Shipping US LNG vs Russian Pipeline LNG to Europe

The Rape of Russia

With this “big picture” always in mind, we can better understand what was about to be done to Russia. An entire army of economic hit men, masquerading as economic advisors, was dispatched to “help” Russia. Many would actually embed themselves in State offices, from which they would oversee the “shock therapy” and “privatization” schemes which were to soon bring hungry Russians to their knees.

The Wall Street-Harvard colonizers found eager criminal collaborators to worl with. This class of white collar criminal came to be known as “The Oligarchs”. The Globalist invaders’ idea of “privatization” was to transfer, all at once and in whole pieces, entire State run industries into the hands of their Oligarch partners. Billions of dollars worth of State resources fell into the hands of the ruthless Oligarchs for pennies on the dollar, or even for free! The already struggling Russian State found itself suddenly starved of revenue. When the monetary printing presses were turned to full capacity, inflation inevitably followed.
Re-read what I wrote in post #45. I don't disagree with any of that. Putin ran out those hitmen so he and his associates could steal it first. Instead of Westerners and their oligarch partners, it's Putin and his oligarch partners.

Yes, Putin does not want to play ball with the Western neoliberal order that you despise. Where we differ is that you seem to think that since he opposes them, by definition, he automatically becomes a figure worthy of sympathy or support. If two criminals want to rob the same bank, I don't really have sympathy for either one of them.
Re-read what I wrote in post #45. I don't disagree with any of that. Putin ran out those hitmen so he and his associates could steal it first. Instead of Westerners and their oligarch partners, it's Putin and his oligarch partners.

Yes, Putin does not want to play ball with the Western neoliberal order that you despise. Where we differ is that you seem to think that since he opposes them, by definition, he automatically becomes a figure worthy of sympathy or support. If two criminals want to rob the same bank, I don't really have sympathy for either one of them.

Putin is just the gangster that won the war.
I'm not attacking you, I just can't figure out why you care so much. The European people elected the idiots that put them in a position to be dependent so why shouldn't our NG people profit from it?
For probably the 3rd time now... the reason is because this entire situation is founded on the situation that is stirring up in Ukraine that has us on the brink of a hot war.

Remove sanctions and get resources out of Ukraine and let the Europeans and Russians handle this. The sanctions create artificial scarcity in supply by removing Russian product off the table. If normal market forces were at play, there would be no conceivable reason for us to shipping LNG over there. We can use the resources that we are wasting in Ukraine and trying to block Russia better domestically by increasing demand here in the manner that @hog88 had outlined earlier in the thread.

We have our own energy needs and crisis here, and have a more concerning fight over tyranny domestically than to be in the affairs of this Ukraine/EU energy nonsense.
For probably the 3rd time now... the reason is because this entire situation is founded on the situation that is stirring up in Ukraine that has us on the brink of a hot war.

Remove sanctions and get resources out of Ukraine and let the Europeans and Russians handle this. The sanctions create artificial scarcity in supply by removing Russian product off the table. If normal market forces were at play, there would be no conceivable reason for us to shipping LNG over there. We can use the resources that we are wasting in Ukraine and trying to block Russia better domestically by increasing demand here in the manner that @hog88 had outlined earlier in the thread.

We have our own energy needs and crisis here, and have a more concerning fight over tyranny domestically than to be in the affairs of this Ukraine/EU energy nonsense.

Russian product is not off the table. Overpriced Russian product is off the table.
For probably the 3rd time now... the reason is because this entire situation is founded on the situation that is stirring up in Ukraine that has us on the brink of a hot war.

Remove sanctions and get resources out of Ukraine and let the Europeans and Russians handle this. The sanctions create artificial scarcity in supply by removing Russian product off the table. If normal market forces were at play, there would be no conceivable reason for us to shipping LNG over there. We can use the resources that we are wasting in Ukraine and trying to block Russia better domestically by increasing demand here in the manner that @hog88 had outlined earlier in the thread.

We have our own energy needs and crisis here, and have a more concerning fight over tyranny domestically than to be in the affairs of this Ukraine/EU energy nonsense.

We agree on a lot but even Germany is holding up NS2 so again what are we supposed to do, not sell them NG?
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It's hilarious to me that you don't look him with a critical eye like you do everybody else. You have this fondness for him purely because people you don't like don't like him - seems like a blind spot, to be honest.
Meh, again... that is an oversimplification. I would say that you are half right, but it is a bit more to it than that.
Just curious, what’s your opinion of Alexei Navalny?
Probably not handled the best by Putin, no doubt. I personally think he is a Western operative in the same vein as Saakashvili, so that maybe how Putin is treating him. Not justifying it or defending... but at the same time I understand the danger he poses.

What's your opinion on Julian Assange?
Probably not handled the best by Putin, no doubt. I personally think he is a Western operative in the same vein as Saakashvili, so that maybe how Putin is treating him. Not justifying it or defending... but at the same time I understand the danger he poses.

What's your opinion on Julian Assange?

Your ability to gloss is top notch.
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Your ability to gloss is top notch.
It's truly amazing, I LOLed again when I read that.

The breaks Rasputin_Vol cuts for Putin that he wouldn't cut for anybody else are amazing. If any of us said Assange was "probably not the best handled" by Western governments he'd never let us hear the end of it.
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Re-read what I wrote in post #45. I don't disagree with any of that. Putin ran out those hitmen so he and his associates could steal it first. Instead of Westerners and their oligarch partners, it's Putin and his oligarch partners.

Yes, Putin does not want to play ball with the Western neoliberal order that you despise. Where we differ is that you seem to think that since he opposes them, by definition, he automatically becomes a figure worthy of sympathy or support. If two criminals want to rob the same bank, I don't really have sympathy for either one of them.
In the short term, I would say that I do lean in that direction and I will tell you why. Because right now, Putin doesn't pose an immediate threat to me, the people around me or my livelihood or my liberties. It is the snakes and vermin that we have in our very own backyard that are wishing harm on us. These are the more immediate threats.

Some of the thread titles/posts I make about Putin are click baity and provocative... I get that. Bit don't confuse that with me being too big of a Putin fan. Putin serves a needed purpose in this world right now, whether we like it or not. He's not the hero we chose, but the one we deserve.
We agree on a lot but even Germany is holding up NS2 so again what are we supposed to do, not sell them NG?
They are only holding it up due to pressure from the United States... can you even be honest and concede that? And again, is that decision by Germany in the people of Germany"s bestb nterest? Or does it just fill foll some geopolitical strategy for someone else?
Probably not handled the best by Putin, no doubt. I personally think he is a Western operative in the same vein as Saakashvili, so that maybe how Putin is treating him. Not justifying it or defending... but at the same time I understand the danger he poses.

What's your opinion on Julian Assange?
Probably? LOL

BTW, I think Julian Assange should be freed.
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In the short term, I would say that I do lean in that direction and I will tell you why. Because right now, Putin doesn't pose an immediate threat to me, the people around me or my livelihood or my liberties. It is the snakes and vermin that we have in our very own backyard that are wishing harm on us. These are the more immediate threats.

Some of the thread titles/posts I make about Putin are click baity and provocative... I get that. Bit don't confuse that with me being too big of a Putin fan. Putin serves a needed purpose in this world right now, whether we like it or not. He's not the hero we chose, but the one we deserve.
Oh my God, I haven't had a belly laugh that good in a long time. Thanks Rasputin.

It also makes absolutely zero sense. "Criminals in my city pose an immediate threat to me and that's who I am concerned about, but I have sympathy for criminals in other cities. Especially if they try and steal stuff from the criminals in my city."

I fail to see how my analysis of your rationale is an oversimplification. You hate the Westerners came in and tried to align themselves with oligarchs in Russia who stole stuff, but Putin beat them to the punch. So you like the guy who beat them to the punch, even though he's a criminal too. Schadenfreude, I get it; it can be a powerful emotion. It creates a blind spot in your thinking though.
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Your ability to gloss is top notch.
Not whataboutism, but be aware that Putin is far from the first or last leader to engage in shady activity with suspected insurrectionists. Not justifying it, just pointing that out. Include some American leaders on that list...
In the short term, I would say that I do lean in that direction and I will tell you why. Because right now, Putin doesn't pose an immediate threat to me, the people around me or my livelihood or my liberties. It is the snakes and vermin that we have in our very own backyard that are wishing harm on us. These are the more immediate threats.

Some of the thread titles/posts I make about Putin are click baity and provocative... I get that. Bit don't confuse that with me being too big of a Putin fan. Putin serves a needed purpose in this world right now, whether we like it or not. He's not the hero we chose, but the one we deserve.

He literally poses these threats to the people of Russia right now. Hell, they aren’t threats, they are reality.
Or he is a gangster like @hog88 said.

one thing to be a conqueror and rape the women. Another thing to fend off the conqueror and rape your own women. Putin is trash.
If you haven't been paying attention over the last eleven months... that is what is going on right here in America. And Putin wasn't involved in any of that...
He literally poses these threats to the people of Russia right now. Hell, they aren’t threats, they are reality.
Russia has their problems.

We have our own. Ukraine or how EU gets energy is of mo concern of mine until we start stirring up hornet's nest to create artificial market conditions through sanctions and regional disputes.

I'm not sure why this is so hard for you all to understand. You can attack me and my motives all you want, but you all can't address these issues I bring up very easily.

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