Senator tells Holder to resign.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Senator Tells Holder to Resign Right to His Face - Attorney General Eric Holder - Fox Nation

You’ve violated the public trust in my view by failing to perform the duties of your office. So, Mr. Attorney General it is with more sorrow than with regret and anger that I would say you leave me with no alternative but to join those who call on you to resign your office…

After listening to a clip of Cronyn's whole statement I searched for hours but couldn't find a news version of the whole thing.

If words could singe your eyebrows, Holder's would have been smoking before the senator finished.

There will be a committee vote June 20th on whether to cite Holder for contempt or not.

If that doesn't pass then there is no justice left in this country.
the guy is scum and doesn't deserve the position. He should step down or be fired (and hopefully end up in jail)
the guy is scum and doesn't deserve the position. He should step down or be fired (and hopefully end up in jail)

I agree and I think he should be tried for murder as his policies helped get people killed.
Witch hunt.

But whatever.

The only way you can think this is if you assume that Holder is too incompetent to have been involved in this, or too incompetent to shut it down.

And according to your math, that makes you a racist.
the guy is scum and doesn't deserve the position. He should step down or be fired (and hopefully end up in jail)

For once we are in 110% agreement.


Furthermore, this operation (just one of many) involved so many agencies that it had to be a cabinet level program and there is only one person in the world could be responsible.


Hoochie Mamma...


Sipsey Street Irregulars: Sipsey Street Exclusive: More DOJ Whistleblowers Emerge, This Time From DC. Do they bear "the keys to the kingdom?" "There sure is a sense of renewed enthusiasm here."

Multiple, previously highly credible, sources close to the Gunwalker investigation report that there are at least one and perhaps two sources within the Department of Justice headquarters who have approached the Issa Committee seeking whistleblower status. One source, who reported that there were at least two of Eric Holder's subordinates who "came in from the cold," characterized them as "high-level" DOJ employees "with knowledge of Eric Holder's actions before and after" the 4 February 2011 DOJ letter denying that the DOJ and its subordinate agencies knew about "gunwalking." That letter has since been admitted by DOJ to have been a lie.

What they bring with them from the cold, according to one source, is "the keys to the kingdom as far as Holder is concerned," adding "if this comes out before the (contempt) vote (on 20 June), then Holder is toast." Said another, "not even Boehner will be able to stop it. Hell, he'll really jump on board and act like it was his idea."

This surprising development has re-energized the investigation staff, which was widely rumored to be floundering after the reluctance, not to say opposition, of the GOP leadership became known some months ago.

The emergence of two more whistleblowers, this time from Eric Holder's inner sanctum, may be one reason Congressman Issa sent this final offer to Attorney General Holder offering what sounds like one last chance to negotiate seriously, or else.
Sooooo ... unnamed sources say that unnamed people in the DOJ want to help out unnamed people on the committee with some unknown information.

I'd say that about wraps this up.

No that unwraps it.

Remember the ATF agent from Arizona who testified honestly before the committee and was dismissed after 30 years service on the frivilous charge of 'insufficient candor' in his testimony? He should sue Holder, the DOJ and the ATF and probably Obama himself for about $5 million. Has the Terry family decided how much they are sueing for yet?

No wonder the DOJ attorneys prefer to remain anonymous.

Everyone is saying the added information is the ONLY reason rino Boehner sent the matter over to the other committee for a vote on whether to bring contempt charges. Not that Holder isn't contemptable on several levels.

The top three reasons Eric Holder should be held in contempt | The Daily Caller

On June 20, the House Oversight Committee will meet to decide whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

I predict that the House Oversight Committee, of which I am a member, will find him in contempt. That would be the right outcome. Here are the top three reasons why:

1) Holder won’t comply with our subpoena. Congress has been requesting Department of Justice records about Fast and Furious since March 2011. Getting no real voluntary cooperation (and getting a lot of double talk and delay), we issued a subpoena in October 2011. It is Holder’s refusal to comply with that subpoena in good faith that is bringing this vote to the committee. We are due over 10,000 documents.

2) Holder has been less than forthcoming. The attorney general has not been candid with the committee. Some say Holder has perjured himself on what he knew about Fast and Furious and when he knew it. He has had to issue one too many “corrections” to his testimony after the fact. Most famously, Holder’s department first told us that no gun-running had occurred, then once the truth was discovered, the DOJ “retracted” that testimony — after a year of misleading the people.

3) Holder hasn’t held anyone accountable. Guns distributed through this DOJ program have been used to kill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry as well as hundreds of Mexicans. Holder has refused to accept responsibility for the deaths on both sides of the border and has refused to hold anyone under his authority, particularly political appointees, accountable.

Holder’s efforts to delay this investigation and mislead the House Oversight Committee are unprecedented. This is only the fourth time in the past 30 years that Congress has sought to hold an executive branch member in contempt, but, as I’ve noted, the contempt proceedings are warranted by the facts and, quite frankly, overdue.

Finally, I am the sponsor of H. Res. 490, which is seeking a vote of no confidence in Holder. Regardless of whether Holder is held in contempt, we should vote on my resolution of no confidence. So far, 114 members of Congress are supporting it. I have lost confidence in Holder and so have the American people.


Holder at the abe minimum is guilty of being and accessory to murder on over a hundred counts.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Sipsey Street Exclusive: Investigators discover I.C.E. Report of Investigation on seizure of Fast & Furious weapons in Texas in August 2010 SIGNED BY JAIME ZAPATA!

Texas Congressman Michael McCaul grills Janet Napolitano, 15 February 2012.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.): “Madam secretary, there’s been some speculation that the weapons used to kill Agent Zapata may have been possibly linked to Fast and Furious. Do you have any information to indicate there is a connection there?”

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano: “I have no information to that effect, no. I don’t know one way or the other.”

Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Jaime Zapata and the scene of his ambush murder.

Congressional investigators permitted to view Department of Homeland Security documents related to the Fast and Furious operation have located and seen an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Report of Investigation (ROI) from August 2010 describing 80 weapons seized in an arms smuggling interdiction between Phoenix, Arizona and San Antonio, Texas. Of these weapons, the majority (approximately 50) were noted to have come from Operation Fast & Furious in Arizona, purchased by Uriel Patino and Jacob Chambers.

The ROI was written and signed by Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Jaime Zapata, who was shot dead in an ambush at a fake roadblock in San Luis Potosí, Mexico on 15 February 2011. At the time of the report, Agent Zapata was assigned to the Laredo office.

Two of the weapons found at the murder scene were later traced back to Texas -- One was purchased in August 2010 near Houston on behalf of accused drug dealer Manuel Gomez Barba, and the other in October 2010 by a Dallas trafficking ring that included Otilio Osorio and his brother Ranferi.

The Department of Homeland Security, ICE and the Department of Justice have long denied that the case of Jaime Zapata had anything to do with Fast and Furious. The discovery of this ROI by Zapata, "puts the lie to that (expletives deleted) by Napolitano and Holder," .....

Multiple sources including current and former employees of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security have confirmed this explosive new revelation in the Fast & Furious investigation. Said one source, "I think (DHS) is covering up something big." He added, "I feel betrayed."

At the time of Agent Zapata's death, President Obama declared "The United States will work with Mexico to bring the assailants to justice." For her part, Janet Napolitano avowed: "Let me be clear: Any act of violence against our ICE personnel — or any DHS personnel — is an attack against all those who serve our nation and put their lives at risk for our safety."

The revelation of the existence of Agent Zapata's August 2010 ROI should serve to bring more scrutiny to Janet Napolitano and her knowledge of gunwalking and the murders of Zapata and Terry, despite her previous denials under oath.

According to sources, both DHS and DOJ are "in a deep panic" that "their carefully contrived cover-up is breaking down," in the words of one.

Zapata signs the ROI and alert is sent to someone that Zapata is choking the gun supply and now has begun investigation.

Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta takes care of the rest and is later freed as a thanks

All someone would have to do is leak Zapata’s itinerary to Celis-Acosta and the problem would be taken care of that day.

More, much much more:

Accused killer ICE agent’s accused killer appears for the first time in U.S. federal court | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

The Zetas hand him over to the US Did the Zetas Force US Agent's Killer to Surrender?

Alledged mistaken ID Killing Of ICE Agent Jamie Zapata Was Case Of Mistaken Identity, Says Suspect | Fox News Latino


It’s APRIL and the murderer’s lawyer has yet to see his “confesion”
Lawyer for Zeta to seek suppression of confession in killing of ICE agent Jaime Zapata | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Cornyn asking questions last month about this John Cornyn wants to know if ICE agent was victim of ‘Texas-based operation similar to Fast and Furious’ | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

Two vehicles with ten armed men kill agent Zapata but we the public through the news media are told it's just random work place violence and the men didn't know he was an ICE agent.

Give me a freaking break, it was obviously an assassination meant to prevent him from ever testifying in court.

And Holder, Napolitano and Obama were up to their necks in it.

I cannot follow your now borderline hysterical ranting here at all. Can you find an adult to translate?
I cannot follow your now borderline hysterical ranting here at all. Can you find an adult to translate?

I don't like it either, but the point of this thread is clear. Eric Holder is a piece of ****, like many politicians (on both sides), and should be held accountable for his actions.

You can't honestly defend this transgression can you? What in his job description, or responsibilities as a protector of American rights and liberty, give him permission for his actions?
Mr_Henley Quote:
I don't like it either, but the point of this thread is clear. Eric Holder is a piece of ****, like many politicians (on both sides), and should be held accountable for his actions.

You can't honestly defend this transgression can you? What in his job description, or responsibilities as a protector of American rights and liberty, give him permission for his actions?

Mr Henley, if LG has a law degree I will kiss your rosy rear end on the court house steps and give you all day to draw a crowd.

Eric Holder has been a low life racist America hater from the word go.

Skip over his involvement in Ruby Ridge, Waco and the OKC bombing coverup, he was (picture him as Golum in the Trilogy) the slimy Clinton snake that enabled the pardon of Mark Rich who was at one time on the FBI's ten most wanted list for ripping off the US Treasury for tens of millions and chanelling some of it to Khomeini who was holding our Embassy personell hostage in Iran.

Then he was able to get pardons for FALN terrorists, guilty of 130 bombings in America and who wanted to turn Puerto Rico into the next Cuba. They wouldn't even accept the pardons for thirty days and were never ever repentent about their crimes.

Read about what the son of Frank Conner has to say about the utter scumbag that Eric Holder is.

The Holder defied a court order and illegally siezed Elien Gonzalez and gave him back to Castro after his mother had sacrificed her life to gain freedom for her son.

And that just covers his acts during the commie Clinton administration, what he has done since would take me all night to write down.

While he was out of office he defended islamic terrorists pro bouno.

What he has done since being appointed by Obama is to leave a record as the worst Attorney General in American history, BY FAR!

BTW, You don't like what either?????????????

I cannot follow your now borderline hysterical ranting here at all. Can you find an adult to translate?

Let me make it simple.

Look it up in your Funk and Wagnals.

Under SLIMEBALL see photo of Eric Holder.

In the WAPO today:
The President Flouts The Law By Ed Rogers
When Pravda on the Potomac starts trashing BHO, know that he is one and done.

USAG Eric Holder who has a long history of complete disrespect for our laws stands in contempt of congress.

What should happen is that congress will appoint a special council to prosecute him for obstruction of justice.

Is that too adult for your simplistic kindergarten approach to this board?

I cannot follow your now borderline hysterical ranting here at all. Can you find an adult to translate?

It's actually pretty easy for anyone with a brain. Here:

The chief law enforcement officer in the nation devised a plan that caused one of his officers to be murdered and his boss was in on it as well as the head of Homeland Security. Get it?
It's actually pretty easy for anyone with a brain. Here:

The chief law enforcement officer in the nation devised a plan that caused one of his officers to be murdered and his boss was in on it as well as the head of Homeland Security. Get it?

He designed it ? Might be a stretch there.
He designed it ? Might be a stretch there.

Try 'devised' it.

Although most likely he was only following Obama's instructions.

If you are trying to be funny then you have done well to portray yourself as an illiterate clown. :loco:

Mexican Cartels Doing Fine In U.S. Economy - Friends of Ours

Next time President Obama speaks on the U.S. economy he should mention that the Mexican cartels are doing fine under his watch.

In 2006 the Mexican drug cartels operated in only 50 U.S. cities, and now they are in 1,300 communities across the nation according to the National Drug Intelligence Center as reported by Nick Valencia for CNN: "drug cartels have become so widespread in this country that some are calling the people who run them the drug lords next door."

Unfortunately, there is little that law enforcement can do about the problem as President Obama refuses to enforce the immigration laws.

According to Valencia the drug cartels are "operating under the cover of a growing Latino community" in the United States, and "the large boom in Latino population allows easier access for the cartels to blend in and hide under that cover so it's a hard road ahead for the authorities that's for sure."
It's actually pretty easy for anyone with a brain. Here:

The chief law enforcement officer in the nation devised a plan that caused one of his officers to be murdered and his boss was in on it as well as the head of Homeland Security. Get it?

Well stated. Add in that the boss lied to Congress about his knowledge and involvement as proven in the leaked documents. POS needs to go. Maybe he can work with lawgator.

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