Seth Rich's Family Hires Detective

Rich being a whistleblower makes sense...from his Reddit he was a Bernie supporter so he had to see how the DNC rigged the system for Hillary...I also don't blame his family for wanting to deny it...stains his image and it brings them unwanted attention
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Here are his parents. I have a feeling they would accept his son being murdered by the DNC if they felt it was done to protect a political agenda they believed in.


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It's not what it says that I'm pointing out, it's what it doesn't say. "Polypharmacy"? Interesting word for drug overdose or...being drugged.

While he was not set to tesitfy against Hillary...again, what it doesn't say. He was being tried on corruption charges along with NG Lap Seng, a Chinese Billionaire real estate developer that was also involved in making illegal donations to the Clintons. Connect the dots.
Concern that information would come out in the trial to implicate Hillary? Maybe, because I find it hard to believe a guy the size of John Ashe dropped a barbell on his own throat.

If the truth ever comes out, it will be a helluva movie.
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It's not what it says that I'm pointing out, it's what it doesn't say. "Polypharmacy"? Interesting word for drug overdose or...being drugged.

While he was not set to tesitfy against Hillary...again, what it doesn't say. He was being tried on corruption charges along with NG Lap Seng, a Chinese Billionaire real estate developer that was also involved in making illegal donations to the Clintons. Connect the dots.
Concern that information would come out in the trial to implicate Hillary? Maybe, because I find it hard to believe a guy the size of John Ashe dropped a barbell on his own throat.

If the truth ever comes out, it will be a helluva movie.

That is the question at the heart of a class-action lawsuit charging the Democratic National Committee with fraud, deceptive conduct and negligent misrepresentation over the course of the 2016 primaries, in which Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was defeated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democratic ticket. Jared Beck, a Harvard law expert and one of the attorneys backing the suit, has demanded the DNC repay its donors and Sanders supporters for contributions made throughout the election, citing a misappropriation of public
What I find funny is some of the posters mocking conspiracy theories here are posting over in the TrumPutin thread.

Why is that funny? There really was a special counsel just named to investigate the Trump campaign's potential collusion with the Russians, who our intelligence community really does believe meddled with the 2016 Presidential election. Those are facts. The FBI, contrary to some lies that have been spread among the far right, is not investigating the murder of Seth Rich and his parents believe that the people promoting theories about his murder being at the hands of the DNC - are loons! Those are facts too.
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LOL. Yeah, the loons rode that pony for all it was worth. Time to get a new conspiracy.

Oh really? Did someone finally debunk any single fact surrounding pizzagate? I'll be glad to know it is fake news. If you could just point me to your best debunking source. I'll wait...
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Oh really? Did someone finally debunk any single fact surrounding pizzagate? I'll be glad to know it is fake news. If you could just point me to your best debunking source. I'll wait...

They get their news from WAPO, known for Pulitzer Price winners in journalism in fake news. Janet Cooke taught them well.
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So... they don't care anymore? They're over it now?

According to the family, they are tired of the conspiracy talk and don't want it involving them. That video was misleading from the secondary source to try to convince people that the family wasn't actually cited in media stories saying they were not going to pursue this psychotic theory.
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According to the family, they are tired of the conspiracy talk and don't want it involving them. That video was misleading from the secondary source to try to convince people that the family wasn't actually cited in media stories saying they were not going to pursue this psychotic theory.

Everyone just wants to find the person responsible
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