense. THAT is little more than a narrative that the right has glommed on to shirk responsibility for the actual, you know, crimes.

Trump has always, literally, ALWAYS come up with an excuse as to why he didn't win, or wasn't the best. Everything is rigged against him and his idiot follower buy into it over and over like the sheep they are.

I just find it hilarious that the same people who cry about that "weaponization" are finding excuses as to why it's a conspiracy when the left gets the business end of the DOJ. They'll do what ever it takes to reconcile how they're right, no matter how ridiculous.

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