Shipping US LNG vs Russian Pipeline LNG to Europe



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Someone explain to me how this benefits Europe, how this is more cost effective, how this is a more efficient way of transporting energy and how this doesn't negatively affect energy supply and prices here in America... vs just letting the Euros and Russia hammer out their own energy deals and leave us out of it.?

European Gas Drops 18% As US Sends LNG Flotilla | ZeroHedge

Out of 76 U.S. LNG cargoes in transit, 10 tankers carrying a combined 1.6 million cubic meters of the heating and power plant fuel have declared destinations in Europe, shipping data compiled by Bloomberg shows.

Another 20 tankers carrying an estimated 3.3 million cubic meters appear to be crossing the Atlantic Ocean and are on a path to the continent. Nearly one- third of the cargoes come from Cheniere Energy Inc.'s Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana, the shipping data shows.
Someone explain to me how this benefits Europe, how this is more cost effective, how this is a more efficient way of transporting energy and how this doesn't negatively affect energy supply and prices here in America... vs just letting the Euros and Russia hammer out their own energy deals and leave us out of it.?

European Gas Drops 18% As US Sends LNG Flotilla | ZeroHedge

Out of 76 U.S. LNG cargoes in transit, 10 tankers carrying a combined 1.6 million cubic meters of the heating and power plant fuel have declared destinations in Europe, shipping data compiled by Bloomberg shows.

Another 20 tankers carrying an estimated 3.3 million cubic meters appear to be crossing the Atlantic Ocean and are on a path to the continent. Nearly one- third of the cargoes come from Cheniere Energy Inc.'s Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana, the shipping data shows.

What is your issue? Someone is buying LNG.
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Someone explain to me how this benefits Europe, how this is more cost effective, how this is a more efficient way of transporting energy and how this doesn't negatively affect energy supply and prices here in America... vs just letting the Euros and Russia hammer out their own energy deals and leave us out of it.?

European Gas Drops 18% As US Sends LNG Flotilla | ZeroHedge

Out of 76 U.S. LNG cargoes in transit, 10 tankers carrying a combined 1.6 million cubic meters of the heating and power plant fuel have declared destinations in Europe, shipping data compiled by Bloomberg shows.

Another 20 tankers carrying an estimated 3.3 million cubic meters appear to be crossing the Atlantic Ocean and are on a path to the continent. Nearly one- third of the cargoes come from Cheniere Energy Inc.'s Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana, the shipping data shows.

It doesn't hurt our NG prices here because we flare off almost as much NG per day as we use.
It doesn't hurt our NG prices here because we flare off almost as much NG per day as we use.
So none of these factors are going to affect price over here?

"While the spread has plunged from the highest extreme ever, for context, European gas is equivalent to a $273 price for a barrel of crude oil... strongly suggesting that demand for U.S. oil products is building.

New weather models forecast milder temperatures for Northwest Europe also pressured gas prices.

However, the opposite is happening in the U.S., where temps are expected to decline in January.

For now, the market expects the flotilla of U.S. LNG cargo to offset lower gas flows from Russia. "
So none of these factors are going to affect price over here?

"While the spread has plunged from the highest extreme ever, for context, European gas is equivalent to a $273 price for a barrel of crude oil... strongly suggesting that demand for U.S. oil products is building.

New weather models forecast milder temperatures for Northwest Europe also pressured gas prices.

However, the opposite is happening in the U.S., where temps are expected to decline in January.

For now, the market expects the flotilla of U.S. LNG cargo to offset lower gas flows from Russia. "

Not much, we have a distribution problem here and not a production problem. In other words we're using about all the NG our infrastructure can distribute so we have more than plenty to export.

We should be building NG pipelines by the thousands and converting most everything including cars and trucks that use gas/diesel to NG. That is if we were actually serious about "climate change". Nobody's house should be heated with oil in the US these days.

Then how would you compare prices in 4 months to a price in 4 months, had these not occurred?
You are not going to convince me that transporting LNG to Europe in one a manner that has a higher transit cost and at the peak demand time of the year is going to equate to a sustainable decrease in the spot price for Europe. These one day market fluctuations don't mean anything. And if you look at the amount that is being delivered and compare it to their daily consumption, there is no logical way you can number crunch or justify an 18% decline.

This is spitting in the ocean.
Never ever understood his erection for Putin.
It's a focus on what is pragmatic and just. This nonsense of shipping energy to Europe doesn't benefit the average American... or average European for that matter.

And where are all of the greenies and environmentalists? How can they justify the energy and waste in transporting LNG from here (in this casrvthey mentioned out of New Orleans) to Europe?

It doesn't make sense even from a conservationist level.
Me either but it’s obvious and glaring🤷‍♂️ Looking forward to the defense of Putin when Russia invades Ukraine… again.
Or gets pulled in by another provocation from the West/US?

You all are no different than our govt. Throw the rock and then hide our hands...
It's a focus on what is pragmatic and just. This nonsense of shipping energy to Europe doesn't benefit the average American... or average European for that matter.

And where are all of the greenies and environmentalists? How can they justify the energy and waste in transporting LNG from here (in this casrvthey mentioned out of New Orleans) to Europe?

It doesn't make sense even from a conservationist level.

Why do you care? Are we forcing Europe to buy our NG?
We should be building NG pipelines by the thousands and converting most everything including cars and trucks that use gas/diesel to NG. That is if we were actually serious about "climate change". Nobody's house should be heated with oil in the US these days.

Why haven't we done that?
Why do you care? Are we forcing Europe to buy our NG?
I care because this is part of the reason why we are stirring up issues in Ukraine and on the brink of a hot war over there.

Can you not see how all of this comes together with Ukraine and the Nordstream 2 pipeline?
I care because this is part of the reason why we are stirring up issues in Ukraine and on the brink of a hot war over there.

Can you not see how all of this comes together with Ukraine and the Nordstream 2 pipeline?

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the Europeans do not want to be completely dependent on Putin? Yes, they have made many boneheaded energy decisions over there and we and Putin should be gouging the crap out of them but we're not forcing them to buy from us.

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