Shooting in El Paso

It only matters when there is a narrative political agenda attached to it and it sure seems to be one side that jumps on that bandwagon rather quickly when tragedies like this happen.

I just pointed out the alternative view that it's very likely he isn't a Republican as the narrative being pushed claims, due to his own online presence originally stating Democrat along with his parents stating the same.

As to your last statement. He's barely 21 years old, so do you honestly believe the political ideology he's grown up around hasn't had some influence on his own political choice?
By 21 I had very much formed my own opinions and ideas separate from those of my parents, so I believe it's possible he could have done the same. The truth is, we don't know, and presumptions by either side are pointless.
Ever see the forum after a Muslim or illegal commits a crime?

Sure I have and my issue is that both sides of the isle should condemn the crime and perpetrators involved but we never actually get that do we? There's always a nonsensical political points system attached to every tragedy. It's why there can't be a serious dialogue into the root causes of these incidents.

As to your illegal committing a crime..if they are here illegally haven't they already committed a crime? If they were not here illegally would that same exact crime have still occurred with the same perpetrator? Is there anything in their background that would have prevented their legal entry?
People look desperately to blame the most ridiculous things on those of opposing politics. Not everything is about politics. Placing blame everywhere but where it belongs has become a huge problem in this country. No wonder people no longer understand what personal responsibility is.
I'm all about people taking responsibility for their words and actions and admitting when they are wrong and maybe even offering an apology.
Those are the characteristics we should look for and emulate.
People look desperately to blame the most ridiculous things on those of opposing politics. Not everything is about politics. Placing blame everywhere but where it belongs has become a huge problem in this country. No wonder people no longer understand what personal responsibility is.

The manifesto expresses the same point of view of Trump and his supporters. He drove 10 hours to a spot where he knew he could shoot Mexicans. He posted the manifesto on a white supremacy website.

You can't pass this off as just a troubled person.
By 21 I had very much formed my own opinions and ideas separate from those of my parents, so I believe it's possible he could have done the same. The truth is, we don't know, and presumptions by either side are pointless.

I had as well but I also wasn't subjected to the same things these youngsters are, like educational indoctrination, participation trophies, helicopter parents, every ist, ism and bic label attached to everyone that disagrees, social media, feelz over facts and a complete and total lack of basic reading comprehension.
Sure I have and my issue is that both sides of the isle should condemn the crime and perpetrators involved but we never actually get that do we? There's always a nonsensical political points system attached to every tragedy. It's why there can't be a serious dialogue into the root causes of these incidents.

As to your illegal committing a crime..if they are here illegally haven't they already committed a crime? If they were not here illegally would that same exact crime have still occurred with the same perpetrator? Is there anything in their background that would have prevented their legal entry?
Do we actually need to condemn the crime of gunning down 46 innocent people? It's a given that everyone condemns such a heinous crime.
The discussions are all about getting to the root. Mental illness, guns, medication, leadership, lack of leadership, current state of public discourse, etc......
Sure I have and my issue is that both sides of the isle should condemn the crime and perpetrators involved but we never actually get that do we? There's always a nonsensical political points system attached to every tragedy. It's why there can't be a serious dialogue into the root causes of these incidents.

As to your illegal committing a crime..if they are here illegally haven't they already committed a crime? If they were not here illegally would that same exact crime have still occurred with the same perpetrator? Is there anything in their background that would have prevented their legal entry?
You said “but one side”. So which is it? Both sides, like you say now, or one side like you said a few moments ago?
You guys really don't understand that different speakers carry different persuasive force. If you think a middlin' comedian (Kathy Griffin) carries as much weight as the POTUS, you're sadly mistaken.
Good point.

I mean Hillary Clinton spent $1B on the race for president and got beaten by some very persuasive Russian memers.
You said “but one side”. So which is it? Both sides, like you say now, or one side like you said a few moments ago?

It's all the above. You can't see that? Right now we see it's tragic but Trump caused this. Next situation may be it's tragic but Dems caused this.

We're never as a country going to discover the root cause and find a solution because most solutions offered appear purely political in nature and are bs band aids on a abyss.
Tweeted the text earlier, but here's the video. And all the Trump leg-humpers laugh and clap.

The manifesto expresses the same point of view of Trump and his supporters. He drove 10 hours to a spot where he knew he could shoot Mexicans. He posted the manifesto on a white supremacy website.

You can't pass this off as just a troubled person.
Yes you can. Even most racist losers have enough of a moral compass not to kill people. This guy was crazy.
Nothing makes me feel the freedom arising from the 2nd Amendment like armed guards everywhere.

I'm no psychologist, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that driving 9 hours to gun down people in a Walmart is a pretty telling sign of instability.
Motive is telling as well. There is not a sane person on earth that would do anything like this. People go insane when their reality does not match actual reality. Throw in some extremist beliefs and a little rhetoric and this is what happens. Pizzagate comes to mind.
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